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Exousia (played by Rook) | |
Beautiful creature, a lovely curiosity; Perfection can be found in a Stunted, surely. Agreeable and clever for his station. I like him quite a bit. |
Shyama Harlo (played anonymously) | |
Wife, mercenary. Intriguing; I understand. My closest, my beloved. I wish to know more, I think. I should be nervous, and I am. But I want to, all the same. We will see how this unfolds, yes? Impress me. |
Graves Armstead (played by BrandyCat) | |
Aronael (played by Rook) | |
Brother; It is you and I, against the world. Just as it's always been. |
Evren (played by Rigby) | |
Grandmother; not yet known or met. |
Echo (played anonymously) | |
Mello (played anonymously) | |
Deckhand; Bit...much. Charmingly so. I should become accustomed to this. |
Vaidya (played by AJ_89) | |
Lanier (played anonymously) | |
Captain; My services are his, for as long as he shall have us. |
Lucian (played by BrandyCat) | |
First Chief; Bix quite likes him. |
Ashanty (played by PeekaBoo) | |
Kalev (played anonymously) | |
I know his sort. |
Cody (played by CURSEDOG) | |
Strange. Crass. Amusing. It's just business, pup. Always is. Why. do we make you nervous? |
Malkam (played anonymously) | |
Qianglong (played anonymously) | |
Claudius Andino (played by Hokins000) | |
Ginny (played by Ginny) | |
Alessandro (played by Rigby) | |
Mildmay (played anonymously) | |
Drys (played anonymously) | |
I enjoy her enthusiasm. She also appreciates Exousia for what and who he is, and that is a trait I have to admire. |
Shyama Harlo (played anonymously) || April 12 2021, 5:45pm
I don't understand why you stayed, but I suppose I should be grateful you did.
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Akila (played by Rigby) || April 12 2021, 6:24pm
I am grateful for your excellent work. And relieved it wasn't worse.
I shall stay some more, I think. If you like. Will you join me over dinner?
...it will not be for a job.
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