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♔ NAME Logan Elijah Budreau ♔ AGE 666 Years Old ♔ GENDER Cisgender Male ♔ OCCUPATION Corporeal for the Order |
♔ NICKNAMES Lo, Logie One Kenobi ♔ DATE OF BIRTH February 25th 1354 ♔ SPECIES Human Being, Cursed ♔ THEME SONG === |
★★★★☆ Intelligence ★★★★☆ Manners ★★☆☆☆ |
★★☆☆☆ Confidence ★★★★★ Maturity ★★★☆☆ |
★★★☆☆ Integrity ★☆☆☆☆ Humour ★★★★☆ |
○ Money, he's very materialistic. ○ Attractive women, but just for sex. ○ Toying with people for the fun of it. ○ Finding buttons to push on someone. ○ Sex, not much more can be said really. |
● Liars, despite being one himself. ● Long meetings, they're so boring. ● Not being the center of attention. ● Having to do the hard work himself. ● Rabbits. Don't ask, he just hates them. |
♔ HEIGHT Six Foot, Two Inches ♔ EYE COLOUR Sterling Grey ♔ HAIR COLOUR Very Dark Brown ♔ DEMEANOUR Cocky and Playful |
♔ BUILD Ectomorph ♔ SKIN TONE Pale and Soft ♔ HAIR STYLE Wears it up in small ponytail ♔ APPEAL Very Attractive |
★★★★☆ Magic ☆☆☆☆☆ Strategy ★★★☆☆ |
★★★★☆ Resistance ★★★★☆ Courage ★★★★☆ |
★★★☆☆ Stamina ★★★★★ Luck ★★★☆☆ |