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D O V E Feminine | "Gentle" or "divine" | English |
I M O G E N Feminine | "Maiden" | Celtic |
M C C L A I R Masculine/feminine | Surname | English |
Her full name is Dove Imogen McClair. The name gives a slight nod towards her mother's first name and her father's Irish heritage. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ His father refers to her as his little Dove when she is being difficult. Furthermore Dovey is used on occasion, and the same goes for Little one, which has come into play recently. She likes neither of the three. ⎨AGE⎬ She is 17 years old. May 19th which makes her a Taurus. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of English and Irish descent. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She was born and raised in Wiltshire, England. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ She is a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Slytherin House, 6'th year. |
She has a petite silhouette with long, slender limbs and a delicate bone-structure. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ She is fair-skinned with a slight dusting of freckles that becomes more prominent during summertime. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 159 centimetres tall. ⎨EYES]⎬ Her almond-shaped eyes are green with a halo of golden-brown surrounding the pupils. Her lashes are long enough to catch snow in the winter. ⎨HAIR⎬ Her long, coppery locks fall all the way down to her mid-waist in thick, glossy waves. ⎨QUIRKS⎬ She has perfected her scowl over several years now. |
She is the youngest seeker the Slytherin team has seen in years, a fact which her father boasts about at any given opportunity. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ She is fearless, good sense of judgement and a keen intuition, quick to take action. She is resilient and doesn't let anything or anyone get her down. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ She internalises every difficult emotion and refuses to cry, especially in front of others. Major trust issues. Faces her dragons on her own and never asks for help or confides in her peers (even when she needs it). ⎨LIKES⎬ Horseback riding, oversized sweaters, going for long walks, the smell of pine trees, adrenaline rushes, spending time alone. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ Big crowds, being compared to her older siblings, people oversharing or being too foreward with her. |
SUB HEADLINE Coming soon... |
➵ D E F I A N T
adj. | de· fi· ant | di-ˈfī-ənt 1. Full of or showing a disposition to challenge, resist, or fight; full of or showing defiance; bold, impudent. |
➵ I M P U L S I V E
adj. | im· pul· sive | im-ˈpəl-siv 1. Prone to act on impulse, 2. Acting momentarily, 3. Having the power of or actually driving or impelling. |
➵ B R A V E
adj. | brave | ˈbrāv 1. Having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty; having or showing courage. |
➵ A G I L E
adj. | ag· ile | ˈa-jəl 1. Marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace, 2. Having a quick resourceful and adaptable character. |
| Stubborn· Wild· Independent· Passionate· Boundary-seeking· Unapologetic· Powerful· Fiery· Reckless. |
Ruled by sensuous Venus, the Taurus woman was born to love, and be loved. She is used to turning heads, and knows how to make the most of her Venus blessed assets. 'She was life itself. Wild and free. Wonderfully chaotic. A perfectly put together mess.' Emotionally, she is too strong and can survive the most challenging situations. The elegant bull. In the moment of need, she will rely on her own independence rather than on sympathy and support of others. 'She's a badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She's the type of woman you go to war beside...' Filled with courage and bravery, you can envy her spontaneous glow and the look she has in her eyes. She is unapologetically her. She is strong, practical and reliable. Powerful. She will keep you wild, a sweet adventure. She is trouble, chaos really, dare to love her and she will enrich your life. She desires nothing more than to live in comfortable and colourful surroundings. She is a beautiful hybrid, a magnet. She leaves no doubt that some people are artists, some themselves, are art. |
A charm, also known as an enchantment, is a spell that adds certain properties to an object or individual. Charms are distinguished from transfigurations in that a charm adds or changes properties of an object; it focuses on altering what the object does as opposed to what the object is. For example, the Colour Change Charm causes something to flash different colours; the Levitation Charm causes an object to levitate, the Cheering Charm improves upon a creature's mood.
Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure. Transfiguration can be done to most (if not all) objects and, as with most forms of magic, it includes - but is hardly limited to - Transfiguration spells.
A curse was a type of dark charm which was used for the worst kinds of dark magic. The most heinous of the three dark charms, curses came in many strengths and forms, but were usually reserved for causing immense suffering to the victim, such as excruciating pain, mind control, or even death.
Potions (Latin potio, 'beverage') are magical mixtures commonly brewed in cauldrons and used to create a number of magical effects on the drinker. Potions range in effects, nature, and brewing difficulty. An example of a beginners potion is the Cure for Boils, which is the first potion learned at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredibly advanced and challenging one is the Polyjuice Potion, that even adult Witches and Wizards have trouble with.
Apparition is a magical form of transportation, in which the user travels instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between. This is accomplished by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from where they were, to reappear at the desired location. Apparition is by far the fastest way to get to a desired destination, but is tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched. The ability to apparate was a relatively advanced skill for wizards. |