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Long blonde hair fell down the shapeshifters back. Blue eyes scanning the room. Her clothes changed from day to day, but you could usually find the feline in something black. Her figure had drooped a little in her 40 or so years. Curves softened. Things sagged, if only slightly. Having and raising children would do that to a person. The now older female could often be found laughing over a glass of wine, or doting on one of her children. She can often be found with a glass of wine in one hand, the other running down the chest of someone who happened to catch her attention. She very much has a thing for the odd. Half breeds. Those with strange skin. People with tragic backstories. She collects them with a kiss and keeps them forever in her mind. She's especially fond of those who are kind to her daughter - if they ever get the chance to meet her. Lulu is terribly fond of children. The gentlest side of her comes out around them. She's patient, and loving, and seems to always have a baked good nearby to give them. She's always there with a tissue, and warm hug for anyone who even reminds her of a child. Nothing makes her angrier or more prone to violence than any harm coming to children. One who harms a child very quickly finds out how many knives are hidden on her body, and how sharp her claws and teeth can be. |