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![]() Gender Role: Fluid Bedroom Role: Switch (Depends on partner and what is desired of him.) Philosophy: Unsure (Has not had enough encounters to have formed an opinion on it.) Affairs: None at the moment. Promiscuity: Situational (Beyond the occasion when it is asked of him, he does not actively seek out intimacy with others.) Experience: Basic Training (No 'real world' experience yet.) Fertility: Sterile (He is a golem, and thus does not produce sperm.) |
![]() Voice: Eloquent and charming, with a slightly foreign, Irish lilt. Sounds empty and distant. (most of the time)Cillian Murphy Face Claim: Yuri Park MBTI: INTJ-A Zodiac Eastern: Dragon Zodiac Western: Gemini Element: Wood (Secondary- Metal) Tropes: ⚜ Long-Haired Pretty Boy ⚜ Pretty Butterflies ⚜ ⚜ Happiness In Slavery ⚜ Mysterious Parent ⚜ ⚜ Daddy Issues ⚜ Not Blood Siblings ⚜ |
![]() Judgement: Currently poor, very naive. Adaptability: Extremely clever, quick learner. Education: Basic worldly tutoring. Extensive studies in Anatomy, Mechanical Engineering, and Behavioral Science Languages Known: Common, Japanese (Desires to learn more.) Skills: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Arcane Studies, Marketing and Business Management. Strengths: Quick learner, expansive capacity for knowledge, eager to try new things, thirst for all wisdom |
![]() Deity: Agnostic Vices: Mulberry Tobacco Maladies: Slightly Obsessive Compulsive Phobias: Philophobia Likes: Sweet things, tobacco, the taste of whiskey, fashion, books, learning, being in control, organization, perfection. Dislikes: Chaos, damaged golems, misbehavior, anything unclean, slobs, drab- ugly things. Weaknesses: Inexperienced, Hubris, Quick to assume, Stubborn, Limited in knowledge variety, Rash in Decision-making. |