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Cassian Male | Empty| Roman |
Dunn Surname | Dark| English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Cassian Dunn. ◖NICKNAME◗ A few refer to him as Cass, especially his parents, most of his colleagues call him Dunn. ◖ALIAS◗ He hasn't had an alias in a while. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ December 26th 1988. ◖AGE◗ 30 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Professional bodyguard. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He has a humble flat outside of the centre of the city. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ With whoever he's tasked to protect. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Undisclosed. ◖NATIONALITY◗ Undisclosed. |
◖RACE◗ Calixen. ◖ABILITIES◗ Tons, both physically and magically. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,9 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Broad-shouldered, muscular, fit, rather big to be fair. ◖EYES◗ Black, hints of a darker brown. ◖HAIR◗ Black. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Slightly tanned. ◖TATTOOS◗ Many - though he doesn't consider them as more than moles placed in a very linear fashion, they're widely considered as naturally occurring tattoos. ◖SCARS◗ Multiple. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous. |
◖ZODIAC SIGN◗ Capricorn. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Undisclosed. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖LIKES◗ His job, physical training, taking care of others, quiet morning, a nice suit, long showers, the ocean, the cottage near the beach he used to visit as a child, simpler times without worries, train rides. ◖DISLIKES◗ Distractions, parties, illegal substances and alcohol, being out of control, pretentious people or those who are just more words than action, cigarettes and cigars, having to repeat himself, even if it's often necessary. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Burak Özçivit. |
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The Calixen are a special kind of people - once proud, they now hide in the shadows that they were once confined to, not daring to enter the light. Thought to have been born out of darkness, their actual origin is unknown, but due to their often darker appearance and being prone to the darker arts of magic they quickly became known as dark creatures. While untrue, this became their trademark in the eye of outsiders and it still is today. Most people born Calixen have black hair, dark eyes, and a darker skintone than most, but it's not unlikely to find blonde, light-skinned, or bright-eyed Calixen; though they are rare, they definitely exist, it's simply easier to try and categorise them on their darker looks. While you cannot see that someone is a Calixen by their overall appearance, they do have one certain trait that is unique to their race: From birth, small dots cover their bodies that might slowly spread as they get older. The dots are small and black and always occur in straight lines across the body. Most babies have a single dot on both wrists at birth that will slowly crawl up their arms along the middle of their forearm. On most, they seem to stop when they reach the elbow around the age of 1, but it's still common for the dots to spread. Common placements are further up the arms to the armpits, down the middle of the stomach, from the nape of the neck down along the spine, down the sides of the torso, down the inner thighs and shins, some even along the jaw or from the lower lip down the chin and further down the neck. Most Calixen try to cover them up as most as possible as they are the clear giveaway of their race, which has become something to be ashamed of. No one knows why the dots appear, but it has been speculated by quite a few - often non-Calixen - that the more dots, the stronger they are in using dark magic, even suggesting that certain placements have stronger powers such as the torso, especially the chest area. This has never been proven to be true, often being completely false as quite a few strong dark magicians had only few dots, but this is commonly disregarded. The Calixen has always been the blame of mostly everything. They have been seen as disease-ridden, evil-spreading, vile creatures casting curse on everyone from animals, to children, to the elderly; causes of death and destruction, it being natural deaths, disasters, or those events that cannot be explained. Kept out of society for decades if not centuries, the Calixen rebelled around 200 years ago. Named The Calixen Rebellion, though commonly referred to as The Dark War, the race fought for their independence and place in society, no longer wanting to be slaves, homeless, stripped of any rights, or killed simply because of the race they were born. The war ended with a treaty between the two parts, Calixen on one side and a mixture of others, mainly led by Elves, on the other, where the Calixen were finally given equal rights to all other races. While peace was restored, they remain an overall unpopular race, deemed dark and dirty, but they have slowly become a natural part of society, some even have normal, even high-ranking jobs. Still, most Calixen hide their race, most refrain from using magic of any kind even if their potential is greater than most races. There have been cases of Calixen getting blamed of crimes, especially if they have been using magic, so it's still a continuing struggle of an entire people. Cassian, a full-born Calixen, doesn't want to admit it, but he very much hides his race as well. He's often taken for a Calixen simply because of his looks, the darkness of his appearance, but he doesn't get undressed in front of others for the sake of hiding his true self. He cares little about other people's judgement of his, but he, just like most of his race, has experienced discrimination because of his race; and if he can minimise that by trying not to show himself off too much, he will do so. Cassian is one who can be said to be covered in dots - all the way up his arms, down his sides, chest and torso, along his spine to his neck, while a few has started spreading from his hips, down his legs. The ones on his neck are the hardest to cover, but the shirt collar does most, his hair the rest - his height is an advantage as well; even if some of the dots should be exposed, most people are not tall enough to see them. He's also one skilled in magic. His potential was discovered when he was quite young, and where most parents would try to suppress them, his parents helped him develop them as they were magic users themselves. It happened mostly in hiding, even if magic detection can hardly distinguish between Elven and Calixen magic, and now he's rather skilled in quite a few types of magic, some even rather strong. He never uses them, though, only to keep the magic alive within him, but he prefers to use his physical strength or weapons instead, once again to hide his origin. There's no reason to scare people, which is mostly the reaction if someone with his looks starts using magic. While he like everyone else would love to be entirely free, not just on paper, he's not sure that it will happen in his lifetime. |
➣ H A R D W O R K I N G
adj. | hard·work·ing | ˈhärd-ˈwər-kiŋ Cassian prides himself on being hardworking, in that way he can use it as an excuse to keep his distance to everything else, simply because he works hard, puts his job and client first, and then cannot have time for most other things. It's not a lie, though, and while he's hardworking, he's also good at what he does. He puts his heart and soul into it, and in his line of work that's necessary to succeed. |
➣ D I S T A N T
adj. | dis·tant | ˈdi-stənt While he uses being hardworking as an excuse, Cassian is just distant in general. While he has to stay close to his clients to do his job, he stays emotionally detached, at least as much as he can allow himself to. He has no good experience with getting too close, so now he just stays away out of principle and because he feels most comfortable doing so. |
➣ C A L M
adj. | ˈkälm | ˈkȯ(l)m \ It not only a perk being calm while being a bodyguard, it's definitely one of Cassian's better traits. You have to push him far to get him over the edge, and that hasn't happened in quite a while. He's simply calm and level-headed, stays down to earth and can remain objective in most, if not all situations - probably because he's genrally emotionally detached, but that's not something he cares to think about. |
➣ F E A R L E S S
adj. | fear·less | ˈfir-ləs Probably due to both being calm and distant, Cassian has little to no fear in his body He has seen it all, he feels, and he is ready to sacrifice himself if necessary. Yet again, it's a trait with a perfect fit with his job, but the fact that he won't hesitate in certain situations is probably not the most sane nor healthy way to approach life. |