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NAME: Nikola Brâncoveanu GENDER: Cisgender male AGE: 235, appears late twenties |
RACE: Human vampire NATIONALITY: Romanian OCCUPATION: Forensic pathologist |
SEXUALITY: Demisexual FLUENCY: Romanian, English TEXT: Text |
† Born March 18 1785
† Bucharest, † †
† 6'/183 centimetres tall
† Pale skin † Looks sickly, prominent veins † Myriad of pin-prick scars † No tattoos or piercings † Dark brown/maroon eyes † Permanent dark circles † Skin looks irritated/red † Shortish, dark brown hair † A bit of stubble
† Heightened senses
† † † Rapid regeneration † Superior speed and strength |
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Born March 18 1989 †
Northampton, England † Bachelor of medicine † Pathology residency †
Adaptable +
Calm, Compassionate + Good-natured + Idealistic, Independent + Neutral / Skeptical / Apathetic - Cold, cynical - Resentful, reserved - Solemn -
Ash-wood, hawthorn †
Iron, steel - not silver † Loud/high-pitched noise † Sunlight, bright lights † |
‡ linguistics ‡ Speaks English with no discernable accent. Knows limited ![]() ![]() |
‡ actual education ‡ Recently updated MB from Cambridge, FPCC and a current residency in forensic pathology. Also has outdated degrees in virology and medicine.
‡ miscellaneous ‡
† Well-adapted to modern society, despite having taken a few decades away from humanity a couple of times. He has stopped questioning modern technology and just goes with it. † † Has never turned anyone and never intends to. He doesn't outright despise vampirism, he just doesn't wish it on anyone else. † Ongoing religious crisis. He sometimes visits a local eastern orthodox church, but never participates in communions. † Sunlight doesn't actually burn him to a crisp. He also has a heartbeat, albeit feint and very slow. He barely registers it. |
‡ cover-up ‡ Explains his paleness with having a mild case of sickle cell anaemia. Covers up his scars with high collars, turtlneck sweaters and long sleeves.
‡ false identities ‡
Seem credible, very little paper trail since digitalization. His first identities were weak and easily tracable, which he has learned a lot from. Adrian Delaney
‡ test ‡