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K I L L I A N Masculine | "War strife" | Irish |
M A X W E L L Masculine | "Great stream" | Scottish |
B E R K S H I R E Masculine/feminine | Surname | English |
His full name is Killian Maxwell Berkshire. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ Although 'Kili' is an obvious nickname, none of the sort have ever stuck with him for long. ⎨AGE⎬ He is 21 years old. X which makes him an X. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ He is of English descent, yet he was born and 'raised' in America. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ There is no place he considers home, but he resides at a secret facility with no option of leaving. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ He is currently the subject of various experiments. |
As he is rather tall, he automatically appears somewhat lean in build, when he is in fact quite well-trained in a subtle kind of way. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ His skin is fair, borderline pale, as he doesn't see the light of day very often. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ He measures 185 centimetres. ⎨EYES]⎬ His eyes almost immediately draws focus to his face, as they are rather unusual shade of amber, framed by long lashes and well-defined brows. ⎨HAIR⎬ His brown hair with subtle coppery undertones appears toussled at all times. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ His eyes are his most significant trademark. |
He cocks his head ever so slightly to the side whenever he has trouble figuring people out. ⎨SEXUALITY⎬ He considers himself to be heterosexual. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ He is extremely skilled at hiding his true feelings, making him equally intriguing and unpredictable. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ X, x and x. ⎨LIKES⎬ X, x and x. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ X, x and x. |
SUB HEADLINE Coming soon... |
❇︎ O R P H I C
adj. | or· phic | ˈȯr-fik 1. Capitalized; of or relating to Orpheus or the rites or doctrines ascribed to him, 2. Mystic, oracular, 3. Fascinating, entrancing. |
❇︎ M E R C U R I A L
adj. | mer· cu· ri· al | (ˌ)mər-ˈkyu̇r-ē-əl 1. Having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury or to the influence of the planet Mercury. |
❇︎ TRAIT #3
adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
❇︎ S E L F - P R E S E R V I N G
adj. | self-· pre· serv· ing | ˌself-pri-ˈzər-viŋ 1. Protecting oneself from harm, physical or mental injury, or even death, especially regarded as a basic instinct in human beings and animals. |
| Affectionate· Mercurial· Overly confident· Curious· Open-minded· Adaptable· Indecisive· Ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas· Inconsistent |
[img][/img] |
The Gemini man has a smile that lights up right to his eyes and charges the air with a powerful electricity like no one else. He is gentle, with a heart made from gold. He is a good multitasker, a problem solver. There is a root to all that boyish charm and an incredible inner beauty about him. He has an attractive humour that draws you in and often catches you off guard. He is a clear thinker with a beautiful open mind that will lead him to far greater opportunities than he will ever know. The Gemini man is born under the Sun sign, he is inquisitive and passionate, always seeking out new possibilities. He is a paradox. Put in this world to mend differences, this man is a peace keeper, ready to give his life for you. Ruled by Mercury, he is sociable. Filled with generosity, this man is unforgettable. He is nothing you'd expect and everything you want. Ageless. This man is something else entirely. The rarest gift. He has a pure light, with a calm, sincere nature and a power that pulls you in before you realise you have gravitated towards him. He is all those things, all in one person and all in one day, every day. |
With this ability Killian is able to create, shape and manipulate optical and sensory illusions, causing his targets to hallucinate and thus see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things, which do not actually exist. He may also cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. He is able to create complex and detailed worlds or alter an already existing one, manipulating the way his target perceives his or her surroundings.As such, illusions can exist either solely in the physical or mental perceptions of the target or as external projections in the material world, like holograms and mirages. Additionally, these illusions can even be made powerful or convincing enough to render his targets insane, leaving them utterly unable to tell the difference between the real world and the illusionary one.
|SKILL #2|
Coming soon...
Not only is Killian able to create optical and sensory illusions, he is also able to tell said illusions apart from the true reality. This makes him particularly hard, nearly impossible, in fact, to fool when it comes to trickery of the mind and visions of things, that are not real. |