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![]() ARIC Masculine | ever ruler | English |
![]() VEEKAN Surname | unknown | Unknown |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Aric Veekan. ◖NICKNAME◗ Most who know him on a more personal level - which are few - refer to him as Veekan. He rarely shares his name. ◖ALIAS◗ He is mostly known as simply V, Veekan to the few he might trust. ◖AGE◗ He's 27 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He's a bounty hunter, working mainly alone, though he has a vast network. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Where-ever. He has no permanent residence. It depends on the job. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Himself. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Presumably Eshan. ◖RACE◗ He's a hybrid, half human, half Echani, he takes mainly after his human part physically. |
◖ABILITIES◗ Excellent swordsmanship and martial arts. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,8 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Athletically built, muscular, and exceptionally well-defined. ◖EYES◗ Blue. ◖HAIR◗ Light brown. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White, naturally to the paler side. ◖TATTOOS◗ None. He has no interest in obvious markings that can easily identify him. ◖SCARS◗ Plenty. Comes with the job. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous, though he prefers writing with his right. He fights equally well with both hands. |
◖SEXUALITY◗ Straight. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. Does whatever he wants, it's easier that way as he has no intention of settling. ◖LIKES◗ Fighting, martial arts, weaponry, preferably to the lighter, more efficient side, though only melee weapons, a job well done, strong alcohol and an occasional smoke. He loves quick travel, but he has a soft spot for travelling across lands on whatever mount available, it just doesn't suit his line of work, but riding is definitely a secret pleasure of his. Saloons and busy places for him to blend into the crowd easily, though he's more of a quick and effective type when it comes to finishing an assignment. Close combat, being pushed to his very limits, a challenge. ◖DISLIKES◗ He's a horrible loser, hates taking orders, especially when he's not in the mood to listen to others, long-range weapons, as they just seem cowardly to him, small-talk, conversations in general, he isn't much of a talker, not a great people person actually, competition, though he rarely finds anything a challenge, other bounty hunters mostly, sand and hot weather, warm planets, especially desert ones, are the absolute worst. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Scott Eastwood. |
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THE ORPHAN Abandoned and left to fight for one's life. ___________________________________________ Aric Veekan was presumably born on the Inner Rim Territories planet of Eshan, home of the Echani. He is not entirely sure, he only knows that he was born my an Echani woman, his father being human. He has no memory or knowledge of them, his origin, or heritage as he was presumably abandoned at birth. Those who found him didn't take him in ― instead he was sold to the highest bidder, earning these strangers a great profit for a hybrid new-born. He was raised by an Echani couple, which might seem lucky as he never had to leave his presumed place of birth. Aric was nothing near lucky as he was ruthlessly raised to fight. It was easier to do under the guise of him being their child, but it meant that he was not allowed to go near other children unless he had to fight, being outside was a luxury to be earned, and abuse was a daily occurrence, excused as a way to strengthen and toughen him up quicker. While he was trained in the martial arts of the Echani, while he became excellent at doing exactly what these people wanted from him, he hated them more than anything. They raised him with a blood lust beyond their own, which would prove to be their worst mistake. With his humans genes dominating his appearance, he stood out in the arena, but his style of fighting, his movements, and how he predicted his opponents' moves proved that he was just as much of a dangerous fighter as the full-blooded Echanis. Money was always the goal; he would win big in the arena, both the legal and illegal ones, and his kills would only improve from each time. Here, there was no fighting to surrender, only until one of the fighters was dead. His kill count made him elegible to move up and before he knew it, his handlers were arranging specific murders, murders for hire that he would have to perform. He didn't argue, but did exactly what they wanted. He knew he could and that he wanted it. He had grown borned with the arena fights, as they were no longer a true challenge to him even at a fairly young age. Being a bounty hunter was definitely something else. It was difficult to begin with, but that was the greatest part: It was a place to even further improve himself, to find even more enjoyment in the act of taking the life of another. He cared little about the targets, only himself, but he saw nothing of the profit as it went straight to his handlers. His hatred for them was already beyond great, it was the only feeling he had room for. At the age of 16, he finished what he had planned for for ages when he freed himself by murdering them. He did it just how he wanted ― he wanted them to feel just what he had felt all those years and he felt incredible afterwards, and he has never regretted this decision. He took over the "business" himself and has worked on his own ever since then, maintaining the contact from his handlers and gaining many more as he travels the universe with the sole purpose of earning by taking the life of others. It's all he knows and he wouldn't want it any other way. |
○ D E F I A N T
adj. | de·fi·ant Full of or showing a disposition to challenge, resist, or fight. Aric is not someone you tell what to do. While he does take assignments from others, he only takes what he wants. He knows how good he is and if he's not feeling it, expect a no. Sometimes, he does it simply out of spite in situations where he just doesn't like the person trying to hire him. He has always been the type to say no, even when he should be saying yes, he's just horrible at taking orders from others and instead pose as a constant challenge to all. Money cannot make him fold, but the sheer excitement of killing can. |
○ U N S Y M P A T H E T I C
adj. | un·sym·pa·thet·ic Not given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy. If you're looking to gain a final moment of sympathy and leniency, Aric is not the right guy. He couldn't care less about you. If someone has hired him to finish you, he will with or without you begging for your life. He has never been good at putting himself in the place of others and when he does, it mainly ends with a shrug. His only measure is himself and what he wants, whatever other people want doesn't matter at all. |
○ E F F I C I E N T
adj. | ef·fi·cient Productive of desired effects. Aric prides himself with being highly efficient. He lives to kill and he will finish the job one way or the other. He might not always keep the deadline, but in most cases he does so flawlessly. He's swift and mostly clean ― though that depends on the target, sometimes it definitely gets messy ― and he leaves no trace of himself, which in itself tells that he is the one behind the kill. His methods are what make him so sought after by the ones in need of his skills. |
○ U N T R O U B L E D
adj. | un·trou·bled Not given trouble : not made uneasy. Aric is not someone who is easily shaken up. He stays calm and collected through even the most intense situations, especially fights as they are truly his element of utmost calm. It has something to do with the lack of care for others he has in general, but even in the most pressed situations, he can stay silent and move forward. He might break a sweat, but only due to physically pushing himself. Life doesn't affect him greatly, emotions are not his thing, and it takes a lot for him to react even remotely. |
| Melee weaponry |
Aric wields a set of vibroblades at all times. These are his chosen weapon made especially for him of the highest quality, even fitted with a cortosis-weave to fight any opponent, even jedis. While he masters most melee weapons, the vibroblade has always been his preferred weapon, light and easy to handle, yet gets the job done efficiently and smoothly. While melee is definitely the area in which he is most skilled, he can wield long-range weapons as well. He just prefers not to do so, seeing no point in it. He wants to get up and close with the target, and while it makes the situation more dangerous, it's just the way he likes it. Besides the love for his vibroblades, he carries several smaller knives all around his body just for the convenience of it. If he doesn't use his blades, he uses his hands.
| Martial arts |
Raised in Echani society, martial arts is a part of his heritage and he is absolutely great at it. To him, it's a dance and he flows perfectly when in combat. Just like other Echanis, he not only values this more than anything else, he has the ability to read his opponent with near perfection. He is great at adapting within seconds, while his skills often prove a surprising element in itself. |
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