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Feminine| "Song" | Latin |
Feminine | "Bright" | Greek |
Unisex| Surname | Spanish
⎨NAME⎬ Her full name is Carmen Elena Bolívar. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She usually goes byCarmen but some of her familia calls her carmy or carmia. ⎨AGE⎬ She is 20 years old. Born on august 8th, which makes her a Leo. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of spanish descent. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She is currently travelling through Cairo. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ She takes whatever part-time job she can on the go, but it's difficult when you are constantly travelling and taking care of a six year old at the same time. |
⎨BUILD⎬ Like most in her family she is on the taller side. She mostly have a slim body, but has a curvy around the hips. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ Naturally tan. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is 170 centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ Dark brown eyes, narrowly shaped. ⎨HAIR⎬ Dark brown hair, wavy texture that continues until her hips - it usually braided beautifully by her niece. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ Her signature braid and the fact that she dresses exactly like what you would imagine from going thrifting with a six year old. |
⎨QUIRKS⎬ Scrunges her nose when she detects bullshit. ⎨SEXUALITY⎬ She considers herself to be fluid in sexuality, the gender doesn't really matter to her. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ Carmen is extremely caring but in a sense where she is instantly the one who takes over when nobody else can, she is an individual who is greatly capable of having a great overview of stressful situations, is absolutely amazing with kids, brave, capable of doing a lot of things if she puts her mind to it, dutiful. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ Is generally awful at taking care of herself and always puts everyone else before herself, her niece is number one priority in life and it shows because she tends to do whatever she can to please her niece and give her a good life, has forgotten herself and her youth because of the choices she has made which also means she can't relate at all to the people in her own age range. ⎨LIKES⎬ Her niece, music (particularly she is fond of having dance parties with her niece to great latin music), generally enjoys colors of all sorts in her clothing choices and decorating choices, likes wearing little necklaces and beaded bracelets that her niece has made, driving her motorcycle, loves the beach a lot and has great memories from being a kid. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ X, x, x. |
SUB HEADLINE ___________________________________________ Coming soon...
“This witch had been crafted from the darkness between the stars.”
― Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
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Carmen first experienced this ability before knowing that she was a witch. This ability allows her to connect psychically to events to come in the future seen before hand.Intuition: Carmen seems to know where certain objects were, like when someone loses their keys or anything else, Carmen always seems to know where things are. Premonitions: This ability is usually used subconsciously or in a dream as a nightmare but they don't usually occur that often and are usually quite vague.
The ability to manipulate physical objects with only the use of the mind or an evocation of magical words. When Carmen was a "newbie witch", she seemed to have full control of the power, however not as powerful as other witches, as she levitates feathers into the air with the flick of her wrist. However in more current times, this power has grown to become stronger and stronger and when switching her magic to expression, her telekinesis peaked. She is capable of stopping vampires thousands of years old with a single thought and cause extreme pain while, however, the more powerful it gets, the more unstable the power gets.
|Spells & Other things|
Carmen is capable of utilizing most spells, and create various from it. Amongst other things she is capable of tracking individuals through tracking spells, she can summon specific creatures if she knows the spell for it. As a witch she is also one of the only creatures on earth capable of uttering a demons name and condemning back to where they came from. |