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Played by a verified adult
The Convergence |
James Moriarty (played by Atheist) replied to the forum topic Character Music Prompts(About 1 month 3 weeks ago) |
Light Raygun (played by cri86titanium) || December 20 2022, 10:11pm
snowwaterlogged in business and responsibilities! Anyhow, I hope the problem can be solved and foward the best holiday greetings from LuxCo Sports & Fun branch! ⛄ Time to get back to work!"Reply
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Maisi Dennis (played anonymously) || December 19 2022, 9:17pm
The artist held the casual air as she slipped her hand into the crook of his offered arm; but that was as long as she could keep it up, putting her other hand on Jim's arm as well as she gasped in sudden inspiration, "Oh! Can we go to the Louvre?!"
((I know it's a bit early, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!
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James Moriarty (played by Atheist) || December 20 2022, 7:57pm
"Glad I could be your first," he said with that rich, unmistakable Irish brogue.
Moriarty both gladly accepted and reciprocated Maisi's gesture by laying his own free hand over hers and proffered an endearing smile at her request. "I would be disappointed if we didn't."
[ Thank you for the well wishes -- the sentiment is wholly returned! I hope that the New Year ahead is prosperous with positive new beginnings and wonderful tidings for you and yours. Cheers! 🎉 ]"
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Maisi Dennis (played anonymously) || March 4 2021, 5:02pm
((OOC: I love the detail you've put into your take on this character! I had a lot of fun looking around his profile ^^))
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James Moriarty (played by Atheist) || March 6 2021, 1:00pm
"Oh, our little meeting place. This is a nostalgia bomb waiting to go off," Jim said fondly, admiring the work. "And please, my friends call me Jim -- heh, my enemies call me Jim."
The Napoleon of Crime deliberates for a few prudent moments before he carefully tucks the piece at his side, "I think I shall hang this in my study next to the whiteboard. That stuffy room needs a dash of color anyway. All work and no play 'n all that. You have my gratitude, mi'dear."
[OOC: Thank you! I almost enjoy putting these bios together more than the RP with the characters themselves. The research alone is probably my favorite part! You also have a delightful page! It's a breath of fresh air to see substance to one's creations!]
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Maisi Dennis (played anonymously) || March 7 2021, 3:40pm
Brushing some loose strands of hair from her face, the young artist gives him a friendly wave and a bright-eyed smile. "It's been a pleasure meeting you. I sincerely hope I'll see you more often, Jim."
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James Moriarty (played by Atheist) || March 7 2021, 6:40pm
"Maisi, Maisi," he drawled, getting a feel for the name. "I certainly hope you signed your work. It'll be helpful for proving that it's an original once you hit it big, which, at this rate, you're well on your way to."
He nods and flashes her a chipper grin, "I'm certain you will, rest assured. Everyone is always saying how hard it is to get rid of me. Take care of yourself, Maisi."
[OOC: I can definitely tell.
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