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Zii (played by GlitterSqueak) |
Aurora (played by BrandyCat) |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) |
Niiku (played anonymously) |
Wolvar (played anonymously) |
Elke (played anonymously) |
Lume (played anonymously) |
Tabbatha (played anonymously) |
Kalev (played anonymously) |
Kodin (played by JustAWolf) |
Jordyn (played by ArcticTabby) |
Kitiara (played anonymously) |
Idani (played anonymously) |
Elke (played anonymously) || July 30 2020, 12:33pm
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Finneus(played by Angie) || February 2 2019, 9:52pmWe'll play again soon, Little One. Ten more questions.
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Adelinna(played anonymously) || February 1 2019, 4:36pm"I had the most wonderful interaction with Hei. She was very receptive to pointers that could help with her training and was an excellent conversationalist and companion for the evening. She served me a snack, and later assisted in helping me back to my room and getting into bed.
- Lady Adelinna Fromm""
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