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Loyalty unwavering, the bulwark of Faith itself. Even before knowing love in Wesmont, Iskandar's core need was to be the shield that protects, the sword that dispels. Whether he was granted these traits or simply romanticized knights in stories of eld, no one could say for certain. Devotion in its purest form beats in his heart, though he would often find this loyalty unreciprocated and taken for granted by those who would use him as a convenient weapon to be released. Regardless, through his many cycles of life and eventually immortality, those were the tenets he idealized and pursued regardless of the peril it put him in, the blades that it pushed him into, the knives that buried in his back. ISHGARD See more
So idealized they were, that he would often find the one that hated him the most and attempt to befriend the living shit out of them, often to his detriment; such was the tale of him and a certain Duskwight of Ishgard, a fellow resident of the Brume by the name of Wesmont Sauveterre. He always extended his hand out to the lonely Duskwight, he who proudly pushed away all help despite needing it the most. It was borne of no delusion or hope to save the needy or be champion of the downtrodden, it was only that Wesmont seemed... so lonely that Iskandar constantly reached to Wesmont's side. Alas, not every stories were heartwarming; Fate had it decreed that the seed of rage take root in Wesmont's heart and he join the Heretics of Coerthas in bringing wrath of the Dravanian Horde onto Ishgard's steps. While he had no love for the High Houses of Ishgard and the Halonic Church, he was still loyal to the Brume that sheltered innocents in its damaged battlements, and eventually came to clash with Wesmont. In their battle-locked moments, a Heretic took the chance to stab him in the back--all he could do was reach out to touch Wesmont's hands, and with his last words meant for his best friend and greatest rival choked with blood, met his death in Ishgard. However, that did not spell the end for either of them, even as Wesmont's heartbroken rage swallowed the Great Wyrm's energies to claim them as his own and razed Ishgard to the ground before meeting his own end. Not by a long shot. MOUNTAIN'S REST See more
He was keen to wait in the Sea of Nothing for his next sojourn into the living, to wherever the hands of Fate would pull him to next. [WIP] |
【Pitiful Peacemaker】
To resolve conflict where it is born; such was the wish the Shadow Witch prayed for as she poured the angel Hadariel's blood into Peacemaker's casting metal. The first of the twin blades, in the form of a longsword to turn the tides between warring factions and champion those who would have none. To all intents and purposes, Iskandar's core was created for the sole purpose of becoming the perfect hero, the ideal weapon. Unfortunate it is that the Peacemaker's fate is to forever see conflict.
Being right beside Vaelshk'tel's side every step of his journey, except for when death took him to cross their paths anew, the Shadow Lord took it upon himself to gather a portion of his strength to bless it to his Knight-Commander, raising his angel-blooded status from a mere descendant to an ascendant; Iskandar was raised as an Aasimon, a full-blooded Archangel by Vaelshk'tel's side. While that speaks nothing for his loyalty, as he would have razed the world in his Lord's name if He ever so asked, he is wholly grateful to his Lord Husband for cementing his place eternally by His side.
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【A Father to His Men】
Iskandar serves as Knight-Commander of the Shadow Guard, a force of knights hand-picked by Lord Vaelshk'tel. While he oversees the training of their forces and ensures that Silathrevar is never wanting for properly manned defenses, he also prioritizes the importance of camaraderie and ensures that relations between those he can oversee are neither spiteful nor improper. Sure, they can have relationships that step over the boundaries of workplace propriety and modesty, you can't put people together and not have them get ideas, but if drama rears its ugly head around--oh, that's when he steps in.
He loves cats. Anyone who's spent five seconds with him ever can testify to that; he loves cats, he loves playing with them, he goes buckwild when one acknowledges that he exists. If one went up and sat on his shoe, he'd probably have a heart attack and pass out. Lord Vaelshk'tel saved a whole room of kittens just for Iskandar to rear cats, but the cats escaped and now they're all over the castle. Iskandar named all of them, and help, there's just so many cats. .....................................................................
【Personality】 To call Iskandar abrasive would be an understatement; like lichen, he has a tendency to grow on people who let him, but as brash and as belligerent as he is, he would likely rub the majority at large the wrong way before friendship can take root. Aggressive and quick to respond to violence with his own in kind, he is almost always never caught unawares, but one could also point out that diplomacy is his worst trait. As they say, to live by the sword is to die by the sword, a saying that has long since carved into his bones; he would argue that his servitude has always been for the greater good, to an ends that justifies the means, to a person to whom his loyalties will never waver, however. Many people have taken clear advantage of this naïveté in the past; thankfully, the Dragon-Lord Vaelshk'tel has only ever held him with love in his scaled hands. The peak of their cold mountain is warmed by their love and dedication to survival alongside each other, to thrive despite the odds of the bitch of a star. Not a day goes by that they endlessly prove towards each other their sentiment in the form of acts of service, words of affirmation and quality time when their daily schedule allows for it. 【Wardrobe & Inventory】
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