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![]() AERON ˈeɨ̯rɔn | berry Welsh |
![]() CORNELIUS kɔrˈnil yəs | horn Latin |
![]() PERCIVAL ˈpɜr sə vəl | hard spears English |
![]() LOTHAR ˈlo̞θaħ | famous army German |
![]() THE FIRST fɜː(r)st | firstborn English |
Lord Aeron Cornelius Percival Lothar I of Dalaran. He is normally referred to as Lord Lothar, Lord Aeron by his servants. ◖NICKNAME◗ He despises any nicknames, though his mum used to call him Aeri. ◖ALIAS◗ He has none. ◖AGE◗ 33 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He is the lord in the small, sovereign county of Dalaran. ◖RESIDENCE◗ His castle, Cadleigh Castle, located in the north of the county. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Himself, his subjects and servants, and his county. Those close to him, really. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ At Cadleigh. ◖NATIONALITY◗ At least half Dalarian, he's not sure from where his mother hailed. |
Dhampir. ◖ABILITIES◗ Aplenty, both due to his upbringing and his race. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,83. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Well-built, muscular, fit. ◖EYES◗ A golden hazel colour. ◖HAIR◗ Black and curly, which he keeps slightly long. ◖COMPLEXION◗ A pale sort of tan. ◖TATTOOS◗ None. He has no interest in such. ◖SCARS◗ He has a scar going from his left eyebrow down his cheek, but that's the only one. He doesn't scar easily. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed when writing, though capable of wielding a sword with both hands. |
Bisexual, though he is simply attracted to pretty things, their sex does not matter. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single, though he should soon consider marriage. ◖LIKES◗ Red wine, soft and expensive textiles, horse back riding, fencing and swords, a great party, dancing, sailing. He likes the journey of finding his partner for the night just as much as he finds pleasure in kicking them out the morning after. Pretty things, both living beings and inanimate objects, jewels and riches. A nice warm bath, cleanliness, comfort, staying in, the night sky. ◖DISLIKES◗ Strong smells such as cigars and built-up sweat, being told what to do, doing the cleaning or cooking, politics, especially when they take over the ballroom, the whispers and glances, sucking up to others for your own good, silver, dirt, uninvited guests, poor quality in anything - wine, food, clothes. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Aidan Turner. |
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I M M O R T A L I T Y It is not as good as it seems. ___________________________________________ Aeron Lothar I is the first and only child of Elaine and Percival Lothar II. Born to one day take over the lordship from his father, he was raised in pure luxury in the wealthy county of Dalaran. His parents never considered another child, which Aeron found odd and slightly annoying as he had no one his age to play with, but he later learnt that it was for the pure sake of his mother's survival ― something he would always have preferred over a sibling. That at least meant that there was no reason to share, something which he grew up to be slightly too fond of. He was treated as a prince, yet always reminded that he was none: He was a future lord, a title with responsibilities as well, but he had to know his place in society. He quickly became an integrated part of the Lothar family when they attended parties, gatherings, and such in other counties or even in Andorhal at the King's court. He was an elegant, young lord and he knew so, which quickly made him extremely popular. His childhood and young teenage years were filled with just what you could imagine of a young, promising heir: Fine dining and red wine, something he got a taste for at a very early age, swordsman training and horseback riding, sailing on the lake, enjoying the stable boys and the kitchen maidens, studying, manners, rhetorics, ballroom dancing, all the things you needed to know to become a fine, young man. Those were not the only teachings, though. A well-kept secret of the Lothar house was that of their race: Vampires. His father was a full-blooded vampire who had fallen in love with a human, who oddly enough felt the same; no blood lust, no hypnosis, just simple love. This made him a halfling, a so-called dhampir. To be in control of his father's side, he had to learn what he could do and how to be able to control these abilities. While he lacked the weaknesses and showed great potential in the strengths, he still had to feed, which was something he grew to hate from the beginning. It was not something he had to do as regular as his father, whose control meant that he could feed from his mother or trusted servants without either killing, harming, or turning them, the latter being the worst of all. There was no interest in creating more vampires ― the lord and his son were enough. At least, his blood lust was minimal and based on necessity, and as the household was well aware of the family's origins, it was easy to ensure that he would never make it to a point where he would feel hunger. This calm sense of normality was bound to end ― as The Phantom War began, long before it was even given the name, the county secluded themselves even further. While an ally of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, it was one of the counties that enjoyed a relaxed relation to them mainly based on trade. While Aeron missed the parties at the capital, he quickly learnt to resent the outside world. It all happened so quickly one night when he was 16. He heard the screams as the head master rushed him to the dungeons. He could have fought back, the head master being nothing but human, but he knew that there was no point when he felt the pulsating flames even from down below, almost as if he could feel them against his skin. When he finally was allowed up, it was quiet. There was little to no damage, but the losses were great. He never saw what had happened to his parents, but he had no interest in it either; he felt that they were gone. It had been nothing but an example, set by The Phantom's men. He knew that his parents had fought and that that had signed their death sentence. While he wanted to do the same ― for what point was there to life now ― he knew that he had the responsibilities of taking care of not only his household, but the county and its people. He chose the next best thing: To withdraw and remain neutral, neither help Lordaeron nor fight The Phantom to sustain himself and the lives around him. The years have gone past and Aeron is still the lord of Dalaran. The county continues to produce wine and textiles, even if they no longer trade with their normal alliances. Lordaeron has fallen, The Phantom is in power, but Aeron only cares about the safety of himself and his subjects, so he has no intention of changing their way of life. They are still able to live in luxury without trading with the enemy, and while he has grown to be a secluded, annoyed man, he at least has his red wine and a false sense of freedom. |
○ P O M P O U S
adj. | pomp·ous | ˈpäm-pəs Having or exhibiting self-importance. When Aeron enters a room, he definitely feels like the most important person in the room. It's just the way he was raised. While he is very much aware of the social tiers of the society, that does not mean that he cannot be better than others. He has this way of making others feel that he views himself as better while still being perfectly polite and a true gentleman. He carries his pompous, arrogant self with flair and one could almost say that it suits him. While he knows he is far from perfect, he is aware that the same goes for others, just the fact that he embraces his imperfections puts him in a better position than them ― even if he, too, has secrets he would like to keep. |
○ C H A R M I N G
adj. | charm·ing | ˈchär-miŋ Extremely pleasing or delightful. While his arrogance can be excessive, Aeron's charming aura makes up for it. He has a way of moving, speaking, and treating others that make them swoon ― even his insults are said with a undeniable charm. He is truly a lord; he knows how to move around the politics and diplomatic scene at the ball, even though he hates it. He says what he's thinking, even about other people in front of them, which could come of as abrasive, but he always manages to come off as if he has said nothing wrong, especially because he never seems remotely sorry for it. |
○ F A S T I D I O U S
adj. | fas·tid·i·ous | fa-ˈsti-dē-əs Having high and often capricious standards: Difficult to please. Aeron has standards and they are pretty high. It affects every part of his life, not just in terms of love and partners. It's the same when it comes to food, wine, clothes, company, horses, every aspect of his life should be as best as it could ever be. He is also very vocal about this ― if it's not good enough, he will let you know. He has excellent taste, at least according to himself, so he cannot really see the problem in being slightly picky when it comes to the pleasures of life. Everything is better, though, if it simply comes to him and even so he feels entitled to complain about it. |
○ S T E A D F A S T
adj. | stead·fast | ˈsted-ˌfast Firm in belief, determination, or adherence: Not subject to change. While Aeron comes of as rather rude and entitled ― which is definitely not wrong ― his steadfast behaviour comes from a place of loyalty, even if that too adds to his unapproachable nature. He is the type of person to never give up on his opinions, even when he might be proven wrong: He's just not going to lose face. Then he would rather leave instead of giving up. This is not only about his opinions, but just as much when it comes to those close to him. While his loyalty is not easy to gain, he will stand up for you if he deems it to be the right thing. His moral compass could be better, but as he's great at speaking his case, he can stand up for others when it comes to it. |
| Heightened Senses |
All of Aeron's senses are of supernatural keenness: He can see with perfect clarity in the night, his can easily hear anyone moving around or towards him, while his smell might make him sensitive to strong scents, he easily picks up a familiar scent or tell people apart by their blood or bodily odours, just like his taste is highly sensitive, and his touch is amazingly acute, being able to feel the sense of a heartbeat, the vibrations of footsteps, or the rushing sensation of lust from another. In addition to the increased senses, Aeron can be said to have a sixth sense, though not as accurate as a full-blooded vampire, but he can sense impending danger.
| Inhuman Recovery |
Aeron's resilience and regeneration of his body is considerable, where he can recover from injuries extremely quickly, even those that would normally kill a human, though there are limitations as well. Poison, suffocation, extreme weather conditions, drowning, diseases, or such cannot kill him, though. He does feel pain, even immensely, and greater injuries might take longer to heal, even if it is still inhuman ― and the healing becomes quicker if he is being fed blood.
| Superhuman Physiology |
Aeron is superior to humans in every physical sense ― strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, you name it. Lifting heavy loads, running great distances and immense speeds, leaping to great heights, never tires, scaling surfaces with amazing speed, horizontally and vertically, enduring pain, and so on.
| Flight |
One of Aeron's more unique abilities is the ability to fly. He can even do this in a variety of ways, where levitation is the easiest and simplest method, he knows that he can conjure wings as well. He did this a lot when he was younger, but has not done so for years as it makes him incredibly uncomfortable since it truly reminds him of his own blood. He has also had no reason to use his flight, it seems pointless, especially when it emphasises something he would like to keep as hidden as possible.
| Swordsmanship |
Aeron's weapon of choice is the sword and he is fantastic at it to a point where it could seem superhuman. While his origin might give him an advantage, he has simply trained for many years and still does so to maintain his skill. He always carries a sword with him as well. |
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