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![]() CAELAN Unisex | slender, fair | English |
![]() WRENN Feminine | a small songbird | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Caelan Wrenn. ◖NICKNAME◗ He's mainly referred to as simply Caelan, though he's greatly looking forward to the day he reaches the title of master Wrenn. ◖ALIAS◗ He has none. ◖AGE◗ He's 26 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He's a Jedi knight. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He has a room in the dormitory quarters reserved for the Jedi knights of the Jedi Temple. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ The Jedi Order and the Light side of the Force, protecting the Galactic Republic. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Alderaan. ◖RACE◗ Human. |
◖ABILITIES◗ He possesses a number of abilities granted to him by the Force as well as excellent martial arts and weaponry use, specifically the use of the lightsaber. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,84 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Athletic and lean, though slightly muscular and defined as someone who's constantly keeping physically fit and on top. ◖EYES◗ A piercingly icy blue. ◖HAIR◗ Dark blonde. ◖COMPLEXION◗ White. ◖TATTOOS◗ None. ◖SCARS◗ Quite a few, it's virtually impossible to not get scars from all the years of training, but nothing too severe either. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Right-handed, though he is capable of wielding his saber in both hands if the situation should demand it. |
◖SEXUALITY◗ Gay, though blissfully unaware. With a life dedicated to the Force, celibacy is a common practice and he has never even considered an other option. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. While marriage is not forbidden, it's not recommended either. Emotions and love are to most not compatible with the Light side of the Force and he has never questioned it. ◖LIKES◗ He enjoys most aspects of his life ― from training, studying, and reading, to formal duties and tasks. He especially has a fondness of lightsaber duels and he's extremely skilled at it, beating most, if not all at his level and age. He enjoys meditating, flying, nature, especially planets covered in it, water and swimming, both flora and fauna, learning, travelling the worlds, star-gazing, the night sky in general, he has a soft spot for it. He likes helping others, problem solving, having to think quickly, moving. ◖DISLIKES◗ The Siths are at the top of the list, but all of those using, hurting, threatening others in general, people only concerned with themselves. He hates alcohol and any of that sorts. He's not too fond of cold weather and icy planets, but he makes due with lots of layers, as he dislikes complaining more than that, though only when he's doing the complaining, so he adapts instead. In general though, there are not many things he dislikes besides the people on the opposite spectrum of himself, but even those deserve the benefit of the doubt. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Chris Pine. |
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THE CHOSEN ONE How does one carry such a burden? ___________________________________________ Caelan Wrenn was born on the planet of Aldoran. His father had left before his mother birthed him and shortly thereafter, the Jedi Order knocked on her door. They had sensed her child and the power within him like they did so often with new potential Jedi. He was told very little about his mother other than she willingly gave him up to fulfill his destiny. While he cannot be sure that this is the only truth, he accepted it, especially when he was old enough to learn that this was common practice within the Jedi Order. He was glad that he was found ― to him, the Order quickly proved to be the right place. The Jedi who discovered him learnt upon extraction that his numbers exceeded most, alluded that he might be even more than just another potential Youngling. They kept this within the Council to ensure that they could prove it to be true without making any rash decisions. He could simply be a very powerful Jedi in the making. Prophecies were highly valued, but they could be dangerous if interpreted wrongly. Instead, they wanted to train Caelan and tell him their findings when he was old enough to grasp the idea without letting it get to his head; for a time when he had gained complete control of his emotion and the rationality so praised within the Order. As Caelan had no knowledge of this, he continued his training as expected at the same level of everyone else. Caelan proved extremely talented from a very young age, both physically, mentally, and in terms of using the Force, as if he had a more natural feeling of the mysterious power than the other Younglings. Some still speak of his participating of the Gathering ― this was when the first whispers outside of the Council began. As he reached its end, a blue kyber crystal presented itself to him within the cave and he thereafter built his lightsaber and he has never let go of it since then. Following these trials, he worked relentlessly to prepare himself for the Initiate Trials to move onto the next step of his training, to become a Padawan. Even before he entered these first trials, a Jedi master had already set their eyes on him. Master Malcha, a female Togruta Jedi Master, was ready the moment he finished. She was interested herself, but the Council saw that she would be the perfect fit for the now young Padawan. Master Malcha was on the route to join the Council herself, old and wise, yet swift and fierce. She had experience with training Padawans, so taking on Caelan was one like many and yet nothing like she had ever experienced before. Keeping quiet about her thoughts, only telling the Council, proved difficult, but she kept it by simply praising the young Caelan like she would do any other, ensuring that he knew he had great potential, but that he had to work hard: And that's exactly what she made him do. Since then, Caelan has passed the Jedi Trial, making him a fully fledged Jedi knight. Not only did he have a great knowledge of fighting and the foundations of the Order and the Force, Master Malcha had ensured that he had experience outside of the Academy and the world of the Order, bringing him along her travels of the universe. The travels had showed him hardships and victory instead of the polished world that one could easily imagine for oneself when being taught about the Order, peace, and the Republic. In the middle of it, Caelan was formed to be what others could only aspire to become, but now that he had become a knight he realised that he was not even sure who he really was. Yes, he was a Jedi knight with a dream of becoming a Master himself and taking a seat at the Council, but he wasn't really sure about anything else. He had friends, yes, but when he thought about what he liked, it all had something to do with his duties as a knight. Not that it was an issue, but realising at such a late age that you had little to no personal life to a point where you doubt that you have your own personality is quite a shock. He might be made for this life, free of emotion and worry, never tempted by the dark side, but for some reason it felt odd ― as if he wasn't real. It was too good to be true that he had never been met with anything, even as he was challenged profoundly all through his training, he had remained positive and calm. This has shaken his core slightly, but not enough to push him out of balance. He has found his way back to his peace, though it can keep him awake or disturb him in his meditations, even if he has yet to have the Council's plans revealed to him. He has lived his life believing that he like everyone around him is destined to simply uphold the peace of the universe, scaling the ranks of the Order along the way, that he is one amongst many when he might be truly unique ― and alone. |
○ A M I C A B L E
adj. | am·i·ca·ble Characterised by friendly goodwill: Peaceable. Caelan is incredibly friendly and likeable as a person. There's something about him that immediately tells you that he wants the best for you and genuinely cares for your well-being. This can often be taken for naivety, but that is not the case. He believes in the best in people, but he knows that not all can be saved even if he gives them the benefit of the doubt. He has to stay realistic, but that doesn't mean that he should treat people differently to begin with. There's this aura to him that draws people to him, the way he acts, speaks, smiles, treating others equally and righteously. |
○ C A L M
adj. | calm Marked by calm, free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance. Caelan has always had the ability to stay calm even in the most intense situations. He has had this ability ever since he was a young boy, even before he started his initial training as a Youngling. He exudes calmness to a point where it can easily affect others ― it's hard to be agitated when someone beside you remains scarily calm. He takes pride in this, removing himself from the temptations, agitations, and emotions that would normally stir you and remove one from such a state. He has had periods where he felt it slip, but he has never lost it completely. |
○ D E V O T E D
adj. | de·vot·ed Characterised by loyalty and devotion. Caelan is marked by fierce devotion, not only to the Order. While they first and foremost take up his devotion, which is only natural considering everything, he is simply a loyal person to those around him, not only the Jedi. If you gain his trust, he will be ready to give up his own life for you. He believes in something bigger than himself and that he is simply one amongst many, something he finds a strange comfort in. He cares about his relations to others, even if he has very few, strong bonds, but the few friends he has are incredibly important to him. |
○ E X C E P T I O N A L
adj. | ex·cep·tion·al Forming an exception, rare, better than average, deviating from the norm. Caelan himself would never use such a word to describe himself, but he has heard it being used. It never sits right and he never really gets it, even if he understands that he did better than most during his training days, but those are simply test and not real life; but Caelan is a rarity, even if he is not aware of the seriousness of such a claim yet. He is something else, something more, his relationship with the Force is unique. He's not just gifted or intelligent, while he is that too without a doubt, it's something more than simply that, even if he would strongly disagree. |
| Lightsaber |
Caelan's ability to use the lightsaber, the chosen weapon of the Jedi, is impeccable. While it is only meant to be used in defence, he is more than capable of doing exactly so. He always carries his blue saber with him, ready to use it whenever, though he has no intention of using it without a cause. He might grab it if the situations intensifies, yet not turn on the saber ― sometimes the mere sight of the lightsaber make an enemy flinch. He is aware of the dangers, he has used it before and caused other harm with it, so it's not simply a accessory that he has beautiful mastery of.
| Martial arts |
To utilise the lightsaber in the best possible way and to defend himself in situations where the saber might not be necessary, Caelan is rather proficient in defending himself solely with his body. He throws a mean punch and is pretty good, even if these are simply for defence as well. Sometimes, he feels better not using his saber simply because it has such a destructive force, where martial arts are a great substitution, but he rarely enter a volatile, violent situation without using his lightsaber as well. If he loses the hold of his saber ― and won't be able to force grab it ― this comes in handy as well.
| The Force |
The usage of the Force is his as well as any Jedi's strongest ability. This is something within him that he can work together with and utilise so gain knowledge and calm himself, but also to perform other tasks. These are mainly defensive and passive in nature, but this does not make them less effective or useful. Some he can use to augment his or others' courage or strength or bond with animals, whereas force pull, push, and grib are some of the easier tricks, though difficult until you master them. He personally hates the mind abilities such as mind control, force persuasion, and force fear, but he knows how to control them; he just prefers not to use them at all. Force healing and the creation of protection bubbles are more his thing, the first being immensely difficult. Of course, it depends on what he is healing, but it is something he constantly practices to ensure that he is able to use it. |
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