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Female | "Messiah" | Latin |
Unisex | Surname | Irish |
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Christine O'Connor ◖NICKNAME◗ Don't call her anything but Chris, she will slaughter you alive. ◖ALIAS◗ None yet. ◖AGE◗ 21 years old. ◖NATIONALITY◗ American, plain and simple. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Missouri. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Un-employed, more or less. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Herself. |
Metahuman. ◖HEIGHT◗ 160 cm. ◖BODYTYPE◗ Petite girl, doesn't have a whole lot of curves - but what she lacks in curves, she makes up for in attitude. ◖EYES◗ Hazel. ◖HAIR◗ Dark brown hair. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Brown tanned skin, with a beautiful glow. ◖TATTOO◗ More than a 21 year old should have. ◖SCARS◗ None physical, a whole lot mentally. |
Aquarius. ◖SEXUALITY◗ Doesn't really know, she's strayed away from every type of relationship, so she's never given it thought. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Non existent. ◖LIKES◗ Likes thrift-shops a lot and things that has a history, fire, being left alone, arguing, coffee, root beer. ◖DISLIKES◗ Doesn't like to be around large crowds, being touched in any way - even a hand hold or something similar, being yelled at. ◖STRENGTHS◗ Incredibly well spoken, quick-minded, fast at responding, intelligent, strong, witty. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ Mood changes, Chaotic, Lack of self-confidence, troubled, angry, explosive temperament. |
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It keeps on growing and growing ![]() Christine O'Connor has had a rather difficult life, to say the least. She was born 11 years after her older brother, Matthew, to the same mother but different father. For the first four years of her life she lived rather comfortably with her older brother and mother, as her father wanted nothing to do with them, but by the time she reached six years old her father returned, and drugs, violence and anything in between was quickly becoming an everyday life in the household. Her brother left soon after, and to be honest she doesn't remember much of him, she remember what he looked like when he was young and she remember he was the only one who took care of her in that house, and then she remember that one time her mom dragged her to his college and begged for money from him and he declined, which didn't leave a good taste in Christine's mouth. When she was ten years old, she was forcefully removed from the home by social services, as she was incredibly malnourished and sparingly thin to look at, and had bruises all over her. She was assigned to a foster care home, where she was being equally negleteced as her parents home, but atleast her foster parents didn't hit her, which she saw as a good thing. So when her mother five years later re-filled for custody over her after a year of sobriety and her dad had left her, Christine wasn't particularly pleased. They did well for a while the two of them alone, and she learned to love her mother sober, a broken woman but someone who had spunk and was charismatic to be around, but then her father returned and things quickly became worse than they had ever been before. At the hands of her father, she would suffer every kind of abuse someone could suffer, and it scarred her for life. By the time she turned eighteen and didn't have grades good enough to do anything with her high school education, her father kicked her to the curb. For the first year of her life out of high school, she spend majority of it in a woman's home, but eventually she started travelling across the country taking several jobs she could never keep due to her instability and lack of effort to have stability in her life. Since then she has just travelled around, and now her life has transported her to Gotham, in an effort to rekindle her relationship with her long lost older brother, whom she hasn't seen since she was 9 years old. She tells herself its for help with money, since she knows he makes big bucks, but in reality it's because she generally doesn't have anyone else and is in need of someone to seek comfort in. As a person Christine is stubborn, angry, empathic, sarcastic and snarky. She is someone who pretends like she doesn't care about anything, and constantly makes remarks about anything in life in order to feel better about herself, but in reality she cares a lot - a little too much to be honest. She has quite the temper, and when she explodes she is impossible to talk to, and it's almost like a baby having a temper tantrum, you just have to ride it out. She enjoys anything related to the 70s, she loves the fashion, the music, the vinyls, everything. You will often see her sport some type of stripped shirt and bell-bottom pants, and platform shoes (despite her 176 height). |
○ S T U B B O R N
Adj. | stub·born | stə-bərn Suggestive or typical of a strong stubborn nature. Christine is entirely impossible to argue with in any form or shape, once she sets her mind to something she is the most stubborn individual you will ever come across in life. She argues just about anything, and aren't scared to walk away if she feels like people aren't yielding to her opinion. |
○ A N G R Y
Adj. | angrier | angriest Painfully inflamed. Christine is incredibly angry by nature, you will often find her complain about just about anything in life, and not in a teenagery tone, she will litterally argue with people about the things that she finds annoying, and if they don't agree with her she will walk away. She's angry at the world, at her parents, at men, at everyone who has treated her wrong. |
○ E M P A T H I C
Adj. | em·path·ic | em-ˈpa-thik Involving, characterized by, or based on empathy. She feels everything entirely too much, but not just her own emotions, if she sees someone who is going through a rough time she instantly feels like its her own pain, and she feels like she should do someone about it or help them. |
○ T O R M E N T E D
Adj. | tor·ment | tȯr-ment Extreme pain or anguish of body or mind. Christine is extremely tormented by her mental pain, because of the things she has gone through. She cannot stand to be close to men, and she gets terrified every-time anyone touches her even if its just a handshake, and she cannot remember the last time she has slept through the night without nightmares. |
Christine has the ability to manipulate fire. Her ability initially is very powerful being able to cause explosions of flames from only a small lighter, cause the ashes of a cigarette to explode and effortlessly disintegrate a man with a stream of flames. Unlike a lot of fire manipulators, she has the ability to create fire from thin air as well, however it only works when there is oxygen to create the fire from, so one smart way to shut her down is take away her oxygen.
Christine can sense heated energy sources from miles away, and is capable of manipulating them even if she is nowhere close to them. This is often how she travels through the country, if she is on foot or in a car, she can sense if there's restaurants or houses nearby because of the heat their electricity generate. She cannot however control electricity or anything related to it, she can only control fire, she is only capable of sensing it because of their heatenergies.
She is capable of healing herself through fire, this is not something that works just by heat or warm weather, she has to be covered in flames for it to work. It's a sense of strength for her, so when she has flames around her she feels stronger and the flames can give her strength and abilities she otherwise wouldn't have. She has often in the past healed small scratches and wounds by sticking her hand into open fires, like bonfires or a stove or a fireplace. |
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