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Name: Delainie MacConnell
Aliases: Laninie, Del
Age: 34, appears mid to late 20's
Birthday: June 3rd
Nationality: German
Accent: Hardly any, but it is apparent she's not American
Voice: Light, sweet voice
Species: Human eating monster girl
Occupation: Small time model, Hobby artist (prints/digital)
Height: 5'9
Weight: Proportional with a touch of chub
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: Naturally blond
Gender:Trans Female
Tattoos:Her cat Joey in some greenery.
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Personality: Surprisingly, Del is a very sweet and kind girl. Her occupation and wardrobe might not make that apparent though. She's kind to those that deserve it, and sometime to those that don't. A firm believer in karma she puts out as many good waves as possible. This conflicts with her nature as a vampire. To live she has to hurt people, so she makes up for it anyway she can. Delainie is soft spoken and a little shy, but she still puts her self out there. Her career is t something she enjoys, but every time shes on a runway she gets butterflies. ///////////////////// | ///////////////////// |
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Likes - Synth music, the 80's, neon pink, fluffy faux fur coats, horror movies, night clubs, tamagotchi's Family: A long line of monster folk. A sister and parents, but also other close family. Sexuality/relationship: Pan, though she's only been with a man before/ None ///////////////////////// |
///////////////////////// Dislikes - Jeans, pants in general, eggs, oranges, the dark Languages: German, English Scent: Sweet pineapple perfume. ///////////////////////// |
Hypnotism- ●○○○○
Delainie can, to some extent, hypnotize humans with eye contact. How well depends on how strong their will is. Humans with stronger wills can resist longer or all together. Weaker willed can be easily manipulated, some can't be effected much. This is not her strong suit. Can be used to convince prey to be eaten, not a garantee.
Illusions- ●●●○○
She is able to conjure illusions of all sorts. The easiest and most believable are illusions related to her own appearance. The weaker willed can hardly see through it, strong willed can maybe if they look hard enough. That or they just feel like she or her illusions are 'off', or not real. Usually used to make her seem like a totally normal person, or to entice prey.
Shapeshifting- ●●●●●
Part of her abilities are that she can shift her self from 'feeding' mode to regular human mode. In feeding mode her face splits in half, both vertically and horizontally. In side is multiple rows of sharp teeth to chew through muscle and bone. She can eat small to medium animals whole. Large ones take a few more bites. Also in feeding form her joints shift to make her a quadrupedal horror. Her arms and legs bend to put her torso close to the ground, her knees bending backwards to achieve this. She is not a stalking or take down predator, but a waiting one.
Bloodlust- ●●○○○
All human eating beasts likely go through a struggle being around people. They can either learn to control the bloodlust or give in. Delainie is a younger monster and has yet to learn to master her hunger, she slips up sometimes and kills more than she needs, or doesn't make the kill quick and clean.