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Occupation, while money is not of importance to the creature, and more of what would be considered a bartering system - a trade for a trade. I'm certain when she's more accustomed to the surface, coin will come into play. Jewler & Treasure Hunter, is how she bides her time. Scent, Fragipani & Ocean Breeze; Fragipani is a tropics flower that's scent can range from various things: roses, gardenias, pineapple, plum, citrus, ripe banana, grapes, coconut, ginger, candy, or spices. It typically falls to the nose of the other that comes upon her.
Voice: Emily Browning
Batya, Is the only one she knows, at least, from their home colony. When they fled, they fled together. She is more family now to her then ever.
Friendship, Both above and below the sea, she's seeking more to interact with. She only knows the underwaves and knows little of land. This has many slots open, she's never one to turn away a possible friend! Enemies, Although she'd be uncertain how this would come about as she is incapable of magic - and other dragon like qualities. She's merely a shell of a dragon, a dual terrain wielder of sea and sand. However, I'm certain plots could be conversed about! |
Traders, Hera makes jewelry under the waves, and comes up often to trade for items needed to fit the rules within the walls of the tether. Be it for herself of the rest of her kind below. Romance, It's uncertain at this current moment if she will seek romance outside of her species. Plotting romance isn't a big forte of mine, while we can certainly talk about it - it'll strictly be based on how interactions are with each other. This being said, lets roleplay! |
Only yes is yes
1v1 Multi-Para RP Multi-Chara RP Plotting Fade to Black Say we did Sexual Encounters Friends Enemies Trade-Partners Over 18+ |
Maybe, just maybe.
Past Connections* Family* Violence BDSM Torture* Kidnapping* |
Learn the art of saying, no.
Under 18+ (chara & player) Dismemberment OOC to IC IC to OOC Slave/Master* Chat Speak God-Mode |