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⟶ Full Name:⟵ Josephine Marie Livingston ⟶ Pronounciation:⟵ --- ⟶ Nicknames:⟵ Joss, Jo ⟶ Age:⟵ Twenty Years Old ⟶ Appearance:⟵ Younger than she is ⟶ DOB:⟵ July, 24th 1999 ⟶ POB:⟵ New York, America |
⟶ Height:⟵ Five foot, Seven Inches ⟶ Build:⟵ Skinny and Well Defined ⟶ Nationality:⟵ American - Strong Italian Heritage ⟶ Hair:⟵ Dark Brown ⟶ Eyes:⟵ Hazel ⟶ Skin:⟵ Healthy Tan ⟶ Scent:⟵ Sweet Perfume and Vanilla |
⟶ Species:⟵ Human ⟶ Scars:⟵ None ⟶ Social Class:⟵ High Class ⟶ Biological Parents:⟵ Amanda and Charles Livingston ⟶Biological Siblings:⟵ Adam Livingston ⟶ Ex-Lovers:⟵ --- ⟶ Children:⟵ None |
⟶ Occupation:⟵ Works at a little cafe ⟶ Religion⟵ Atheist ⟶ Residence:⟵ Manhattan, New York ⟶Marital Status:⟵ Single, Never married ⟶ Sexuality⟵ Heterosexual ⟶ Virginity:⟵ Lost at 18 ⟶ Faceclaim:⟵ Phoebe Tonkin |