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Played by a verified adult
The Golden Tether |
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💗 Whispers are OOC unless otherwise agreed upon.
💗 The Golden Tether Continuity. 💗 Badge and (Arena) Combat opportunities. 💗 ICA = ICC. If you want a specific reaction/consequence to play out, ask OOCly first. I want to make sure we both enjoy a scene. Quote:
💗 Ownership of Aubriella. Need to be with a player willing to communicate OOCly. Currently Owned
💗 Punishment, Torture, Corruption, Breaking, or Sexual Scenes. I need to be in the headspace for these, but I am not against them without good IC reason. Quote:
💗 Metagaming using knowledge from her profile.
💗 Flawless characters or inconsistency in personality. 💗 Characters without a RPR, or use F-List as main site. 💗 Using e621 art - it's stolen. You likely won't respect other boundaries if you think art theft is alright. 💗 Strictly private RP, possessiveness of my time, OOC hostility when I RP with others. | xxxxxxxx |
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