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Name: Cristina "Cris" Rosalia Aliprandi Della Scala Di Rocca Martinez (ex-Di Ventimiglia, ex-* Codename: Light Raygun Gender: Female cisgender Pronouns: She / Her Species: Human Age: 25-ish (present-time) Birthday: December 9th Zodiacal sign: Sagittarius Heritage: Italian, but in present-time has adopted many Japanese customs and habits. Profession: Pirate (former), tycoon, heiress, politician (public), vigilante (private) Title: Lady Aliprandi (future Prohibited Viscountess Aliprandi, surrogate Heir Heritage) Alignment: Chaotic Good, with hints of Chaotic Neutral. Status: Single (on the paper only. She has a secret interest) / Widowed Children: Three (1 boy, 2 girls) Sexual orientation: Demisexual / Demiromantic |
Ollie (played anonymously) | |
An adorable good boy! What more is there to say? Look how precious he is! *fawns* |
Balthazar (played anonymously) | |
Whoever lives with this beautiful cat I hope they know how damn lucky they are! Not only he's gorgeous but also totally adorable! |
Xihuitl (played by Samiakki) | |
My Avian friend is a true lady with a vast historic knowledge and a kind, caring disposition. While we don't run into each other often, it is always a joy when I get to interact with her! |
Janine Lumella (played by treehugger0123) | |
Let me tell you this about Janine; she might seem frail, and stars know if life hasn't tried to kick her to the curb over and over - but she never loses her smile, and she's far stronger than even she gives herself credit for. Sometimes I've found myself wishing I had a third of her backbone... I'm honored to call her my friend. |
Patches (played by GingerHades) | |
I really don't get how people can think this adorable doll is creepy? Creepy is my grandmother when she's cross, not Patches! I don't know who created it but clearly a lot of work and dedication went into the craft, and it shows! Sweetie ^^ |
Mixie Tonitrua (played by GingerHades) | |
I didn't think I'd say it about Mawzilla here... but after a rocky start, and although I *still* have to keep an eye on her diet habits... I've come to consider her a friend. A man-eating friend that I must always keep off chewng on passersbys - MIXIE, NO! - but one I'll stick out my neck for regardless. |
Blanche (played anonymously) | |
We met at some very eventful and fun party of the Duchess de L'hiver! Hope to see you around this winter season! |
Damien Chase (played by CrystalDisc) | |
I could look for words in English, Japanese and even Italian and still not even remotely do justice to Badzooka, or to what he means to me. We understand each other... know each other... and he lets me see more of his true self than he allows anyone else to glimpse. He's my comfort, my solace, the one smile's that real, and I'll never forget how he stood by me even when no one else would. He's much... much more than words can convey, and I dearly hope he never forgets it. ![]() |
Curly (played by cri86titanium) | |
He had a crush on my ex husband and didn't see eye to eye with me about robots rights for the longest time. Despite our clashes, we came to respect each other nowadays. These days he has found a happiness beyond words with his new family, and they give me hope that the world may become a better place after all. |
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight) | |
Curly's partner is a magical creature from a different realm. I have been invited to visit their pocket dimension and it's something incredible! We used to be just casual acquaintances but especially after childbirth Yaaz stuck me as someone who really needed a friend who understood the bumpy roads of new parents life, so here I am! |
Hugger (played anonymously) | |
My little buddy Amethyst! I don't know their real name, I call them Amethyst because of their color - but even if I don't always understand what they are trying to say they are the friendliest and most adorable fuzzy huggers, who can not love them?? |
Candice von Bon Bon (played by treehugger0123) | |
A friend lost who became a friend found. She's a strong woman who won't stand up for injustice - and possibly one of the few who can get away with back-talking grandmother Isabella *and* get the last word. That's amazing in itself. |
Valerie King (played by CrystalDisc) | |
Not only she's a fellow vigilante, and quite badass at it, but she also has a scorpion pet like my girl Nerissa!! Scorpion buddies, sister! *high fives* |
Defiant Citizen and co (played by cri86titanium) | |
Freedom bretherns, after all this time?.... Always. "I solemnly swear and promise on our honor to protect my brethern with nothing short of my life, run in their aid, uphold their honor and the safety of all they hold dear..." |
The Herbalist (played by moone) | |
Thought this one was just an ordinary felon with more bad luck than malice. I couldn't have been wronger. Not of the living world and with his own agenda, he is a threat on the loose, a wild card, and more dangerous than he might seem at first glance. |
Zakukhakt (played anonymously) | |
From ex-pirate to pirate, *matey*, you really need to learn to pick your opponents, or your fancy arm might be all that's left to remember you by. |
Aliprandi Clan (played by cri86titanium) | |
They're my blood relative... family that I didn't get to choose. The kindest thing I can say about them is that they could be worse, but still a far cry from my first pick, if I'd had a say in the matter. |
Captain Anastasiya Panina (played by Samiakki) | |
She's a friend of Xi's that I was recently introduced to and while we haven't interacted much, she seems capable and sees the bigger picture like any leader or Captain ought to do. Also, we're both familiar with havin' to get SOME PEOPLE *angry eyes at Burt* out of brawls all the time... |
Remi-Under Construction (played by Arjastro) | |
A wide-eyed, energetic little thief who reminds me more than a bit of myself when I started out as Raygun, heh. I'd be more inclined to arrest whoever tries to give them grief than he and his pal; you can clearly see they're good folks at heart. |
Kendal (played by Arjastro) | |
Met him and his jerboa friend while I was out on duty. He's less talkative, but you can tell he's also a keen observer and strategist. Survival must not have been easier for them than for several other furfolks I've met; hope he and his pal stay in touch... |
Zavik Adler (played by Sorrisky) | |
Mixed cards with him, a gambler several times over. An interesting challenge it was, and very possibly not the last. |
Flarus Kaehrson (played by Garn) | |
A famous assassin whose reputation, as they say, preceeds him. I first heard word of him in my criminal days, but it's not until recent that we've come across each other in person. Ally or foe? That remains to be seen. |
Monika Hisui (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
She came to ask help with her cannibalism and I' more than determined to do all I can to assist her through the Non Human Embassy and on a personal level. You can count on me! |
Amukhat (played by Leighoflight) | |
Amu is an amazing person with many gifts and the most *incredible* looks! Kind, courteous and definitely noble, she's someone I am very honored to be in good terms with. |
Jack Hatchett (played anonymously) | |
Todd and I were sent to work with this mister 'n his fellows in the old days. I *still* don't think Todd realized that 'em boss was looking at him the way I look at sushi. I'd advise stocking up on digestive cookies, though. |
Randle Pentecost (played by Garn) | |
An unexpected godsend in one of the darkest days of my life turned out to be an experienced professional and a precious help. Despite the dangers involved, he didn't think twice of offering his help and support. I hold the highest hope for our collaboration. |
Zhou Yanfeng (played by Samiakki) | |
A fellow dog owner I met at the dog park where we ended up being involved in a curious man-hunt. He strikes me as an observant fellow and very down to earth, maybe our paths will cross again in the future? |
Leonard Ghertivel (played by cri86titanium) | |
He's a... difficult person, caught between geniality and... what comes after it. But he's agred to help in the past, for which I am grateful. |
Bryn Avenair (played by Skyran) | |
An adventurer and quester with a common goal! We're divind headfist into an adventure together, it's time to get dangerous! |
Todd and other pirates (played by cri86titanium) | |
An old crewmate from my pirate days, and an ex-lover of my husband. We'll never be friends, merely work acquaintances. And with Todd, that's already more dangerous than I really would recommend. |
Sprite Cinders (played by Garn) | |
Randle Pentecost's formidable assistant is not one to take danger lightly. Her straightfoward ways and fearlessness make her an invaluable ally and I can tell she's a force to be reckoned with. I just hope she's not come to think of my caution as lack of respect for hers and Mr. Pentecost's skills, which are clearly no boast. |
Shahra (played by Skyran) | |
This amazing wyvern is Bryn's companion, we met in the course of an ongoing adventure that promises to be quite challenging - and Shahra is just the dragon you want around when the game gets tough and the tough gets going! |
Dandy Merriweather (played by jolybean) | |
At first I thought he was just another fellow high-society scion that the Clan wanted me to date. But his likeness to a person I met in my... past line of duty as not what I expected. There's more to this one than meets the eye, and I want to find out what he is hiding. |
Kiran (played by Leighoflight) | |
Kiran is such a kind guy! Our puppies became bestest friends and he's always fun to hang out with! Pupper power, buddy! *high fives* |
Azura'ellys (played anonymously) | |
Funnily enough, I cannot bring myself to think 9f her as an enemy, even if I understand if she may see me as one. Though we may forever stand on different sides, I respect her defiance, which is - ironically-a trait she shares with the very reason *why* we stand in different sides. |
Clickjaw (played by Garn) | |
This creature is hard to pinpoint. I *think* they are some kind of Therion hsrd to say if s mutant kr a hybrid or something else. They are clearly in dire conditions, but because of tge tremendous pain they are clearly experiencing they may lash out in fear, so must be aoproached cautiously. *sigh* If only I could do something to help them... |
"La volpe" - Ivano Fossati (falling in love) |
What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? It'll be the dog heading home, but it' not the dog- It'll be the dog heading home, but it's not the dog. What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? It'll be the moon shining on wolfsbane leaves It'll be the moon shining on wolfsbane leaves It'll be the moon shining, but it's not the moon. The moon shining, but it's not the moon... What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? It'll be a friend who walked the longest route to drop by It'll be a friend who walked the longet route to drop by It'll be a friend who arrived, but he's not just a friend... It'll be a friend who arrived, but he's not just a friend... What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? What will be that shadow in the courtyard of my home? It'll be the fox when the winter comes, it will be It'll be the fox when the winter comes... It'll be the fox when the winter comes - but it's not the fox The fox when the winter comes - but it's not the fox... It'll be my love that found its way at long last It'll be my love that found its way at long last Like the fox when the winter comes, it will be... Like the fox when the winter comes... it will be. |
"Samarcanda" - Roberto Vecchioni (lullaby) |
Let's laugh, let's laugh, let's laugh again Now that war no longer scares us anymore The soldiers uniform burn in the evening fires The wine burns copiously in the throat Tambourine music playing well until dawn The soldier who danced away all night Saw that black-clad lady scanning the crowd She was looking for him and he was gripped by fear Save me, save me, oh great King Help me escape, escape from here At the parade she was standing near me And she was giving me the evil eye! Give him, give him our finest horse Son of lightning, worthy of a king Soon, even sooner, so that he may escape Give him the fastest horse we have Run, my steed, run, I beg you I will lead you all the way to Samarqand Don't stop, fly onward, I beg you Run like the wind and I might be saved! Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh. Rivers, then fields, then the sky turned purple As he reached the white towers of the town But there in the crowd was the black-clad woman Tired of running away, he bowed his head to her You were among the people in the capitol I know you were giving me the evil eye I ran away among crickets and cicadas, I ran away but I still find you here! You're wrong, you're mistaken, you're wrong soldier- I wasn't giving you the evil eye. Mine was merely a puzzled glance-- What were you doing the other day in the capitol? I was awaiting you today here in Samarqand But you were so far away two days ago I feared that in order to listen the brass band You wouldn't get here in time for your end. Samarqand is not so far away after all Run, my steed, run that way I've sung alongside you all the night Run like the wind, all that will arrive... Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh, my steed, Oh-oh. |
"Come se non fosse stato mai amore" - Laura Pausini (divorce) |
Yesterday I... understood that From today I'm starting over without you And you, with that absent look Almost as if I were invisible And I'd like to run away and hide from all this But I stand still here, Without talking, I can't bring do that, I can't let bring myself to let go, And delete all those pages With your image on them And go on living... As if it had never been love. I.. I will survive this Now I don'tyet know how or when Time sometimes can help To hurt less than now To finally forget But now it's too early And I remain still here, Without talking, I can't do that, I can't bring myself to get tired of you And delete all those pages With your image on them And go on living... As if it had never been love. As if it had not been love As if it had never been... I'd like to run away, I'd like to hide But I remain like this Without talking Without telling you... Don't go away! Don't leave me alone Here among these pages... And then and then and then Go on living... As if it had never been love. |
"Ti penso e cambia il mondo" - Adriano Celentano (widow) |
Hungry like wolves We live in cruelty And everything seems lost In this darkness Alone at the curb I look for you at my side Alone, my eyes can't see so well... I think of you and the world changes The voices surrounding me The world changes I can see beyond what surrounds me I strike and I lunge And the winter looms above me But I know the world changes If in this world I'm with you. There's a road within each man An opportunity The heart can be a container For anger and pity alike I believe only in your smile And the purpose it gives me Alone, my eyes can't see so well... I think of you and the world changes The voices surrounding me The world changes I can see beyond what surrounds me I strike and I lunge And the winter looms above me But I know the world changes If in this world I'm with you. I am here, I'll wait you here Beyond the darkness, you'll see me I'll know how to defend you Protect you And I'll never grow tired Like water in the desert I'll find you Sleep and we'll see You'll feel my arms holding you I think of you and the world changes The voices surrounding me The world changes I can see beyond what surrounds me I strike and I lunge And the winter looms above me But I know the world changes If in this world I'm with you. I am here, I'll wait you here Beyond the darkness, you'll see me I'll know how to defend you Protect you And I'll never grow tired Like water in the desert I'll find you Sleep and we'll see You'll feel my arms holding you I think of you and the world changes The voices surrounding me The world changes I can see beyond what surrounds me I strike and I lunge And the winter looms above me But I know the world changes If in this world I'm with you. |
"La pressione sale" - Encanto Italian OST (high society life) |
I am calm, I am strong I must be, it's my destiny I move boulder, cathedrals My worth has no equals I don't ask if it's a tough job I'll take it on nonchalantly I destroy diamonds, a living fury Majestic, the strongest, awe-inspiring, looming - BUT Beyond my appearance My mind's walking the tightrope And the rope is so slippery Beyond his appearance I wonder if Hercules Was such a perfect hero Beyond my appearance There's a price I must pay For the skills I earned You can hear a cracking noise It's a noise in the distance Her back's giving in, She won't make it! And the pressure rises And it knows no stop (woo hoo) It's weighing more and more, I'm about to lose it (woo hoo) Give every big burden to your sister She has the sheer strength of a colossus But I wouldn't know what to do otherwise Who will I be if I'll fall? I'm losing grip, grip, grip, what will I ever do? (Woo hoo) Can you hear this tick tick tick? I'll soon explode (Woo hoo) Your sister is strong, don't you ever worry She can't give up, she'll know how to help you I wouldn't know what to do, What role I'll have if I hesitate? Beyond my appearance I feel very anxious and nervous And I'll never accept this! Beyond its appearance Even the perfect Titanic had a flaw Beyond my appearance Saving my power is what I've sworn It's a domino and I know I won't be able to stop its pieces Or I'll cave it under its weight But I know it'll calm down If only there was a way For the weight of reponsibilities To be lifted off my shoulder I'd really want To be left alone and chill But all I feel instead Is the boundless weight Of this pressure, tension, constant worry-- Drop by drop, tick tick tick, there's no end to this (woo hoo) I'm just a balloon that's about to pop (woo hoo) Give me every sort of burdens to carry I've got the tough skin for it, so who cares? Maybe I'll bend but I'll never break down! As you know... The probe with its tick, tick, tick is about to go boom (woo hoo) This train, ding ding ding, runs faster and faster ahead (woo hoo) Your sister's strong, she's not one to crash Anyone else in her place would give up You have me at your side You won't be left in troubles No, never! As you know, I don't give up! |
"Il segreto del tempo" - Roby Facchinetti, Riccardo Fogli (survivor) |
"Una Nuova Vita" - Bolt Italian OST (friendship w/ Damien) |
"Maledetta Primavera" - Loretta Goggi (second love) |
A collection of amazing art gifts and commissions featuring Cris! Thanks so much to all the artists credited!
From the "Draw Your Fusion" challenge on Auroverse!
Monika Hisui (played by silvermoondarkening) || December 28 2024, 2:30am
She, with a bit of difficulty due to how bent and broken they were, clasped her fingers together nervously.
"And also, apparently you're friends with my friend Patches, so that made it a little easier to approach you.""
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 28 2024, 3:38am
"Can I get you a snack while we talk, it'd make you more at ease?" It was a fact with a good 99,9% of cannibals - as well as of most species - that having access to secure food they didn't have to fight for put them at greater ease of mind. "I have beef jerky, some steaks in the fridge, or we can order a burger or anything you'd prefer.... drinks too, anything specific you'd prefer?"
With that settled for now and just waiting for Monika's pick, she took a chair for herself and sat down in front of the newcomer, eyes smiling reassuringly behind the mask. "You know Patches too? It's awesome, tell them I say hi if you see them around!" It had been too long since her haunted doll buddy had come over for a visit! "As for your question... it's sort of more complex than that? I'm trying to help cannibals to fit into society without being targeted and hunte down, which includes offering safe havens in the Non Humans Embassy but also providing alternative diet options that allow them to be around people without any... clashes." She tilted her head, observing Monika curiously. "Would you mind too terribly if I asked a few question about your specific case? If I can be of help I'd love to!""
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Monika Hisui (played by silvermoondarkening) || December 28 2024, 3:58am
Monika sat down in a chair provided, attempting to make herself more presentable by running her fingers through her hair and brushing off her skirt and sweater.
"I wouldn't be too opposed to a snack, thank you." She replied. "Things that don't require utensils are preferable. Or, um, chewing. But there isn't really much avoiding that. A burger honestly sounds great."
It was clear that she was experiencing anxiety over the interaction, and the rambling was a biproduct.
The corners of her eyes crinkled at the mention of Patches, a sign that she was actually smiling and not just forced into the expression. "I'll be sure to tell them."
At the request to ask about her affliction, Monika shook her head.
"It wouldn't be very helpful of me if I wasn't accepting towards questions. Just, ah, bear in mind that it's probably something you don't hear about often.""
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 29 2024, 1:43pm
"My third isn't fully weaned yet and my second still likes them but I never thought they could be helpful for non-human guests too. Something I'll definitely have to add to the list of provisions for the Embassy so... thanks for making me think of it", she said, smiling with her eyes at Monika as she offered her the jars. "There's beef, lamb, chicken... and I think rabbit? Help yourself to as many as you'd like." She offered her a plastic tray with a nice bowl, spoons and a napkin. Then she resumed her seat in front of Monika, her stance reassuring.
"That's kind of what I wanted to ask actually... your particular form of cannibalism, were you born into it or was it - acquired?" If Monika was part of a species, then it was definitely a new one she had never run across. "I've met other kinds of cannibals and shapeshifters but no-one exactly identical to you, so it'd help to first figure out what condition you're actually dealing with?" She smiled with her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll do everything in my power to help. You can count on that much.""
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Monika Hisui (played by silvermoondarkening) || December 29 2024, 4:36pm
She wouldn't comment about the taste or anything, especially considering Cris was being kind enough to help her.
"Thank you, and as for the nature of my cannibalism...it's my fault. It's stupid, when I think about how it happened. But it's the only way to make my body almost normal again. If I go too long without eating human flesh, I turn into this."
Monika sighed, pouring her pureed meats into the bowl and mixing it with a spoon. Utensils were difficult, but not as much as chewing with how her mouth was.
Because she didn't talk with her mouth in this state, she was fine to eat as she continued her explanation.
"I manipulated aspects of myself, trying to make myself more appealing to someone I had a crush on. But my envy towards other people fond of them led to corruption. And now here we are. I'm trying to make myself better. For that person, and for the other people I hurt or even killed and ate that I considered my friends.""
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 29 2024, 9:56pm
"The fact you mentioned _human_ flesh specifically partially answers my next question of whether you have tried other kind of meats? What alternatives have you experimented so far and how did they work or not?"
Looking around herself she reached out for a paper notebook that had been left on a nearby surface. "Mind if I take a few notes for my archive? It's an insane amount if transcribing but technology and I have a love/hate relationship so I prefer to have handwritten copies of documentation in case anything gets lost in tech failure", she half-grimaced behind the mask.
"I think the priority would be finding out how you can still sustain yourself in a more ethic way - then, after we've figured that out, we can deal better with the underlying cause. I am involving mages in the Non-Human Embassy as we also assist all kinds of _magical_ creatures from so many worlds, it just helps to have people who have a better understanding of these things than more mundane normies like me", she smiled sheepishly with her eyes. "So later down the road if you wish and are comfortable, we could schedule some meetings to try and see if your particular 'branch' of magic that backfired can somehow be countered... but that's the long-end gamw, for now first things first and that's ensuring you can eat without the nastier consequences and making sure you are protected by the Embassy's jurisdiction. Speakung of which, you have your own place to stay or are nomadic or...?""
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Monika Hisui (played by silvermoondarkening) || December 29 2024, 11:01pm
She finished off her snack, setting her dishes aside.
"But the only thing that can turn me back to normal is human flesh. I can't really explain it aside from it reversing the effects of my transformation for a time. But even that stopped happening eventually. Like the more I consumed, the shorter the reversal period. At one point I was so ravenous that I lost the ability to speak. Even telepathically, like this."
She didn't seem to mind Cris taking notes on the conversation, nor did she mind the idea of possibly speaking with other people about her situation in the future.
Even though it had taken this long to get help because she was afraid of hurting someone.
The longer Monika spoke with Cris, the more comfortable she became.
"As for my living situation, I do live in a house. I have parents, but I don't live with them. I haven't told them about any of this...""
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Blanche (played anonymously) || December 16 2023, 6:41pm
He then handed Cris a chicken feather he had accidentally picked up on his blouse when the chickens had ran around the Masquerade."
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 16 2023, 7:37pm
"Huh?" Cris turned as she was handed the feather; a moment later, her eyes lit up. "Ah, the chicken accident at the Marquise party? Hope they didn't hurt you. Birds can be very defensive when they feel threatened, and finding themselves in an unfamiliar place just got on their nerves. You okay, though?" Her eyes smiled behind the mask."
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Blanche (played anonymously) || December 16 2023, 7:54pm
"Looking back on it.. I find it a little funny." Blanche softly laughed.
He paused, as if distracted by his own thought. "Sorry I didn't talk much there..at.. at the party." He awkwardly said, avoiding eye contact. "It was my first party, I.. didn't know what to think or say.""
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 17 2023, 12:43pm
The apology caught her off guard and, sensing the young demon's nervousness, she would have wanted to reach out and reassuringly put a hand on Blanche's shoulder, but she couldn't be sure the gesture would be appreciated or accepted. So instead she gave a sympathethic glance and assured: "There's nothing to be sorry about! It's normal sometimers to feel uncomfortable or out of place at events one's not familiar with." Her eyes smiled wistfully behind the mask. "I was in your same shoes at a gala of my blood-family not long ago... well, at all of their galas actually.""
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Blanche (played anonymously) || December 17 2023, 1:07pm
"Maybe.. I should try and attend more parties. To grow used to them."
He then tugged down gently on the hem of his blouse. "And maybe an indoor party next time.. It's too cold this time of year." Blanche gave a warm giggle."
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 17 2023, 1:13pm
At the mention of the cold weather, she gave a puzzled look to Blanche's attire. "You don't have something warmer to wear for winter? Like a parka, a thermal jacket, outdoor clothes?"
Hearing the giggle, Rosy chimed in and mimicked the sound, smiling at Blanche with her innocent bi-colored eyes."
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Blanche (played anonymously) || December 17 2023, 1:34pm
Blanche turned his head at Rosy, his eyes widening with curiosity when he heard Rosy mimicking his giggle, which made him giggle again.
And he gave an equally puzzled look at Cris' comment about his clothing. "No." He shook his head. "I don't have money to buy me anything else other than this to wear." He said with a calm voice. "Plus, I am familiar with these." Blanche looked down and pointed at his blouse, then his shorts. "They aren't itchy, they are soft, they are a good color." He stated, "They aren't as warm as a jacket though." He added, looking back up."
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 17 2023, 1:51pm
She listened to his explanation about the lack of outdoor clothes and nodded "Well, finding similar texture and color isn't going to be difficult. I could get you some outdoor clothing, if you wish?" The dark eyes smiled softly behind the mask. "Consider it a Christmas gift?""
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Blanche (played anonymously) || December 18 2023, 8:01am
"I..would like that, thank you." Blanche said, his voice quiet with a small smile. "I also want something I can hide this underneath." Blanche, without really thinking of how Cris would react to it, he took his knife off of the belt around his waist, underneath his blouse, and showed it calmly to her."
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Sylros Allwind (played by Samiakki) || April 22 2023, 12:50am
It reads;
"For the record, you can pet the bumble. Her name is Bweep. Ilyana's bumbles are the most well-behaved in Old Archaia. Ask her about them the next time you see her.
If you see her again.
- Sylros""
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || April 22 2023, 1:10am
"Bweep, that sounds so lovely!" She had a knack for memorizing the names of creatures and pets; she'd remember Bweep! So their species was native of Old Archaia?
That *definitely* asked for a visit some time or other. She was SO gonna pet the bumble and no one could keep her grom going!"
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Ilyana Allwind (played by Samiakki) || April 22 2023, 1:26am
In fact, it was a small card, folded in two. When opened, it read,
This Summer Solstice in Old Archaia!
We've got:
- Honey, with honey-infused drinks and food of all kinds!
- Live performances! (Now debuting Bee Buzz the Kenku on the hurdy-gurdy!)
- Portable shepherd shrines! HUGE discounts on offerings to give!
- Bumble-tending supplies!
- A bumble beauty contest! (Prizes included for fourth, third, second, and first place!)
Join us this Summer Solstice! Don't miss Old Archaia's largest beekeeper's fest!"
Pleasant illustrations of honeybees buzzing around decorate the card, along with dots of painted-on violets. A map to Paw's Brook in Old Archaia is included.
There's a soft giggle in the air. But nobody's there. . ."
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Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || April 22 2023, 2:07am
Her eyes brightened. Ah, this now was much better than a vague indication - she had a place *and* an event! Better yet? It seemed to be even themed, in fact revolving around those adorable bumblebees!
"Old Api Fair at Paw's Brook", she repeated to herself. "Summer Solstice in Old Archaia." A genuine smile warmed up her gaze. "I wouldn't miss it for anything!""
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