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![]() VINCENT Masculine | to conquer | English |
![]() DONOVAN Masculine| brown & dark | English |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Vincent Donovan. ◖NICKNAME◗ He was consistently called Vinny and Vince as a child, but he hated it. He wants to be called Vincent and only that, though he enjoys mr. Donovan as well. ◖ALIAS◗ He has been referred to as The Pupeteer, of which he definitely likes the sound. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 28th January. ◖AGE◗ 33 years old. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Currently travelling, unoccupied. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Wherever. He has no current, permanent residence. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Currently himself, but he used to believe in something bigger. ◖BIRTHPLACE◗ Unknown. ◖RACE◗ Metahuman. |
◖ABILITIES◗ Puppet Mastery. ◖HEIGHT◗ 1,75 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Slim. ◖EYES◗ A light green. ◖HAIR◗ Dark brown, on the border to black, curly hair. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Pale. ◖TATTOOS◗ None. ◖SCARS◗ He has some, but none of any interest. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ Ambidextrous, though he prefers his right hand for most daily tasks. ◖ZODIAC◗ Aquarius. |
◖SEXUALITY◗ Probably pansexual, though he has no interest in exploring it, as he prefers solitude. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Single. ◖LIKES◗ He enjoys cold weather, the sensation of metal against his skin, layering his clothes, snow. He does enjoy an occasional warm cup of tea, even a hot meal, but it's not exactly something he cares much for. He likes the dark and shadows, lurking in the background and pulling the strings, both metaphorically and literally. He likes to be in control and be in charge, even if responsibilities aren't a favourite of his. As long as he can be in control, he's pleased. He finds enjoyment in seeing the panic in the eyes of his prey, especially when they finally realise that there's no way out and what he is actually doing and that he surely is a threat to be taken seriously. ◖DISLIKES◗ He hates being looked down upon and he does very poorly with others in general. Most people catch his aura pretty quickly and avoid him, which he's pleased with as he has most likely has no interest in them. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to walk away. He is not the best at being told what to do, though it got better at one point, yet lost some of it again. He gets easily jealous and hates others being favoured over him, he just hates when people are better than him in any sense. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Aneurin Barnard. |
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THE PUPPETEER When I move my strings, you have no chance to flee. ___________________________________________ Vincent Donovan was born somewhere in England, though the location is unknown and so were his parents. He lived his life at an orphanage in London run by the church. Here, he was one of the masses, one of the children desperate to be loved, but again and again he was surpassed. There was always someone better, someone more suitable for the love of parents, and a bitter resentment towards those around him manifested within him and gripped his very being. He realised that he had no need for the love of others, that he had himself and no one else could live up to what he could give. He kept to himself and if the others tried to play with him, he would show them why they should leave him alone. From time to time, some innocent, new child would approach him, but for the most part they stayed away from him. It was during one of these encounters that his powers manifested themselves for the first time: And when they did, he felt elated like he had never felt before. It was like finding a part of himself that he was always meant to find, something that completed him and his entire being, and the orphanage quickly became his playground. He stayed at the orphanage until he was 15. While it was clear that he was the one who troubled the other children, since they all feared him beyond anything else, he had never been caught and even since they were so afraid of him, the children didn't dare to tell on him. At the age of 15, he was deemed to old and unadoptable, so the easiest was to simply kick him out to make room. It was no surprise, he had merely waited for the moment, but it didn't lessen his hatred for the 'home' itself. He was free, though, free to roam, and now the world was his playground. Living on the street wasn't easy, but with his abilities he could easily get whatever he wanted. He had a taste for finer things in life, things he had wanted to desperately since he first learned of the inequality of the classes and the fact that he was at the bottom. He had a talent for breaking and entering, his stature and frame was small and his steps silent, so he was rarely caught before it was too late. He immersed himself into the higher layers of society, even if it was a front ― the clothes and the homes, the money and expensive goods were all stolen, but no proof could be found. He was simply the young, newly rich man that made others uneasy, but nevertheless seemed to fit in with his arrogance, greed, and manners. He was a great actor, putting on an act was what he did, and as he thoroughly believed that this was where he belonged, it was a part he played well. He was introduced to Ramses and his group just when he was about to turn 23. He had wrecked havoc in the shadows while touring around for all of those years, stealing the homes and wealth of those he found to fit his needs, while acting as he was part of the elite. Jonathan was the one who found him and to begin with he was not in the slightest impressed ― but he became very much so. The ideology that was presented to him was what he had believed all his life and now he had a group of powerful beings like himself right in front of him. He did what he had to prove that he was worthy of a spot next to Ramses and when he finally met him, it felt like fate. He cared little for Jonathan and any of the others, all he cared for was Ramses and his cause... and yet, he had no interest in being simply a lackey. It only took a few years for him to start doing things on his own without the acknowledgement of Ramses, and he would surely had made him proud if it hadn't been for Jonathan exposing him. Suddenly, he was alone again. While his memory was intact, he had lost what he believed in, taken away from him when he was surely the most worthy to stand next to Ramses, right by his side, not below him. How could it be? The only answer he could possibly come up with, was Jonathan. And he deserved to suffer. Of course, he could do nothing to the man himself, he could do nothing to hurt him that would be enough: But he had family. Over the last years, he has had one goal and that is to find the perfect solution, the perfect plan, and now he has found it. |
○ B I T T E R
adj. | bit·ter Marked by intensity or severity, accompanied by severe pain or suffering, exhibiting intense animosity. Out of everything, Vincent is bitter to the core. He resents others for all the things that they have that he doesn't have. It started early on, being envious of the children with parents and families, then towards the other children being adopted, and it simply continued from there. He knows that he's brilliant, so why doesn't he get all of these things that he clearly deserves? He should be the one in charge, he should be the one that others look up to, and yet he has nothing. It's become such a part of him that the taste of bitterness never leaves him. |
○ A P A T H E T I C
adj. | ap·a·thet·ic Having or showing little or no feeling or emotion. While he can grasp others' emotions, Vincent doesn't care and he rarely show much of emotion himself, unless there's a good reason for it. He can put on an act or a smile for the purpose of the theatrical, to play a role. He is well aware that his smile has a certain effect on people, so sometimes it's the right thing to do, but it will nevertheless be a smile that never reaches his eyes. Emotions are in the way and what separate him from all of these feeble humans. They care too much and he enjoys showing them what happens when you care too much for something and it's taken away. That is where he finds the purest of joys. |
○ C O N T R O L L I N G
adj. | con·trol·ling Inclined to control others' behaviour. Vincent loves to be in control, not just of the situation, but of the people involved. It gives him a sense of thrill, it rushes through his veins as ecstasy, and if people won't give into him willingly, he will make them do so. It's even better when they struggle and he has to force them to comply ― when they beg for him to stop or look at him with that look in their eyes that seems to be the same for everyone. However great they might view themselves, they are all the same in the end, which he loves to expose. |
○ C A L C U L A T E D
adj. | cal·cu·lat·ed Planned or contrived to accomplish a purpose. Vincent is cunning and smart, not someone who reacts hastily; he spends time to put his plans together and he can spend forever watching and figuring out where he should hit to supply the most sufficient blow. He might be easy to underestimate, but that is the wrong choice. You don't see him, but he sees you and every move that you make. Each of his steps are calculated, just like he does everything to foresee the reaction of his prey to be able to adapt to any situation and in this way ensure that the outcome plays out in his favour. |
| Puppet Mastery |
Puppet Mastery, also known as Physical Manipulation or Puppetry, is an ability that allows Vincent to take full control of another person's body and control all of their movements. This extends to all humanoid forms, whether living, dead, or objects that he can control as if they were marionettes. This is a remote ability, meaning that his control is done by remotely manipulating the movements, sometimes moving his fingers as if he is literally controlling a puppet or forcing his victims to mirror him. While he does not have to move his fingers or move his body accordingly to how he wants his victim to move, he loves doing it as it adds an effect; it feels like he is very literally pulling strings tied to the persons body. He has perfected his control to an extend where the person won't feel it until it's too late: It very much feels like you lose control over your own body, but you remain fully conscious, so the victim will be aware of all the things that Vincent makes them do, they just can't do anything to stop it. While a strong-willed person might be able to withstand him, it has yet to happen ― even the strongest of people have a weak spot that exposes them to him and once he's in, it's impossible to break free. It takes nothing more than a distraction for him to gain control, but most he doesn't even have to distract to possess. He has even been able to control multiple people at the same time, though three being the maximum he has ever tried and it is definitely easier to keep control of one. While the person cannot control their movements, they are able to speak freely unless he forcefully manipulates them to close their mouth, but he often enjoys his victims' desperation and cry for help as he does what he does best. In terms of metahumans, he is able to control the abilities of the metahuman if he possesses them. He has to concentrate more, especially if he has yet to figure out the ability of the metahuman, but as soon as he knows and gets a brief feel for it, he can forcefully make them use their ability. This control is thanks to his time with Ramses, where he had the opportunity to get a real feel for metahumans and their abilities, and it's even more enjoyable, especially if he can use these abilities against others. He prefers the explosive, dangerous metahumans with powers that can hurt multiple people at a time, and it's even better if he has the opportunity to use their abilities to hurt people that they care about. |
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