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![]() GENERAL |NAME| John Hamish Watson (The 'Hamish' is silent.) |NICKNAMES| Three-Continents-Watson, Boswell, Jawn (elongated at times for dramatics), Soldier-Boy, Cap'n, Peanut, My Dear Watson, Johnny, Golden Boy, The Goodest Boy, Doc, and many other variations of his medical and military profession. |D.O.B.| August 7th (Leo) |BIRTHPLACE| John Watson was born in Stranraer, Scotland, but after his grandfather's passing, moved to Britain. His family inherited an estate, which was far from impressive, and eventually, he left home to pursue his academic goal of becoming a doctor. |PERSONALITY TYPE| ISFJ / ISTJ | Enneagram Type 2 |APPARENT AGE| In his early 40s |SPECIES| Human |NATIONALITY| British |GENDER| Male |SEXUALITY| Heteroflexible, Bicurious |RELATIONSHIP| Nonexistent, not from a lack of trying... ![]() |
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![]() PHYSICAL |HEIGHT| 1.69 m (5'6″) |WEIGHT| 62 kg (137 lbs) |BUILD| Formerly a rugby player and in his later years, a military doctor, John is a stout, broad-shouldered, clearcut man with strapping features. Once previously an extraordinary athlete, injuries sustained during his service in the army have thinned a mostly stalwart frame. And despite his smallish stature, John is a powerhouse and veritable physical force to be reckoned with. |SKIN| Goldened by time, worn through experience, and tarnished by age and a weariness of the world. At his pinnacle of health, John emits a fiery glow against an otherwise sandy complexion, deeply etched with lines borne of expressive intent. |SCARS| Aside from the typical boyhood scrapes and knicks, his most outstanding scar was earned during his service to Queen and Country. Upon his left shoulder is an egregious mark where a stray bullet had once struck him unexpectedly while on the field. Because of this, a recurring tremor caused by nerve damage afflicts his left hand much to his chagrin. |EYES| Throughout his gaze are several hues of nebulous blues with a hint of hazel radiating in softly swooping arcs, like threads of the Earth's crust melded with the outer ocean brume. So expressive that entire conversations could be left unsaid, John's countenance tends to shift intermittently, bouncing between a stern wariness of a distrustful situation to a genuine warmth teeming with a patent tenderness only a doctor of his caliber can bear. |HAIR| John is a fastidious groomer. His hair is a rich beige-toned shade, sparkling like champagne and typically parted for the sake of his preferred well-kept look. Though at times John's sandy tresses can appear quite ruffled with streaks of stress-related silver due to the rigors of his life choices. |SCENT| Watson has an eclectic medley of fragrances: a suit of tweed, a hint of fresh linen, an aftershave scented with lime cream, or perhaps even a metallic note of gun oil. Bearing a passion for adventure, John is an unwavering romantic, sporting a hardy teakwood, gallant cardamom, and a gentleman's worn-in leather armchair. |VOICE| John's accent is quite typically British, a common diction of the common class. It has, however, deviated somewhat due to his career in the armed forces. Influenced by his travels, vaguely altered by his experiences, he still maintains, however, his near-universally British inflection. |
![]() PERSONALITY |DEFINING TRAITS| Watson is endowed with a strong pledge to honor and is the very epitome of discretion. He has an innate ability to empathize with others and stay true to his commitments. With a well-developed sense of loyalty and a desire to protect his loved ones, John upholds morality, selflessness, and a steadfast regard for justice and truth. As a result of his time in the military and his current medical standing, Dr. Watson maintains a calm demeanor in the face of danger. In both his work and his writing, John has a direct method of preserving confidentiality with pseudonyms replacing the "real" names of clients, witnesses, locations, and culprits alike with altered variations. He was and possibly still is an avid gambler, and as a military marksman, Waston is a crack shot with a pistol. |TEMPERAMENT| Dr. John H. Watson recovered from wounds both physical and psychological that eventually led to his discharge from combat in Afghanistan. He was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and has a tendency to retract his anger until it releases in bouts of turbulent outbursts. John dislikes receiving pity or sympathy of any kind, yet upon meeting Sherlock Holmes, his demeanor was retailored for a new, adventurous lifestyle where Watson began to exhibit reckless behavior under the guise of bravery. He maintains an almost unhealthy suspicion and mistrust of the intentions of others. Nevertheless, he felt he had found his purpose once more. Conventional, yet stubborn, the ever-dependable John Watson has a dry wit that holds its own against even the sharpest of minds. John has an adamantine conscience and a staunch sense of duty, and yet there is just enough wildness within him to disregard protocol for the sake of others. |INTELLIGENCE| Watson is intelligent if only lacking in recondite, specialized knowledge, and he serves as a perfect foil for Sherlock Holmes: the archetypal goodly gentleman against the brilliant, emotionally detached analytical machine. Utilizing processes he's garnered from his experiences, John efficiently applies deductive methods, and can be astute enough to follow reasoning to produce the facts. He habitually underrates his own abilities, subconsciously deeming himself inadequate, yet maintains the soldier's mindset of perseverance in the pursuit of justice and enlightenment. While not inherently luminous, John is a conductor of light, and though he does not himself possess the mind of a genius, he however has a remarkable power of stimulating it. |PRIORITIES| Keeping those close to him safe and secured. |ACCESSORIES| Always on his person is John's cell, wallet, and any form of identification he deems necessary. At times, John is equipped with his British Army standard issued sidearm, SIG-Sauer L105A2 that he claimed he had lost in action on the field. He is prepared, very resourceful, and will utilize his surroundings accordingly. |
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![]() FAMILIAL |PARENTS| Henry H. Watson (Father; Deceased), Anna Marie Taylor (Mother; Deceased) |SIBLINGS| Harriet "Harri" Marie Watson (older twin sister) |WEALTH| Hailing from a modest, grassroots upbringing, John wanted for nothing. The humble Watson family never knew a life of poverty, yet were well adjusted despite any onset of financial hardships. John utilized his military career to aid in his educational and living expenses. While proficient at making due off of a mere army pension, John Watson's prospects improved upon acquiring the flatshare with Sherlock Holmes. |CHILDREN| None at this time! |EDUCATION| John went to King Edward VI Grammar School in Chelmsford and eventually studied medicine at King's College in London where he also did his Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. For a time, he worked at the Broomfield Hospital Chelmsford while attending the University College Hospital to earn further credentials. Watson also applied his studies at the University of Edinburgh before he was eventually trained at St. Bartholomew's Hospital as a British Army doctor where he served as a Captain in the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. In an effort to compose a treatise on surgery as a general practitioner, John also discovered a passion for writing and eventually dabbled in blogging. It wasn't until he met Sherlock Holmes that his chronicling flourished and Dr. Watson became an acclaimed biographer detailing Holmes's escapades as well as his transgressions as a consulting detective. |OCCUPATION| Army Doctor and former Captain of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers, a general practitioner and physician working locally in London whenever he isn't assisting Sherlock Holmes on a case, and self-proclaimed blogger and Sherlock Holmes corraler. |ALIGNMENT| Neutral Good ![]() |