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Zhiran (played anonymously) | |
My thrall from a more luxuriant time. What fates and fortunes have brought them across my path once again. Perhaps it is time I step from the shadows and into the light once more. |
Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird) | |
You will bow before me, and thank me. |
Beautiful Monster (played anonymously) | |
You simple little thing. You have no idea what your mistakes will cost you. |
Ginny (played by Ginny) | |
Do not squander my kindness, little one. And do not make me regret showing you it. |
Upala (played anonymously) | |
Leuce (played anonymously) | |
Most intriguing. What is inside you, I wonder. And what must I do to draw it out. |
Zlatan (played anonymously) | |
What a lovely aura. I should do more to see it again. |
Jackal (played anonymously) | |
Tijan (played by Bedlam_Babe) | |
It is said that great creatures are drawn to one another by powers unknowable. Perhaps that is why endured the Atrium to give greetings. |
Batul (played anonymously) | |
Your fear was understandable. When I am hungry, I am far less... yielding. |
Shyama Harlo (played anonymously) | |
Stay far away from me. You spoil whatever crowd you sit with. |
René Noel (played anonymously) | |
Such a fragile spirited little thing. So very fragile. |
Upala (played anonymously) || August 25 2023, 4:34pm
Your inky shadow pulls me in.
I sink into your abysmal sin.
Drowning in a first found fear.
Swallow me up my dear.
My light flickers low and dim.
Will I escape from all this grim?
Shall light prevail or will darkness deal the final blow?
I'm floating in the creepy horror of your dark undertow.
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Birdy (played by Pretty_Bird) || October 25 2022, 9:08pm
I MISS you!!!
Momma yearns for another bite.
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Moon (played anonymously) || December 2 2021, 1:27pm
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Beautiful Monster (played anonymously) || August 10 2021, 2:53pm
You are what nightmares are made of...
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Leuce (played anonymously) || July 12 2021, 11:28pm
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Silum (played by JustAWolf) || July 13 2021, 10:46am
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Arisu Kagawa (played by Magnakor) || June 1 2021, 5:50am
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