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________________ Bereft of his lover, and the botched up investigation of her murder, Maruzio turned to crime are a crutch and a way to get back at the so-called 'justice system'. He was never blind to the fallacies of humanity, however, such was the impact of being personally affected. Over the years, Mar evolved with the pain, permitting it to ravish his body and mind - that ennui he had become a victim to in his later years Europe could not compare. Once more Mar was becoming a monster, but this time devoid of a respect for life. He sank to the level of a dog biting whom he was told to, though no one could control the extent to which he took out the orders of his superiors. His manner of killing was no longer as gentle as possible and out of mere necessity to survive, but a release from the prison of his own misery and refusal to heal; to rend flesh from bones, to possess the body and hold the life in his hand, tasting its last breath. And while his killing was mindless for a while, Mar honed his appetite and put it to good use; a use that she may have even deemed worthwhile of his callous acts. That's when he mixed lust & homicide with nurturing.