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➼ NAME [Onimaru] ➼ SPECIES [Half-Oni / Half Human] ➼ MARTIAL STATUS [Single] ➼ ETHNICITY [Japanese] |
➼ NICKNAME [Oni] ➼ CLASS [Warrior / Onmyoji] ➼ HEIGHT [6'11] ➼ VOICE [Deep, calming, think Josh Brolin's work as Thanos] |
➼ GENDER [Male] ➼ ORIENTATION [Straight] ➼ WEIGHT [Definitely over 300 lbs due to his durable nature] ➼ ALIGNMENT [Chaotic Neutral - true wildcard] |
➼ FACE CLAIM [Stat info] ➼ HAIRSTYLE [Thick white hair, almost like a mane] ➼ SCARS/TATTOOS [None visible, heals exceptionally well] ➼ GROOMING [Rarely found with any facial hair, long nails kept as clean as possible, large tusk-like teeth forming an underbite] |
➼ EYES [Black, Yellow Glow] ➼ COMPLEXION [Red] ➼ SCENT [Alcohol, Incense, Meat, Blood, tries to mask scent with more baths than one might expect from a half-oni] ➼ PHYSICAL HEALTH [100%] |
➼ HAIR [White] ➼ BODY BUILD [Incredibly tall with thick muscles under an effective hide-like skin] ➼ OCCUPATION [Traveling mercenary and onmyoji, often times a body guard, others a diviner or even an exorcist.] ➼ MENTAL HEALTH [70% In his young life he's been the victim of hatred causing him to drink and attempt to shut out others] |
| ➣E N H A N C E D B O D Y▪ Despite being only half-oni, lacking the intimidating width of other creatures associated with his father's ilk, he still possesses a plethora of considerable advantages over a mortal. His strength, speed, durability, senses, reflexes and resistances are exceptional, lending him a massive advantage in physical contests even in terms of speed despite his size. His naturally thick hide renders smaller weapons near useless, and a denser than usual bone structure prevents severe injuries. Not only can he take a physical beating as good as any other bruiser, but his oni blood confers resistances to some magics as well as poisons and intoxicating effects which require a much higher dosage for them to harm him. His oni blood also blesses him with regeneration, any severed body parts reattached heal quickly, while those lost to him take far longer to heal. In times of great peril his oni blood is capable of taking over, but his half-breed body cannot withstand the pure blood of a great oni father. In essence his blood may very well might one day devour all around him and then turn on his humanity. | ➣ O N M Y O J I▪ His mother's side aids him with the powers of an Onmyoji, a wizard or diviner in his culture. Capable of a variety of self-enhancing powers, the creation of wards, talismans, identification and banishment of otherworldly creatures, communication with the dead, enchanting of weapons, void magic and concentrated magical and elemental attacks. |
| ➣E Q U I P M E N T▪ His choice weaponry matches a desire to keep his enemy far away with the standard oni obsidian-studded Kanabo and other larger reaching weapons such as Odachis, Halberds, even a powerful massive bow not capable of being wielded by smaller creatures. His clothing is armored along both lower arms and legs, this flexible armor is able to catch a few blades and add to his melee damage. His massive prayer beads around his neck are capable of being used to constrict others whether through physical or magical manipulation. The same prayer beads are also capable of detaching to grant offensive and or defensive boons. Many of these weapons are capable of being summoned through a void-like magic where he stores a few trinkets in a small personal space. His favorite accessory aside from his beads is an enchanted gourd filled with a potent alcohol too strong for the mundane races, but powerful enough to get even him drunk through his resistances and constant healing. The gourd of alcohol also allows him to dabble in flame breath tricks and attacks, a useful way to get around armored foes and bypass magical resistances as the flames are a product of the alcohol and his oni blood mixing in to act as fuel. | ➣K N O W L E D G E ▪ Despite not being the oldest of half-breeds, his knowledge is capable enough on it's own to keep up with elder beings. He knows how to defend himself, read, track, hunt, and more importantly, he understands how to deal with several supernatural creatures, aiding his endeavors in work. |
| ➣W E A K N E S S E S ▪ As a half-breed, he still possesses a host of strengths, but he couldn't hope to match the greatest of demons exerting their fullest strength in a raw power contest in their true forms. He must instead rely on his slightly smaller size and magical expertise to keep up. His magic cannot hope to match the best practitioners either. His regeneration, while formidable, does not prevent him from possible death and his large frame eventually will break given enough damage. Weapons and magic designed to harm an oni will work on him, but since he was not an oni born from a twisted soul in hell, banishment will not work on him. In times of great peril his oni blood is capable of taking over, but his half-breed body cannot withstand the pure blood of a great oni father. In essence his blood very well might one day devour all around him and then turn on his humanity. | ➣ F L A W S▪ He's encountered many hardships in his still young adult life ranging from being used as muscle until a client wishes to off him to not pay him. He finds it hard to believe acts of kindness toward him are genuine and will assume the worst at times. His dual natures of a gentle giant and a reckless, self-medicating drunk rarely mesh well and put him in quite precarious situations at times. |