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Played by a verified adult
The Golden Tether |
Name Pheodora Mal'Thorne Age 18 Species Cougar/Caracal |
Hometown Blackridge, Surmadan Current Residence Blackridge, Surmadan Occupation Wildlife Biologist Poisons Manufacturing |
Income Has a large inheritance. Working on amassing her own fortune. Talents/Skills Poison crafting Significant Other None |
Height 5'7 Weight 125lbs Likes Exploration, Science, Experimentation, Poison Effects |
Eye Color Silver. Hair Color Black that fades into white. One half kept shaven down. Glasses or contact lenses? Glasses only when working in the lab, used only to magnify. |
Distinguishing features Shaven side of head. Notch in ears like her father. Prehensile tail. How does she dress? Varies from leather exploration gear to Victorian Gothic. Habits TBD |