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Masculine | "Little king" | Irish |
Masculine | Surname | French |
⎨NAME⎬ Rian Beaumont. ⎨NICNAME(S)⎬ He doesn't have a nickname, since Rian's short as it is. However, some nicknamed him 'Illegal Australian' way back in his high school days. ⎨AGE⎬ He is 23 years old. ⎨BIRTH PLACE⎬ Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ He considers himself half Korean, half Australian. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ Grayson Valley, Queensland, Australia. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ He is currently working as a dance instructor, but models and photographs in his sparetime too. |
⎨BUILD⎬ He is muscular built with a tall, yet lean frame. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Sunkissed. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ He is 182 centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ His eyes are deep-set brown and expressive. ⎨HAIR⎬ His hair is dark brown and so long that it easily falls into his eyes. ⎨TATTOO⎬ He has two running up and down the sides of his hands that says "Luce Sicut Stellae". In English, it means 'Shine brightly like a star'. He has another one on his neck, which means "You shine brighter than the Milky Way". ⎨SCARS⎬ He is fortunate to have none or whatsoever. |
⎨SEXUALITY⎬ He considers himself heterosexual. ⎨ZODIAC SIGN⎬ He is a Libra. ⎨RELATIONSHIP STATUS⎬ He is currently dating Olive Carrington. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Patient, kind, hardworking, passionate, practical, and a generous lover. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ Stoic, arrogant, judgemental, stubborn, keeps to himself, needs contacts or glasses because of his bad eyesight, all work and no play. ⎨LIKES⎬ Cameras, fashion, spending time alone, books, dancing, cleanliness, coffee, children, and staying fit. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ Strangers, being in poor shape, asking for help, loudmouths, his stepmother dictating his every move, nosiness. |
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| P A T I E N T adj. // able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. ‘be patient, your time will come’ | J U D G E M E N T A L adj. // 1. of or concerning the use of judgement. 1.1 Having or displaying an overly critical point of view. |
| S T U B B O R N adj. // having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. | C R E A T I V E adj. // relating to or involving the use of the imagination or original ideas to create something.. |
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WITHOUT DANCE HE'D BE NOTHING ___________________________________________ Rian was born on October the 11th. He was the second child of the Beaumont family, next in line after his older sister Rielle Beaumont. Rian was born into both a loving and at the same time chaotic family, as his older sister was not born to the same mother of his, not that he knew until he was way older, as his own mother took such good care of her that wasn’t noticeable. Rian adored his mother with every fiber of his being when he was a toddler, and he even adored his father too (even though you will never get him to admit that). They were a busy, but happy family and the house were filled with laughter. He remembers vague things of him and Riri running around in the garden, smelling cooking from the house from his mother and their father standing on the porch watching them with a warm smile, happy about the life that he had created. However it didn’t last. One day on the way to pick up Rian and Riri from daycare, being extremely late due to work, she ran a red light. Many people run a red light and nothing ever happens, but this time something did happen. His mother got hit by a truck on the side of the car, and was declared dead on arrival by the medics when they arrived. They didn’t even take her to the hospital, she was completely gone. That changed everything in the household. His mother had been the warmth and life of the house, the bearing kind force of everything good, and when she left them, it was like somebody had turned off all the lights in the house. Rian wasn’t more than a little over three years old, and his older sister only six. He remembers him and Riri being assigned a nanny that lived in the house, and their father being gone constantly after the accident. They never really saw him, maybe once or twice a month and the rest of the time he would be on business trips. Close to a year after the passing of Rians mother, his father came home with a young new wife whom he had married on a business trip, not even carrying for bringing his two children along to the wedding. The new wife moved in instantly, completely re-decorated the house and tore down every trace Rians mother had left in the house. New smells were brought in, new furnitures, new everything. It wasn’t lung after she moved in that they announced her pregnancy, and nine months later Riri and Rian had two younger siblings, a girl and a boy. At the time of the twins birth, Rian was five and Riri was eight. The mother of the twins didn’t do motherhood very well, and if they weren’t with the hired nanny (as they were most of the time) she would ignore their crying in the other room. This meant that Riri and Rian most of the time was left with responsibility, and admittely Riri more than Rian. Rian had a harder time adapting to the new siblings, mostly because they were a reminder constantly that his mother really was gone and wasn’t coming back. Riri had known of growing up with a sibling from another mother already, so it came easy to her, it didn’t for Rian. However when Riri in her early teens left for Korea, and Rian was the only one who seemed to care that young children shouldn’t left to their own like that, he took over. He was barely ten years old when he presumed to life practically as a father to them, playing with them, making sure they got the attention they needed, making food for them, cleaning their rooms. But still he had a hard time with actually getting close to them, he always kept them at a distance even though his actions of caring for them told another story. As the twins grew older and Rian did as well, he became rather estranged with his younger brother, Rhys. He didn’t have as much of a tough relationship with the little sister, Remy, as he had a soft spot for her being a younger sister, and he felt like he needed to protect her from everything cruel in the world. However, Rhys was another case. Rian didn’t like the out-going wild nature of him, and the way that he seemed to not care what he let out no matter how many times Rian tried to tell him how to act. As a way out of the family life at home, he found a home in dancing, and rather quickly after he had started he become insanely skilled and good and was praised by every teacher that he had. However, this was quickly over-shadowed as his little brother started dancing too, and their father seemed to care more for Rhys' dancing rather than Rian's. As Rian entered high school - despite his popularity with the female gender due to his very handsome looks - he wasn’t someone who was a part of the in crowd. He was often labelled as someone who had a ‘grandpa like personality’ and was called ‘boring’. He didn’t care for what everyone else his age cared for, the parties, the booze, the prom queen and king, the cheerleading, the sports, he didn’t care for it. He didn’t have many friends because of this, and it wasn’t until he met a girl named Jessica that he found someone to be around. Being each others only friends at the time, the two quickly became intertwined and created a rather tight-knitted relationship, that Rian at the time and for many years after thought would be the kind of bond you couldn’t shatter. In his sophomore year he met Samson Carrington, a senior year student, who was just as much of an outsider if not more than Rian. They had a common love of all things old, and could spend hours in the library talking about books and poets that no one had ever heard of. They quickly became best friends, and the two along with Rian's girlfriend Jessica created a strong little trio that seemed unbreakable at times. When Rian graduated high school two years later, he started teaching at the family owned dancing studio, and him and Jessica bought a penthouse apartment with Rians rather big inherited fortunue. They had created a good and comfortable and loving home for each other, and Rian had never been more happy in life. He was in love, he was dancing, he was out of the house he dreaded so much, he considered his life almost perfect. And then, the inevitable happened. One evening three years into living with each other, Rian had to work later than he thought and cancelled on movie night at Sams apartment. Jessica had already gone, and they decided to stay and watch movies with Sam. The next day there was radio silence from both Jessica and Sam, until Sam showed up at Rians studio and declared that they needed to talk. Sam told a story of how they had taken a couple of drinks, and when Jessica was tipsy she had touched Sam in inappropriate places (clothed of course) and tried to kiss him on several occasion. Rian's heart shattered into a million pieces that day, and knowing that he had to go home to her later that day, broke his heart even more. Rian stayed silent for several days, mostly because he waited in hope that she would come clean, cry out that it was the alcohol talking and never meant to do it, but it never came. And instead he took care of it the only way he knew how, he started packing her things into boxes when she was at work, and when she arrived back it was all standing downstairs in the lobby of their apartment complex. She went upstairs and banged on the door, and he opened and she yelled at him what was going on, and he just stood there and stared and her: and she knew. She had known him so long that she knew, that he had found out. That night they fought like they hadn’t fought before. And it was revealed that Sam wasn’t the only timed she had been unfaithful to him, and in the end she left. Without a goodbye, an apology or anything, she left left and he never saw her again. Rian didn’t date after her for the longest time. Until one day a tall, half korean half thai young girl stumbled into one of his private classes, and shook up every belief about himself he had ever had, not knowing that it would change his life for the better along the way. |
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[ I did things people told me not to I wanted things I should not want ] [ I would be hurt, hurt again You can call me stupid Then I just smirk] [ I don’t want to be successful Doing something I don’t want to do ] |
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It’s to sprout my wings I believe in you, I may be weak now But in the end, it will be an incredible jump Fly, fly up in the sky Fly, fly get ’em up high |
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