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F A Y E Female | "Fairy" | Old English |
Unisex | Surname | Irish |
M A N C U S O Unisex | Surname | Italy |
Faye ◖NICKNAME◗ Her name is already relatively short. ◖ALIAS◗ She is often referred to as being a so called "tom boy" or "street smart". ◖AGE◗ 27 years old. ◖NATIONALITY◗ American, but her mother is of irish decendants. ◖RESIDENCE◗ Chicago. ◖OCCUPATION◗ Fresh out of a seven year sentence in jail. ◖ALIGNMENT◗ Herself. |
Human. ◖HEIGHT◗ 165 cm. ◖BODYTYPE◗ Slender, long limbs, on the thinner side rather than the curvy side. ◖EYES◗ Dark hazel eyes, shaped like a fox ◖HAIR◗ Dark brown wavy messy hair that she never does much about. ◖COMPLEXION◗ Olive undertone. ◖TATTOO◗ Yes a couple scattered across her body. ◖SCARS◗ She has quite a few, but that's a story for another day. |
Taurus. ◖SEXUALITY◗ She considers herself heterosexual. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ Married to Leo. ◖LIKES◗ Sbe is definitly a guys-girl, she enjoys playing ball and drinking beer at the local bar, she enjoys scouring through old music shops for records no one has ever heard of, prefers plain whiskey over any wine or champagne, sneakers of stilettos and pants over dresses, prefers not wearing makeup and never spending time on her hair. ◖DISLIKES◗ Because of her past she generally stays away from drugs and alcohol, generally hates anything that is considered "feminine" like high heels, dresses, skirts and so on. Has tendency to not fully understand her own gender, and dislikes the drama that comes with some of it, so she is generally someone who stays away from her own gender and instead makes friends with the opposite. ◖STRENGTHS◗ Stret smart, magnetic, sarcastic, good at finding out what makes people tick and using it to her advantage, far more intellignet than she leads on, brave, observant. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ She's flaky at times, changes her mind quickly, has a temper, can be a bit calculated according to some, has major abandonment issues which also means that she tends to push people away before they ever get the chance to get close. |
I do what you doin', boy Faye Coyle was born into chaos the minute she came into the world. Her mother was an irish immigrant, who has turned to selling her own body to make money for herself, and her father was a drug addict who couldn't care less about the pregnant woman he had sex with a couple of times. The first two years of Fayes life wasn't exactly filled with rainbows, her mother got a habit of dumping her kid everywhere she could, friends, family, anywhere that wanted to take her for a couple of days. Faye maybe saw her mom a total of thirty days out of her first two years. A bit into Fayes third year, her mother decided to clean up her act and get sober, and actually gave it a shot at being a good mother - not that she did a good job, but between the ages three and five Faye have som decent memories of her mother. That was until her mother met a man who didn't want to be in a relationship with a woman who already had kids, so to avoid conflict her mother just decided to drive two miles out to a random shopping mall, where she dropped Faye off and never returned. Faye didn't know her mothers last name nor her own, so when police was contacted and they couldn't find anything she was put into the foster care system. Faye was given the name Coyle after her first foster-family, and also the most decent one out of all of them, which is the reason she never changed it when she reached adulthood. The Coyles were decent foster parents, they made sure she got to school, they fed her and kept a roof over her head and they watched tv shows in front of the tv every night. However it changed when the mother fell pregnant, and they decided that it wasn't proper to have another kid in the house who wasn't theirs, so they put her back into the system. Faye was ten at the time, when she went back in. Her next home would be the worst of her past two, but also the one she stayed in until adulthood. I don't like the drama but I'll finish what you start Her last home, was a broken home of every type. They weren't abusive, and they didn't hit her, but they were manipulative. Both of them were raging drug addicts, and by eleven they had learned her how to put needles into them, like their own little personal slave who could service them. She did all the shopping for them, and later on she would even get the drugs for dem. If she didn't apply, they would cut her allowance or threaten to pull her out of the school she liked. But she got smart about it, they were gone most of the time because of their addiction, and she knew they didn't count how many kilograms the packages had, so she pulled things aside she could use later in life for her own gain. She also started exchanging things in their house that was valuable, with things that looked like it, so they wouldn't notice she was stealing valuables. She officially left the house and system when she was seventeen, because she applied to be legal before eighteen and she won the court case. The things that she had been collecting, she started selling. At first it was only the items, to make a living for herself, but eventually she started selling the drugs to meaning she became a drug dealer. When she was eighteen, however, her foster parents pressed charges against her for theft and for selling them drugs, even if she hadn't but there was enough evidence that she had sold drugs to some people, so she got sentenced. This was her first sentence in her adulthood, and she served for six months before she was out. She got sentenced for theft again at nineteen, when she robbed a convience store, and she was sentenced to another six months. She quickly also served three months for getting into a bar fight with a bartender. Her longest time in jail, however came when she met Leonardo. At the time she had no idea who he really was or how dangerous his family was, he was simply nothing but a good time and having someone to have fun with, but that fun quickly turned into a pregnancy. Faye had every intention of keeping the baby, despite her rocky life and not even having been in love with the father, but it all changed when she was framed for a crime she didn't commit, and got sentenced to seven years in jail. Because the father didn't wish to have the baby, and she was in jail, she gave birth to the kid in jail and was forced to give her up to the system, breaking her heart knowing her baby would go through the same process she went through. |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Loyal friends, and companionable, ardent lovers, a Taurus is yours for life – unless you cross her firmly set boundaries, in which case, prepare to feel her horns! Once she sets her heels, the Taurus woman is rooted to the spot in her position, so forget about trying to sway her back to your point of view. You might be surprised by her sense of humor, which can be playful and even shockingly raunchy! This is a relationship to be enjoyed heartily – honor her as an incarnation of Aphrodite and she will shower you with delight. She will, without a doubt, teach you a thing or two. If you learn how to love this earth goddess like she deserves, you may win her for keeps – or, at least for a long while. Taurean women tend to be steadfast in relationships and trustworthy. Earn that trust, and you will find yourself blessed by the Queen of Heaven in earthly form, who you can bet will work hard to make the relationship between you a vision of bliss. |