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Lipta Moonsilver (played by Outlawkatt) |
Dianna (played by Madam) |
Li Hua (played anonymously) |
Fiver (played anonymously) |
Rosby (played by Rosby) |
Allure (played by Themuse) |
Kali'va (played anonymously) |
Gelu (played by Gelu) |
Rath (played by Arokai) |
Jinan Shorah (played anonymously) |
Tristian (played by Moki) |
Kai'alon (played anonymously) |
Nagi (played by OofyOwyOOF) |
Ziv the Valorous - TS (played by Bananasaurus) |
Prose (played anonymously) |
Luna Kissinger (played by Thatnerdychick) |
Kalev (played anonymously) |
Tzura (played anonymously) |
Sebine (played by Stormie) |
Rhet (played anonymously) |
Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird) |
Ziv the Valorous - TS (played by Bananasaurus) || August 19 2022, 9:11pm
"Please forgive me, I have no idea what happened at the masquerade, but I shall make it up to you, I swear it."
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Asmodeus (played by Goth) || August 29 2021, 2:17pm
"Come now, Little One. We've much to do."
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