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Played by a verified adult
The Arkaines |
| ➣D E S I R E S▪ Arkaine roleplay in general, whatever that may entail for her. Particularly looking for those others willing to play with various plots that can be discussed further. I would love mentoring Arkaines or love interests among them. | ➣S E E K I N G ▪ Any and all Plot infused roleplay that goes beyond the intimate things. Smut is all fine and dandy, but I direly need plot development and encouraging characters to grow beyond their predetermined molds. |
| ➣W A R N I N G ▪ I put a lot of effort and time into developing Gwyn. I, however, am not a reflection of how all Arkaine players will be. I am a window-eating, plot-whoring creature, but that doesn't mean you or anyone else has to be. Though I have a right to end any rp as rp should be enjoyed, not a hassle. | ➣W A R N I N G▪ I am not my character and my character is not me. I am, however, a very approachable person regardless of how Gwyn may act in character. Please whisper me if you'd like, though typically whispers are considered OOC unless pre-discussed otherwise. Also, remember Gwyn is a continuous work in progress, so I will update with details and delights as soon as I am able. |
DESIRED Whisper Friendly Adults (18+ IC/OOC) Whispers = OOC Paragraph RP BDSM Friendly |
ADORED Plot Driven Development Short/Long Term RP Public/Private RP IC Consequences |
POTENTIAL Intimacy (plot needed) Fade to Black/Lets Say Whisper RP |
NEVER Mixing of IC/OOC Drama (OOC) Permanent Death Modern Godmodding Complete Noncon |