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❀Name❀ Ryota Yasuhiro 力 ❀Age❀ 32 力 ❀Race❀ Japanese |
❀Alignment❀ Chaotic Neutral? Definitely not an abider of the law. 力 ❀Nicknames❀ Ryo 力 ❀Height❀ 6’3” 力 ❀Weight❀ 145 lbs 力 ❀Complexion❀ Normal, Fair 力 ❀Body Structure❀ Mesomorphic. Medium frame, healthy, with good muscle tone 力 ❀Scars❀ One on his right pinky finger |
❀Voice❀ Low pitch. Modal quality; otherwise normal voice ❀Relationship❀ Single as can be; Pansexual 力 ❀Occupation❀ Kyodai; Big brother of the Yasuhiro clan 力 ❀Habits/Mannerisms❀ Sucks teeth lot, Squints when confused or genuinely annoyed, Regularly chews on toothpicks (Always carries a pack on him) 力 ❀Likes❀ His dog; A shiba inu named Aki, Sweet and spicy foods, Home cooked meals (when he can), His twin sisters; Mai and Kyoko 力 ❀Dislikes❀ Cold weather, Salty food, Extremely bitter teas, Most (if not all) Watanabe clan members, People with no morals, Those who care little for family |
Favorite Foods: Yakitori, Udon, Donburi Favorite Color: Emerald Green Favorite Outfit: Boxers and a white, Gundam themed T-shirt Favorite Pastime: Calligraphy (Shodo) Favorite Literary Genre: Action Adventures, (Guilty pleasure is Romantic Drama) Favorite Animal: Dog Favorite Music: Rock Favorite Plant: Camellia Annoyances: Anyone who is excessively loud or over the top, Clinginess, People who cry over little things |
Special Talent: He can curl his tongue, Juggle almost anything Hobbies: Calligraphy, Zazen, Cooking Reputation: Somewhat infamous— is a bit of a thorn in the Watanabe's side, but well-respected in his own clan Personality Flaws: Minor, not disruptive; Some may find him a little intimidating or overbearing, as well as insensitive at a glance, but he is generally well liked by those who know him well enough Mental Health Complaints: Sleep; Severity: Noticeable, somewhat disruptive; If he hasn't had his coffee, he gets noticably more grumpy than usual Fears: Death, Failing his duties, Deep water (mainly the ocean), Losing family and that being his fault Weaknesses and Shortcomings: A bit of a short fuse, Snaps at people a bit too easily, Extremely aggressive when provoked, Not good at expressing his emotions Goals: To better himself for the sake of others. View on Politics: Culturally liberal, Fiscally conservative, Apolitical. |
Beliefs: Believes in an afterlife Strengths: Good at reading other people, Telling lies, Hiding things, Prioritizing the more important things, A natural leader and mediator Secrets: You're gonna have to find out yourself. Secrecy about Personal Information: Close-lipped. Probably won't ever tell... Unless something slips. Emotional Attack (To hurt him, one would): Mention the bad/undesirable traits of his family Reliability of Memory: Very reliable. Will forget most "fun facts" and other bits useless information. Sense of Humor: Vulgar, Spontaneous, Dark, Intellectual, Openly displayed, Unique, Passive |