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A Z A L E A Feminine | "Dry" | Greek |
Unisex | Surname | English
C R E S S |
⎨NAME⎬ Her full name is Azalea Cress. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She usually goes by Aza or Cress but nothing other than that. ⎨AGE⎬ She is 23 years old. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of Rattataki & Human descent. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She doesn't really belong anywhere, you will always find her moving spots. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ Bounty Hunter. |
⎨BUILD⎬ A rather tall girl with a particularly petite frame. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ She is really pale by nature, so pale that her skin and hair at times looks as if they blend into each other. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 178 centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ Piercing icy-blue eyes. ⎨HAIR⎬ Almost white blonde hair. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ Her blue eyes and white hair. |
⎨QUIRKS⎬ Not particularly a quirk, but she has rattatak markings along her body, which she hides with long sleeved shirts and pants. ⎨SEXUALITY⎬ She considers herself to be heterosexual. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Gets things done, intelligent, quick thinker, good with weapons, problem-solver, adaptable. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ Borderlines on being somewhere inbetween sane and completely mad, anger issues, isn't the biggest talker unless it's related to getting things done then she is quite a good talker, if you pass the fact that she is stunning she is incredibly cold to be around. ⎨LIKES⎬ Being alone, night skies, flying, staying active, when she gets what she wants, accomplishing something she has been wanting to do for a while, holding grudges. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ Not particularly fan of dressing up, doesn't like the cold that much, her homeplanet, being reminded of the past, being called out for her anger issues. |
They made her that way
Aza was born on Rattatak, to a human mother and a Rattatak father. Rattatak was a mountainous planet located in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Her father was the warlord of the world, who managed to put his entire world into one big civil war after he fell in love with a human woman, something that was entirely forbidden. He was martyred shortly after Aza was born, as the cross-over between the rattatak and human was considered filthy, and for that he needed to die. The murder was planned on all three of them, but Aza's mother managed to escape on a pod leaving the planet safely before anything could happen.
Aza doesn't particularly remember much of those days after the escape, as she was only an infant, but she does know that at one point after they escaped, both of them were sold into slavery on Tatooine, and that was their reality for majority of her childhood. Her mother was murdered by a group of bandits when she was only fourteen years old, and after that she escaped her slave-owners, and grew up scraping for foods. Along the way she met her mentor, who would teach her everything he knew about weapons, pods and everything she knows today. He was a bountyhunter, and it didn't take long to follow his lead, but not before she had gotten her revenge on those who she had felt wronged by. starting with the bandits that killed her mother. After gaining revenge on her mothers killers, she returned to her homeplanet, where she would spend several years in their fighting pits - for the only purpose of proving to them that though she looked more human she was just as much Ratattaki as everyone else. The fighting pits and her time on her homeplanet made her ruthless, it made her able to be bathed in blood and not flinch at all or think twice about it. Many would say it was what drove her to be mad, but that happened way before that. Aza today is a bounty-hunter loyal to the Sith Empire, travelling the world doing their dirty work in the shadows, and she is quite good at it. Her ruthless personality along with her stunning pale figure makes her quite the deathly weapon, and she is not one you would want to be the target off. She's also not afraid to die herself, which means she doesn't care much of you do to her, she wouldn't flinch if you tried to kill her in the worst way possible, simply because she doesn't really feel much of anything these days |
○ M A D
Adj. | madder | maddest Ccompletely unrestrained by reason and judgment : unable to think in a clear or sensible way. Since Aza was a young girl, she has been diagnosed by those who came across her as someone who was 'mad'. She acted without reason, concious or anything that would normally stop and individual from doing something entirely stupid or reckless. Though she isn't entirely what would be defined as clinically mad or insane, she definitly walks a fine line between being someone who is aware of her actions and someone who just doesn't care about anything at all. |
○ T E M P E R
Adj. | tem·per | tem·per heat of mind or emotion : proneness to anger. Aza is someone who shows signs of having a very short fuse in life, but also someone who has a personality deeply rooted in anger. She's not one to sit around and have a quiet conversation where you talk ones issues out, no you won't find her doing that eer, she will always shoot before she talks. she is not particularly someone you want to be in a bad standing with either. |
○ I N T E L L I G E NT
Adj. | in·tel·li·gent | in·tel·li·gent Having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity. Aza is an incredibly intelligent young woman, who had at a quite impressive speed can figure things out that other people would find difficult. She has a great knowledge about a variety of things, such as flight engines, weapons, laws of physics, time and space. Genuinly she is someone who likes to expand her horizon, and constantly evolve herself to be a better more learned individual. |
○ C H A M E L E O N
Adj. | cha·me·leon | cha·me·leon A person who often changes his or her beliefs or behavior in order to please others or to succeed. Aza is someone who is incredibly adaptable in life. The Aza you get in private, is not the same Aza you will get when you meet her in a public setting. She is someone who can instantly flip a switch and become someone else entirely, whether it's someone who is outgoing, introverted, flirty, cute, like-able, she can be anything she wants to be rather easily. |
Aza is a very skilled weapons expert, having a vast understanding in everything between blasters, simple guns, canons and lasers on aircrafts, knifes, swords - anything you can use to kill someone, she has knowledge about, and she knows how to use them very well. Her preferred weapon is that of which requires close-combat, so usually she tends to go for silent blasters, knifes, daggers and other small things she can fit into a strap around her thigh under her dress.
Though Aza is originally trained by another Bounty Hunter, she has since returned to her home planet and trained in their gladiator arenas, where she has gotten incredible combat skills. She is capable of fighting almost anyone and take them down without much effort, and she is very cocky and confident about this too, and will not hesitate to brag while she drags you down. Her abilities in combat are a mix of several martial art tecnique, which comes together to create one very deathly force. She is definitly not someone you want to mess with.
Due to her Ratattaki-genes, she is by nature faster in speed and a lot stronger as well, but not only that her body is also stronger and it takes more for her to start bleeding than a regular human. She doesn't bruise either, as it isn't something Rattataki does. However she is by far invisible, she can get killed as much as anyone else, but it just takes a little bit more effort than usual.
Ratattaki is famously known for being particularly pale, not being able to grow hair, yellow eyes and more famously their black and purple markings that scatter their body. Though Aza for the most parts looks human with her long hair and human body, she has inherited a few of the Ratattaki genes. She is particularly pale to look at, and her hair borderlines on almost blonde - her pale figurine has famously gotten her the nickname "the ice queen" which also tends to be what people call her when she has committed a murder. But besides her pale figure, she also has Ratattaki purple and black markings across her body, most of them being across her arms as well as stomach and back. For the most part she doesn't cover it, mainly because most humans in todays society has tattoos and markings themselves, so it isn't particularly something they notice more about her than anyone else.
Force-sensitives, also known as Force-users, Force wielders, or Force Adepts, were sentient or non-sentient lifeforms that possessed a strong connection to the mystical energy field known as the Force. Though the term applied to anyone who was sensitive to the spiritual energy, those who harnessed powers given by the dark side of the Force were known as dark side adepts. The progeny of Force-sensitives could inherit their progenitor's power. |
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