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Christine (played anonymously) | |
"My shadow, I doubt I would be where I am today without her." |
Tijan (played by Bedlam_Babe) | |
"Scotch stealing slag." |
Erimear (played by Catie) | |
"How... unfortunate. I really should apologize if I ever see her again.." |
The Faer (played anonymously) | |
"They say blood is thicker than water. I prefer scotch honestly." |
Dionysis (played anonymously) | |
"Exceptional. There is no better word to describe him other than perfection. The very embodiment of it, it's almost irritating how.. lovely he is. In so many ways. A part of me wants to take it all for myself, the way he heels to my knee like a loyal dog makes me feel powerful. As if I truly deserve a delectable thing such as him tending to my every beck and call. It's addicting.." |
Osier (played by ArcticTabby) | |
"A rarity on this hellscape, not simply because of his mixed breed, but because he has a good heart with no ill intentions. A sweet boy, truly. I do hope that the isle does not chew him up and spit him out like it does with so many others. Stay kind, don't let the world make you callous.." |
Rys (played by Kitsunae) | |
"Timid, painfully so, but sweet. It's heartbreaking to see such an elegant creature reduced to a scared and skittish thing. I do hope that you've not given up on the world just yet, green bean, there is still kindness out there. I assure you." |
Moise (played anonymously) | |
"His bark is far worse than his bite. I experienced a far more gentle side to the hound than the front he puts on for others, it's almost endearing how puppy like he can be. A tender boy, who has been dealt a challenging hand by the world. I hope that fortune favors him and he can be reunited with his family some day." |
Cedric (played anonymously) | |
"Hands." |
Poppet (played anonymously) | |
"Dear sweet Marah, what a curious creature he is, one that I would love to know more about. If I'm not mistaken, I do believe I made the gentle boy blush, I can't remember the last time I made a man fluster so, it was ever so endearing." |
Porthaeus (played anonymously) | |
"Kitty." |