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Appearance Immediately you'd notice that he's of a slender build. Perhaps a bit broad in the shoulders to truly qualify as an ectomorph but everything else would fit the bill. Muscled, yet lean calves thanks to the years in heeled shoes as he truly does enjoy the feeling and the sound they make, particularly down long marble corridors. Chest length black hair and slate blue eyes never do his figure any harm either, paired with milky skin that has a peach undertone. However, without his glamour, Charlie has oddly pink eyes (sans pupil), not to be mistaken with Conjunctivitis. |
All this aside, the man has bony wrists, hands, as well as ankles and feet, they are very pronounced. The main thing that gives away his sex is his Adam's apple because it's not subtle. As if his body were trying to combat it though, in a dire contrast, Charlie's body causes more confusion as he dresses a bit effeminately, generally wearing shirts or blouses with a sharp A-line neck to accentuate his gynecomastia. |
... 【✔ positive trait; good listener, authentic, patient, articulate, attentive, ebullient ✔】
【♦ neutral trait; determined, casual, noncompetitive, outspoken ♦】
【✘ bad trait; judgmental, blunt, seemingly uncaring, sybaritic ✘】
Sitting at the quaint age of 65, Charlie is pretty settled in his ways. Carefree (generally), Charlie isn’t phased by much, throwing caution to the wind. Sure, he’s gone through his fair share of hardships and has spent his time living on the streets, but Charlie has come a long way since then and has made peace with his shortcomings, failures and harm he's inflicted upon others. He is who he is, and whether you can handle him or not isn't his burden to carry. That's on you, Boo. He knows high rollers and low ballers, criminals and saints and he enjoys hanging out with all of them. To spell it out plainly, he just likes having a good time and people in general. Mortal or not, everyone’s got their problems and if anyone is a slut for other peoples’ drama, it’s Charlie. That’s probably why he’s a psychologist; it’s a free pass to learn all the dirt and juicy gossip, not that he can tell anyone of course, but that’s how he can make money on the side, if for the right price, anyway. Sure, he doesn’t follow all the rules, but rules are made to be broken and banality is no fun, so what’s the harm in a little risk? Selling secrets for an exorbitant price isn’t the only thing Charlie does wrong concerning his practice, however. Charlie also gets a liking for a very select few of his clientele. Everyone has needs, and he’s no different. Besides, dealing with people all day, there’s only so many cocky jocks one can stand to get hit on by at the bar. Am I right? Charlie doesn’t really have a preference for body type, it’s more so about if you can shoot a quip back at him in a timely manner. |
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Art by Birdy99
While sex is fun you should know that Charlie seeks it out on the regular because he happens to be a Sex Witch. What is a Sex Witch? Well, it’s probably what you’re assuming already; having sex to conjure up energy or feed off of sexual energy. Both of these things Charlie does, but it goes so much deeper than that. Of course, the highest amount of energy is during orgasm, but for Charlie it doesn’t matter if it’s his climax or his partner’s, it nourishes him. It gives him energy to exist, stay alive, not age, appear however he likes, and it can charge his own sexual fluids to be used in spells, hexes and bindings then or for later. If he ever so chose to become devout to a particular God or Goddess too, his best offering would be to become a Sacred Whore; offering his energy up to his deity to garner favour, enlightenment and/or blessings. Though, even without a god to worship and follow, Charlie can also use the energy he gains from sex to help shape his destiny and get what he wants, as ‘altering the stars’ is something he can do, to a degree. Mind you, if you hire him for a few ‘sessions’ off the books, your paired sexual chemistry could be used to shape yours as well. Let’s just hope you have the stamina for it. |
When it comes to sex, Charlie is an entirely different person. His work in the mundane world of being a psychologist, he has to be neutral and professional. At his core, the witch is always assertive, but when it comes to anything to do with the bedroom or intimacy, Charlie is king. A switch flips somewhere and he will take you over. Never afraid of making the first move. Whether slow or fast, you better be ready for him if you've been working him up or sending him signals cause when he's aroused, he comes on hard. It's almost like a barrier; once you cross it, you can't uncross it. ![]() ★ His breasts, though small, are extremely sensitive. He can cum by you merely sucking and fondling them. ★ He has a horrendous habit of spouting sweet nothings & dirty talk to urge you to fuck him harder. ★ Massive tease. If you're getting angry cause he's torturing you sexually, he's over the moon. He don't care. If anything, it just fuels him more. ★ Loves to fondle his own body whilst riding. He might even pull his own hair. ★ Refuses to be 'some trashy whore who gives a blowjob in the backseat of a car', but is probably willing to blow you in a club bathroom. ★ It might be a learned habit from having a multitude of lovers, some not that great, but Charlie has a tendency to guide hands to where he wants them on his body during sex. Usually, he wants you to fondle his tits, and pinch his nipples. But, he can get in the rhythm and do it too much, so you may have to fight him on it and remind him to not. |
Likes ✔ binding contracts
While Charlie is generally pretty open to spontaneity and flying by the seat of his pants, the man also likes structure and the best is in binding contracts. He likes them for the sense of security they gave and the quid pro quo aspect as it deigns a sort of co-dependence and reliance, and therefore a forced ideology of trust. Forced or not, however, isn't the point.
✔ high heels
This is a no-brainer. While, yeah, it hurts the feet and can be a heel-skinner, high heels sound positively magnificent going down a corridor that echoes. If there was ever such thing as a power noise - move over muscle cars 'cause high heels are it.
✔ milkshakes
No chewing. No hassle. No problem. Milkshakes taste delicious and can double as a meal and a dessert, with alcohol or without. Clearly with alcohol is better, but a milkshake is a milkshake. Don't knock it.
✔ alone time
This goes without needing an explanation.
✔ rooftop terraces
Great view and great breeze. What more do you need?
✔ clubbing
Sure, it's probably not where you expect to see your psych, but everyone needs to let their hair down, especially in NY, and what better place than a club? Charlie isn't against indulging in a couple mollys and whatever else people have to deal, drinking whatever until the sun wakes up and annoys the fuck out of him for being too bright. Clubbing is a great way to let off steam, and let everything go into the void. Your body gets to move and your brain gets to take a break. Besides, it also could end up with someone in his bed or him in someone else's and that feeds his very being. All together a win-win.
✔ lights
In this arena, Charlie isn't picky. Whether the lights be the stars in the sky, a meteor shower, candles, light pollution over a city, lasers or neon, Charlie is a moth to the flame. He loveslights. They make him calm in this weird blissed-out way. Sure, you might need sex to feel an afterglow, but this guy just needs to zone out to some pretty lights. Neon honestly works the best when they aren't the flashy ones trying to grab your attention. Something about the glow and the only real thing worth the hum of electricity to him.
✔ dancing
Sure, with clubbing in the Likes list, dancing probably comes as no surprise, but Charlie loves moving his body. Even when it comes to simple things like chores, it's definitely a playful belief of his that if you aren't dancing to music playing or in your head while you do them that you probably didn't do them right. Furthermore, when shopping for clothes, it's a great way to test out if they can tolerate movement or become too constricting in certain poses. As far as his personal likes goes, this delves into an attribute of his that can definitely be understood as cute.
✔ chai lattes
Creamy, delicious, warm. A little bit of spice and you don't need to add any sugar because it's simply perfect as it is. Favourite drink when it's raining and he's at home. If he's not at home, he gets one and it soothes him to feel like he is.
✔ being dr.jones
There are a lot of jokes and allusions. It's good.
Dislikes ✘ ASMR
Nothing should be amplified that much.
✘ blood
While blood can be sexy, it gets sticky and tacky fast. Besides, a lot of it makes it an intolerable amount off mess as it streaks everywhere and then it gets sticky! No, thank you!
✘ eating
Eating might be a necessary thing but that doesn't make it any less fucking disgusting, okay? People look ugly and obscene when they do it. You can never make it pretty. Besides, the noises are repulsive andit's tedious. It's ALL bad. Don't do it. Make a fucking smoothie and suck it down. The person who dares masticate in Charlie's presence is a bitch and worthy of all the karma they receive.
✘ undead
Might be undead, but you still smell dead. That's gross. Why are you doing it? Spritz some cologne or something..
✘ apples
They're loud. They're crunchy then they're juicy. So juicy you gotta make a huge obnoxious hissing sucking in noise because you're salivating all over the damn thing. Also ties in with eating. Apples are God's idea of a sick joke. This bitch knows what he did.
✘ wet hands
Ever get wet when you don't want to? It sucks. It's gross. The end.
✘ wet pet food
This has nothing to do with the texture or the fact that it's wet. It's actually to do with the fact that the smell is abhorrent. He doesn't care what brand it is, but wet dog or cat food is awful. The smell permeates everything and makes Charlie gag. It might not be the worst smell on the planet, but to Charlie you might as well be opening a stale can of garbage dumpster water with a side of ripe compost. It makes him sick.
✘ transparency
Let's be clear - we're not talking about disliking people talking at face value, or companies being transparent and hating it. Those are good things. Things Charlie appreciates. The type of transparency that the witch hates, however, is when it comes to art. If a colour isn't vibrant and it's not a gradient - why? He isn't a fan. Charlie loves colour. It ties in with his love of lights & neon. But a colour that isn't opaque is frustrating to him, unless it's due to the medium and watercolour is the only one he has forgiveness for.
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MAGIC'S POWER Though sex may not seem like much, and Charlie may simply read as a powerful, magical whore, you should know that he is much more than that. It is merely that his source of power and energy is derived from sex and intimacy. It doesn't matter what you are either, everything gives him power, so long as he can engage in sexual intercourse. Arousal feeds him just the same, and when fully charged and doing a ritual, Charlie is quite adept at weaving magic whichever way he needs to. Remember, this witch stores enough energy to choose which path your life follows. For all intents and purposes, he has the ability to change your stars. As you can imagine, this takes an enormous amount of energy, and is not for the lighthearted. But when he works his magic, his skin can crack and show the power within. It takes its toll, and he requires a lot of recovery time, but as far as witches go, Charlie is incrediblypowerful. |
➣ infectious influence
Need a distraction? Have a shit week and just need to let loose? Whilst going dancing, getting drunk or watching Netflix is a decent way, if you spend your weekends like Charlie does, which is clubbing generally, you might notice that whatever crowd he's a part of gets a bit more frisky than the drunken norm. Being a sex witch, and depending upon how much energy he has stored up, he can choose to exude it, putting it into the air. Think of it along the lines of putting pheromones into the air. Everyone gets happy, and who doesn't love an orgasm? No, he doesn't make the whole room orgasm, but you'll probably get lucky. Or, if you ask nicely, he probably could make you orgasm if he focuses. ➣ commensalism Akin to Newton's Laws of Motion and Law of Gravity, energy and/or influence can go one way or the other. It's a glorious pendulum that Charlie can control. So, like his aforementioned ability of Infectious Influence, Charlie can also feed off of the sexual energy exuded from the room he just poured 'pheromones' into. The man just made his own food out of you without you even knowing. Definitely did not ask you for your consent. Oops. |
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➣ gates A gate is the same as a portal, or teleporting. You want to go from one place to another, you make a gate. Gates are a huge undertaking in magic, especially alone. You have to have a certain level of power to open one successfully (without crumpling to the ground like a sack of potatoes), let alone two or more in one day. Charlie, depending upon how much energy he has stored, can do exactly that. He has not only gated from one side of the world to the other before, but he can open gates to entirely different worlds or planes of existence too. Keep in mind though that gating to different realms is much more costly. ➣ summoning This one is pretty on point with the title. Whether it be an Angel or a Demon, Charlie can summon them, so long as he knows their true name. There are only a rare few he can't summon, but it's more of a won't than a can't. 1. He likes living and 2. He likes living. |
MAGIC'S PRICE As aforementioned, Charlie has had his fair share of tough spots and issues, and his being a sex witch doesn't help things at all. Being a supernatural and delving deep into the world, working with the very fabric of the universe and storing its energy to weave his own destiny and abusing his powers to alter other people's lives too, Charlie has a huge tab. He owes a lot to various people. While he is calm and collected, still very carefree, that can all evaporate when certain demons or demi-gods come around. Charlie has probably bedded and struck deals with entities he shouldn't have and he's in the red with some, but there's plenty of fish in the sea, right? When his energy gets too low, or he's gone on a weekly binge and running dry, nothing makes up for it like being a demon's whore, or an angel's for that matter. |
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Being a witch, auras are not only visible, but Charlie can sense them from a distance as well. Every person, creature and living thing has an aura. They vary in size, colours and shades, brightness and emotion. Auras are an extension of self, some even think it's your spirit. Auras carry sensations, feelings and sometimes memories. On the whole, auras can teach you more about yourself and those who are blessed with Sight to understand you better as well. Keep in mind though that aura colours are not permanent. They're actually quite fluid and can fluctuate depending on how you are feeling throughout your day. When shaking someone's hand, brushing past someone on the street or merely walking around them you might feel sick, nauseous or really nice, bubbly or calm. This is a mixture of someone's personal energy, as well as their aura. Think of it as being able to tell that someone has a cloud hanging over them. Same kind of idea, but their energy and aura are so pervasive that you get affected physically. These sensations can linger, or attach to you and affect you and how you're feeling if you're not careful. This all being said, Charlie's aura appears as a bright blood orange colour, spanning an area of roughly 12 feet in circumference, which is pretty substantial. The colour and brilliance of his aura speaks to many things about him as an person such as his passion, sexual nature and vitality, personal strength and how he lives in the moment. |
THE REALITY & GLAMOUR![]() Despite those dynamic changes, when it comes to the witch's body, there's even more of a transformation. While he is a muscled ectomorph body, without his glamour, his physique is still muscled, but his chest and clavicles are over exaggerated in a sense that his trend of being bony is apparent even here. Whereas, if Charlie was human and appeared this way, people would assume that he was sickly or severely anorexic. Without his glamour the man is also no longer just a man either, having a pussy and a well-endowed cock. Okay, actually two, in case he ever needed to fuck two holes at once. I'm sure you catch my drift here. Although, what you might not be expecting is that on the palms of his hands he boasts enlarged pores which is actually for energy distribution. Whether to take it from the air, a person, to give or to take, it permits for the ease to be maximized. Think of it are permitting a form of metaphysical intercourse. Part of this whole façade is also Charlie's mundane profession: psychology. Charlie's certification is a Ph.D. (doctorate degree) in Social Psychology from the University of Birmingham in England, where he started this whole affair. And then, when he made the move to the United States, getting an MA (master's degree) in Mental Health & Counseling Psychology from the University at Albany (S.U.N.Y.) in New York, ultimately meaning that he is capable of practicing in the UK, as well as the US — following individual state regulations, of course. He ultimately gave in to doing the academic effort to getting certified in the States to avoid watching his doctorate measure up to less than what it was recognized for back home in the UK. |
Fears ✚ being denounced
Charlie has been denounced before and that's why it's so rooted as one of his legitimate fears. Being discredited and publicly shamed sucks enough, but now with social media and the barrier between the supernatural world and the mortal one getting thinner and thinner as time goes on, it's one thing to be slandered in one realm, but two? There's a dimming safety net, and everyone wants to be angry and put the blame on someone. This is also why Charlie stays away from most social media websites. He doesn't have a twitter, only an instagram for pictures and he doesn't interact with comments. It might be a bit paranoid, but those are consequences he'd much rather deal with.
![]() ✚ claustrophobia
While most fears are either learned (passed on by parents, etc) or irrational, this fear, like being denounced, is from experience. It is one he conquers every day getting to and from his office by taking the elevator, but the presence of other people help. If there's no one else in line for the elevator, that's when he fights trepidation. However, having the schooling of psychology, he does try to push himself to not let himself be consumed by it. In truth, this is called Flooding, but he doesn't do it more than what is required, which is probably what is holding him back. But being held captive once in a confined space and not really needing to break the fear, he tolerates it. Maybe it's the small adrenaline kick he gets from it, but he never bothers to break it completely.
✚ romance
It's probably bad practice for your psychologist to avoid romance and anything deeper than platonic love, but for Charlie it's a matter of survival. Hearing the stories he does on a constant basis, and having past romantic relationships, the heartbreak and how easily it is to let oneself go to be so obliging to another person is dangerous. That's partially how Charlie has come to be indebted to some creatures that he'd rather never see again. You do a lot of things for love, thinking it will help, but it doesn't. You might say he's a bit callous or heartless to hang up on calls from someone he starts getting feelings for, but it's a defense mechanism. He's not good for you and you're not good for him. Best to cut it to the quick and learn to live without regrets.
✚ notes:
➣On the topic of romance, when Charlie actually manages to fall in love, he falls in hard. His heart and energy is very much an 'all-or-nothing' type deal, even if he's not into monogamy. ➣Charlie is obsessed with touch. He never has enough hands, and adores cuddling, platonically or otherwise, but most especially when in love. If he's around you, he'll always try to have a hand on you. ➣Kissing can be something of an addiction for the witch too, if there's deep feelings involved. Little kisses, big ones, long & lingering ones as soft as a feather. Doesn't really matter what kind. |
giggling ◉
While it's probably a very weird defense mechanism, it's Charlie's most prominent one. If he's embarrassed, or nervous in any way, the witch is gonna giggle. He might even blush and it doesn't matter what the circumstance is or who he's with either. However, despite how weird it is, it generally gets a good reaction, which further solidifies it as a healthy mechanism, not that Charlie could rid himself of this habit anymore. He's done it for the majority of his life.
touching his cheek ◉
This tell happens when in conversation. Although it looks like a normal facial touch, and is generally translated as being alluring, for Charlie it's not only signifying that he's attracted and/or interested, but also that he might have butterflies going on somewhere. It is distinctly the light scratching of a manicured index fingernail down his cheek and outlining his jaw and it happens onceduring an interaction. It is insanely specific, especially considering that he doesn't consciously think about when he's doing it.
Everything you need to know about Charlie's fashion choices and preferences. A-line or drop neck blouses are a favourite so as to accentuate his gynecomastia in a professionally feasible way. Heeled boots are a staple as well (his every day wear shoes are listed). When it comes to watches however, this is where Charlie shows his love for simplicity the most obviously. When it comes to jewelry, Charlie prefers wearing dainty rings but many and all over his fingers, but tries his best to be minimalist. He prefers neither silver or gold, and will merely have silver days or gold days, or mix very carefully.
➣ As a side note, Charlie prefers to wear things made of particular fabrics when it comes to shirts. Whether it be merino wool, silk, viscose or cotton, that's when he is happiest. Other fabrics tend to be too abrasive. For example, a basic polyester t-shirt might require him to wear a bra or camisole of some kind underneath because his breasts are so sensitive that it can tend to chafe.
Always | Sometimes | Maybe | Never |