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![]() GARETH Male | Gentleness | Welsh, English |
![]() DARCY Male | One who comes from Arcy, France | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Gareth Darcy. ◖NICKNAME◗ He's been called Gaz from a very young age, and it carried on into his military carrier. It feels very formal, when people call him Gareth, Gaz is definitely what he prefers. ◖ALIAS◗ He has none. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 18th June 1986. ◖AGE◗ 33 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He's a retired soldier, currently unemployed. He's not sure what he feels about being called a veteran. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He lives in an apartment in London. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ His country, that's probably the most correct answer. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Near Glasgow, Scotland. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Scottish. ◖RACE◗ Human. |
◖ABILITIES◗ He's trained in physical combat and incredibly good at it, but his gun control is almost better than that, both short and long range; he has incredible senses and works well in situations under pressure, such as ambushes or battle. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,77 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Athletically build, muscular, well-trained. ◖EYES◗ Blue. ◖HAIR◗ Curly, dark brown hair. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has a few, mainly on his arms, most to do with his time in the military. He's not fond of showing them off too much these days. ◖SCARS◗ Quite a few, which he very much tries to hide as well. Some seem to even hurt a bit now years after. He has some major on his upper body and some rather severe ones on his left calf going all the way up to his thigh that look like flames spreading across his leg. |
◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed. ◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Gemini. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Pretty gay, but not really doing much to explore it. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Very single. ◖LIKES◗ He has an almost unnatural liking of his bed, loves the feeling of a soft duvet, having his body completely covered in it, just staying in. Silence, though the sound of rain, birds chirping, and a running shower are okay as well. He loves his computer, watching movies and tv-series, chatting online, take away. He likes staying up late, starring out of his window onto the sky. ◖DISLIKES◗ He's not very good with large, open spaces, public places as well as loud noises, it being cars, the sound of thunder, or yelling. He's not good with people in general these days, and he prefers to be alone - he absolutely hates people fussing over him, trying to take care of him, he's perfectly capable of doing that himself (not really). He hates talking about himself in any way, people asking are just as annoying though. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Richard Madden. |
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P T S D a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event ___________________________________________ Gareth "Gaz" Darcy is a complicated guy, though it was not always that way. He grew up the youngest of two just outside of Glasgow with his parents, Phillip and Simone. His father was mostly abroad when he was younger, so his mother took care of him and his older sister, Carol. There was a kind of pride having a father in the military; while there was fear as long as he was gone, he couldn't help but get proud when he returned home. Because of this, he quickly decided that he wanted to be like him. He knew it wouldn't be easy, and the feeling of longing after your father and his safety was not an easy part, as he would be replicating that, but he still wanted to make his parents and country proud. He was a rather popular kid, being into sports from a young age and almost immediately made it into the "popular group" in school. He was charming, out-going, good-looking with a clearly set goal, he couldn't really ask for more and was happy with what he got. His relationship with Carol was alright, he had many friends, and his relationship with his parents was as good as it could get with a father, who spent most of his time abroad. It all felt great all together - he worked hard, especially physically to get in shape, still dreaming about joining the army. It might have been a fantasy most of it; a dream about joining the army and his father, finally being together with him and creating that bond that he saw between his friends and their fathers. While his relationship with his mother was great, he just felt like there was something missing most of the time - something that the army could give him, all while being a hero. As soon as he could, at the ripe age of 15 and 7 months, he applied for the army to get accepted by the age of 16. His mother was reluctant to give parental consent, but with encouragement from his father he was able to join at a very young age. He quickly excelled within the army; his dedication was intense, and he wanted to do well to move up in the ranks as quickly as possible and to be shipped out. His skills in martial arts, combat, and firearms increased with incredible speed, so he was at least told, and it only boosted his self-confidence and ego. He quickly managed to do just what he wanted - not only did he do great within the army, he gained friends and connections that he initially did not really consider. Especially when he was finally sent abroad, where he grew close to certain people in his squadron, specifically Sammie, Frank, and Garret, while his leader, Seamus, somehow managed to help him in a direction while in the field. Years went by, and the deployments grew; he spent more times overseas than at home, and all was well. Gareth was mainly deployed in Afghanistan, while he did one tour in Iraq. It became his daily life, he completely submerged in this madness in a pursuit for a dream that he slowly forgot about in the desert. The army never brought him closer to his father; yes they had more to speak about, but deployment seemed to affect Gareth in a rather different way than the father. It started of well - he was really the perfect soldier in many ways, fearless and dedicated to the cause, but he also stopped thinking about himself along the way. He hated being at home, it felt unbearable and the incredibly noisy silence made everything so much worse. He wanted to be deployed as soon as possible, but the desert also had its way with him. Deployment became his way of life, but that also drained him and he only realised too late when everyone around him made him aware of it. Everything happened so fast - first his friends, then his squad leader, and before he knew it he was home, honourarbly discharged with a pending diagnosis of PTSD, something he would have rather preferred not to have - the reason why he doesn't show up to his appointments, he does not want that label on him. He stays at home, stays away from family, stays away from the apparent reality in which he lives and is affected by. Previously a man of war, he now wants nothing to do with it. He doesn't want to speak about it, speak about what he has been through. Since he has had time to actually think about it, he fears what he has seen, as it now keeps him up at night and away from sleep. All is chaos, everything around him, he doesn't feel like time's on his side, as everything seems to repeat itself in his head - he just wants quietness. |
➣ D E D I C A T E D ▪ 1. devoted to a cause, ideal, or purpose. What really drives Gareth is his dedication. Whether it's to his friends, family, himself, or his country, he's dedicated to do whatever he can to help out, small tasks as well as big. Right now, he's not sure what he's dedicated to, but normally he's rather driven simply because he wants to do well for whatever he's working for or towards. | ➣ L O N E L Y ▪ 1. being without company. Unfortunately, right now, Gareth is dominated by loneliness. He likes his solitude, likes being by himself, but it's also doing something to him that he cannot really describe. He would never admit to it, but he's just missing something, but he'll do for now. |
➣ C A R I N G ▪ 1. feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others. Just like Gareth is dedicated, he's extremely caring. He does find his level of empathy an issue at certain times, but he just has to embrace it. He's extremely caring for those closest to him, even if he tries not to show it too much, but it's also reflected in how he moves about and treats people outside of his own circle. | ➣ P R O U D ▪ 1. feeling or showing pride: such as having or displaying excessive self-esteem. Gareth is an incredibly proud person and he would never admit to failure, having problems, or any negative sides to him. He hates talking about his problems, as he hates how it highlights his weak sides, which he would prefer not to simply have. |