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A squadron of enemy fighters attempt to disrupt Tritanican launch operations. One lucky gunner's good aim resulted in their phasic cannon spreading the fighter's shattered ionic particles across the solar system. The weapons are made to attack larger ships. Targeting small craft takes skill and talent.
The Tritanic is in the process of launching two batteries of DV Multi-purpose Warheads in this holo-image. Heavy launch doors slide back into the ship in preparation for launch. One of the toughest enlisted jobs on the ship involves tending to these missiles. The executive officer or chief of the coat have to authenticate each launch by officially stating that they concur with the launch.
The Asteroid class light cruiser is designed for deep space combat. One of the newest examples is the Tritanica. She features 60 torpedo launch tubes and six twin-ion phasic cannons. Enemy fighters can pose a major threat in high numbers. Since Asteroid class cruisers can only carry a limited number of fighters, the ship is best paired with carriers or destroyers.
LCG 595 often takes on solo missions as the commodore's ship. The Tritanica often moves from strike group to strike group, keeping an eye on the greater strategic picture.
Auxiliary Craft
4 x Theta Q Seven
2 x Dender-Crombie Fighters
1 x Class 1154 Assault Shuttle