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Randle Pentecost (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Yer a good man, Randle, don't let anyone tell ye otherwise. A know yer also one of the most advanced an' fascinated pieces of tech out there, but in the first place yer one hell of a bloke; kind, funny, noble, all the sorta shite this craphole of a galaxy needs. Never change, ye old cunt!" [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Zero Cameron (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Aww, daft lad, this one! Love him to death, though. Zee's a great kid, he's got a fine eye for tech, like me, and probably the sweetest heart A've ever seen in a person, unlike me. That magickal aptitude of his's come in handy on our trips too. A just hope that the world doesn't pull anythin' on him, ever.." [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
Sprite Cinders (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "Ye made me fall in love with lovin' again, did ye know that? Seriously, Sprite, even if ye can be a stupid cunt sometimes, yer also the loveliest bird A've ever met. And don't sweat those scars; ye the hottest too! Ye smarter than ye know, stronger as well, and A'm delighted that A can call ye me love. A love ye, ye big dork!" [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) | |
Flarus Kaehrson (played by Garn) | |
[ CANON ] "A don't think yer as bad as me mates make ye out to look. Doesn't mean that yer not a total cunt, though. Yer capable, A can appreciate that, but ye need to tone it down on that boundless arrogance and fancy talk of yers.. and whatever that fuck-up of a fashion sense is. A'll see ye around.." [ GarnVerse Crossover ] |