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Masculine | "Strong" | Hebrew |
Masculine | "Brave in war" | English |
Masculine | Surname | English
⎨NAME⎬ Her full name is Jane x x. ⎨ALIAS(ES)⎬ She usually goes by Jane and that's about it. ⎨AGE⎬ She is X years old. X, which makes her an X. ⎨NATIONALITY⎬ She is of X descent. ⎨RESIDENCE⎬ She lives in X. ⎨OCCUPATION⎬ X. |
⎨BUILD⎬ X. ⎨COMPLEXION⎬ X. ⎨HEIGHT⎬ She is X centimeters tall. ⎨EYES⎬ X. ⎨HAIR⎬ X. ⎨TRADEMARKS⎬ X. |
⎨QUIRKS⎬ X. ⎨SEXUALITY⎬ She considers himself to be heterosexual. ⎨STRENGTHS⎬ X, x, x. ⎨WEAKNESSES⎬ X, x, x. ⎨LIKES⎬ X, x, x. ⎨DISLIKES⎬ X, x, x. |
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SUB HEADLINE ___________________________________________ Coming soon...
— X |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
Adj. | x | x Coming soon... |
In the years before the Dark Ages, the Dhampir were traditionally born through the union of a Moroi and a human, creating a half-vampire, half-human hybrid. In modern times, Dhampir are now born through the union of a Moroi and another Dhampir with the exception of The Keepers.Dhampir are able to go into the sun, thus giving them the ability to tan if they wished to. Physically, their enhanced musculature and strength are visible. Dhampir are known to be shorter and more curvaceous than the Moroi (who are tall and thin), closer to that of an average human. It can be assumed that a Dhampir's enhanced appearances are due to their vampiric genes. Moroi are attracted to a Dhampir's appearance by their body shape and beauty, possibly due to the benefits of hybrid vigour, but their relationships have never been known to last, typically only a temporary affair, thus birthing more Dhampir. Unlike the Moroi, Dhampirs do not possess Elemental abilities. Instead they are born with quicker reflexes, increased strength, heightened agility, greater flexibility and vast endurance. With these superhuman physical strengths they are able to match the strength of the Strigoi. Unlike the Strigoi, Dhampir can walk around during the day like humans do.
Dhampir heal faster and more effectively than humans. Wounds such as burns and other injuries can heal within a few hours. Their increased metabolism only improves this ability.
Dhampir have a naturally high metabolism that enhances their physical abilities. Thanks to this enhanced metabolism, Dhampir are resistant to diseases and most toxins, but not alcohol.
A Dhampir's five senses are heightened greatly, such a being able to see in the dark at night. Dhampir senses are nearly as strong and sensitive as that of a Moroi. Dhampir are also able to distinguish Strigoi, Moroi, witches and ordinary humans via Enhanced Vision and Enhanced Smell. They can also distinguish whether a Strigoi was human, Moroi or Dhampir before they were created.
Dhampir have great memory and can recall thoughts and memories much more easily than humans.
Dhampir are exceptionally strong allowing them to defend against and potentially kill a Strigoi. They can lift objects three times their body weight. This strength is naturally greater than that of a Moroi's.
The Dhampir's highly advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than that of a human. The Dhampir's bodily tissues are harder and more resistant to certain types of injuries than the bodies of normal humans.
Dhampir possess greater agility than the Moroi, but are not as agile as the Strigoi. Training is required to completely hone this level of agility. They also possess enhanced reflexes and flexibility, which further enhance their combat abilities.
Dhampirs have a preternatural "sense" of when danger is near. This is in part due to their strong instincts and sharp reflexes. |
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