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Played by a verified adult
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"They hurt me and said it was for my own good.." |
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The townspeople, angry and scared for what they do not understand, ripped the boy from his home and his all too willing family allowed them to do so. Despite his begging and insistence that the voices of the animals were not demons they still only looked down at him in utter shame, not once had they attempted to free the child from the harsh grasps dragging from across the ground to the middle of town where from then on he was kept for many years. All the while a storm began to darken the skies and rain as cold as ice fell from the black clouds, and thunder shook the lands for miles, the lightening teaching illuminated patterns across the sky. The boy was scared, confused and angry all at once, and the skies were reflecting these feelings. Liori was kept in what could only be described as a rundown shack that was typically used to store food and supplies during the harsh winter months; the townfolks made sure that the windows and doors were modified to only be opened from the outside rather from within. Still, a guard or two was always close by to ensure that the boy couldn't pull any tricks or use what they continued to call witchcraft to manage an escape. And an escape he so desperately desired, a way to leave the town because despite the words meant to soothe him and his fears these people only meant harm, more harm than even those he called his parents brought onto him. One day a man of faith, from a nearby church, had come to Liori and so gently told him that he would expel these demons from his mind- to stop them from whispering their words in his ears, to disconnect him from the elements they seemed to use against the people of the town. The young boy begged, pleaded that he was not taunted by demons, that he knew not why these things were happening to him or why he could hear the whispers of animals, why the very Earth seemed to feel what he could feel at any moment. But his words meant little to the holy man and the beginning of Liori's hell had begun. Convinced that the demons who were attached to the young boy could feel what he felt the course of action chosen to expel them was causing varying degrees of physical harm to the boy himself. It had begun small, testing the waters; Starving him, refusing him water, and it only progressed from there- soon it was hitting him, whipping him, but it was the last resort that was by far the worst and most scarring of methods. So traumatizing to Liori that the world had gone dark to him. |
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They began to use fire against the alleged demons hiding away in the boy's body; almost daily they would use heated metals or even hold flame against soft skin to cause various burns all along his torso, back, and thighs. As one can imagine the pain was excruciating, and even in the most recent years of his life the nightmares of these burning being back that feeling- as if the fires and burning metals were still there being pressed to his skin, now scarred from the abuses of his younger years. This treatment continued for so long and trauma of this caused such strain on his body, caused such sorrow within himself, such despair. One day, as the flames of torches were held against his back and he fought hard against the hands holding him down he noticed the world around him behind to go dark. It started as a blurring in his vision, but as his screams of pain filled the shed and the brining continued a mere blur faded to total darkness. After all they've done and all they've taken from him already they now took his sight, his ability to see the world around him. Blackness took the world's colors from him. This was a horrific experience and understandably so, and for many a year he remained silent, only sitting in the darkness that now constantly surrounded him. Hope seemed so far, so impossible, and when he lay his head down for a moments slumber he found himself praying that he not wake the next day. Surely the life after this would show him the mercy he so desperately wanted, so desperately needed. Though as the world seemed to crash and crumble around him, as alone as he felt, fate did not forget of this now young man and soon enough would begin to shift the tides. Soon Liori would no longer be as alone as he has been for years hidden away and abused in the shed by people claiming to be holy. Fate sent a friend to Liori when he was at his most broken, his most desperate state. When he began to beg life to let him go. It was during one night in particular when the rain fell against the shed like liquid rocks, when tears streamed from unseeing eyes, that a gentle voice called out to him. A voice that only he could hear, a voice he described in that moment as being akin to an angel itself. However his angel bored no wings but scales so pale it put the freshest snows of the winter months to shame. |
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'Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter.' |