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Played by a verified adult
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"They hid me away because I could do what others could not.." |
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The fourth child born into the Lockewood family of nobility, but the only child rumored to be not of the Father's blood. This is where it began, the tale of a young boy different from the rest; a story of tragedy, but survival. A young boy who could do things no other could, a boy who when cried the sky would share his tears, or who would giggle at the whispers animals sing against his ears. 'The devil's work,' they'd whisper behind the child's back, and blame was put onto the mother at first. The father of the home accused her of mingling with demons, that she had slept with a devil itself and brought a child with unholy abilities into their family's home. Oh, how she would cry in defense and blame the child himself. Claiming that he was speaking to demons in the form of animals. This would bring great sadness to the young boy and rightfully so, but the tears that brought storms to the skies only caused more fear to fester within the family, and it only furthered their desire to keep the boy's capabilities hidden. For many years this secret festered within the walls of Liori's family home, though if one could truly call them a family by the time the young boy was now a young teen could be argued. Resentment between his mother and alleged father, something she still insisted upon, was blamed on him and his birth- they had begun to call him a curse, that he had brought this separation of family into their home. But as accusations were still mercilessly thrown about so were rumors from outside the home, because while the family tried to keep it secret it is usually the darkest of secrets that tend to eventually come to light; word of the strange child and his abilities, the rumors of his mother, they had begun to reach other townsfolks as the years passed. Only as word spread the hope of being rescued from such a cruel home did not spread with it. |
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But it wasn't the hidden years of abuse brought onto the boys form over the years that concerned the townspeople: not the days he went without food for punishment, or the days that his mother and father would take their outrage with one another on him in ways that left him covered in bruises, the way they would let their other children speak so cruelly to the youngest child. None of this was of their concern, only the fact that they feared the boy's rumored abilities- they began to speculate themselves just what he was or could be, what brought on these strange powers he had. Many agreed that the mother was to blame, and some agreed with the idea that it was the boy himself who spoke with demons, but they all agreed on one thing no matter the tale; that Liori was evil, that he was dangerous, they called him an omen and a witch, they said that if something wasn't done then he would bring ruin to their town just as he had brought to the noble families home. As the family realized their secret could no longer be kept and that the towns people were becoming restless and anxious, they allowed for them to take the boy away. For so long he was confused by their promises of saving him, the way they told him that they would chase his demons away, heal him. 'What demons?', he often asked himself in the first few days prior to being taken from his home, sitting alone in the shed they had made space for him in in the center of town. What could possibly be wrong with him that they so deeply feared? Never had he heard the voices of demons from the animals, nor did his seeming connection the the earth itself bring harm- the way it seemed to reflect the strongest of emotions he felt, be it in the sky or the flora around him. Not yet did he know that it was simply the unkown that they feared so. |
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'Tell me, father, which to ask forgiveness for: what I am, or what I'm not? Tell me, mother, which should I regret: What I became, or what I didn't?' |