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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac dolor fermentum, sollicitudin erat id, volutpat arcu. Aenean sit amet neque quis tellus ornare vestibulum at eget risus. Morbi et blandit augue. Proin ac facilisis urna, non rhoncus augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac dolor fermentum, sollicitudin erat id, volutpat arcu. Aenean sit amet neque quis tellus ornare vestibulum at eget risus. Morbi et blandit augue. Proin ac facilisis urna, non rhoncus augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac dolor fermentum, sollicitudin erat id, volutpat arcu. Aenean sit amet neque quis tellus ornare vestibulum at eget risus. Morbi et blandit augue. Proin ac facilisis urna, non rhoncus augue. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac dolor fermentum, sollicitudin erat id, volutpat arcu. Aenean sit amet neque quis tellus ornare vestibulum at eget risus. Morbi et blandit augue. Proin ac facilisis urna, non rhoncus augue. Laura is one of Thea's Lady-in-waiting. She is also one of her closest friends. Laura is one of Thea's most trusted confidants and she would defend Laura with her life and she knows Laura would do the same. Laura is the eldest daughter of an incredibly wealthy merchant and noble. Another one of Thea's Ladies-in-waiting, Luanda was the sweetest and most humble girl out of the group. Her family owned half of the country, but she didn't really think much of it. She was the only heir to their family line, and that is why she was targeted. She died from a mysterious fall. |