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NAME ▲ [ Florence Ridley ] AGE ▲ [ 28 ] HEIGHT ▲ [5'8"] WEIGHT ▲ [ 130 lb. ] |
HAIR ▲ [ Raven Black ] EYE COLOR ▲ [ Steel Grey ] COMPLEXION ▲ [ Light/Warm ] SPECIES ▲ [ Dhampir ] |
Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow. | ) |
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Don't forget you're human. It's okay to have a meltdown. Just don't unpack and live there. Cry it out. Then refocus on where you're headed. | ) |
FAMILY ▲ [ Colette Ridley (Twin Sister) ] PERSONALITY▲ [ Controlling, but well-tempered (Except with his sister) ] MANNERISMS▲ [ Moves hands when speaking, twiddles thumbs, clasps hands behind back. ] SCARS ▲ [ Burn Scar ] NICKNAMES▲ [ Parisface, Oranges, Flor] |
EDUCATION ▲ [ Graduated ] AILMENTS ▲ [ Allergic to cats ] LIKES ▲ [Oranges, Lots of foods, His sister (IN A SIBLING WAY), Reading, Archery, Rain and Storms, Jimmy, learning magic-related things (like potions)] DISLIKES ▲ [Dogs, trash, fire, deep water, peanut butter, repeating himself, hot Summer days, loud chewing] |
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"Everything burns if the flame is hot enough." |
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Florence is a new character. Fresh to the supernatural scene, Even if he is one. | ✝ |
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"The world is nothing but a crucible." |
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| ➣F R I E N D S ▪ Florence is (or can be) a little on the collected, quiet side. He might seem a smidgen odd, but he needs friends. If friendship is sought after, it may take a while for it to become a true bond of the word. He's very observant. | ➣E N E M I E S ▪ Try to harm his loved ones, and you might well instantly become an enemy to Florence. Besides his one remaining family member, it may not take too much to piss this guy off. Becoming an enemy, however, may take some drastic measures. Still, he may need these too. |
➣R O M A N C E ▪ Florence is more concerned about the safety of his sister. | ➣E X T E N D E D F A M I L Y ▪ Florence; and presumably his sister Colette, know nothing of their actual family. The fire that was assumed to have taken their parents, at the age of 1, has left them with no leads and many orphanages. This type of development may shake Florence's foundation of who he is. - Cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. |