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Jordyn (played by ArcticTabby) | |
"Little sister, she knows my secret and I know hers. Together we will face whatever the world has in store for us. I would have never had the courage to run if it were not for her sake as well. Je vais toujours te protéger." |
Dijkstra (played by reev) | |
"A curious man who offered to buy me a drink, for some reason his eyes.. almost look past me, it's bizarre. I get the uneasy feeling that he knows too much about everyone he meets." |
Porthaeus (played anonymously) | |
"I was rather hasty to judge this one, and he didn't really help matters at all with his attitude. But my sister encouraged me to reconsider and I.. I suppose I am thankful for that. He is not so terrible after all, no, not terrible at all really. Warm in many ways.." |
Hei (played anonymously) | |
"Another sweet girl who tried to help when I was searching for my sister, she seems very quiet though." |
Miha (played anonymously) | |
"A rodent who lost her glasses, my sister was kind enough to send her off with an onibi spirit to help track down her missing spectacles. I never caught her name." |
Cody (played by CURSEDOG) | |
Tajune Quail (played by reev) | |