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L O V I N Gx A N A D V E N T U R E R Adventurers are quite mysterious and difficult to get to know. While very emotional individuals, they guard this sensitive core carefully, preferring to listen than to express. People with the Adventurer personality type focus instead on their partners, with little interest in dictating the mood of a situation with their own feelings. While this can sometimes be frustrating, if they are accepted for who they are, Adventurers prove to be warm, enthusiastic partners. As their relationships grow, Adventurers' partners come to find vibrancy and spontaneity to be par for the course. Adventurers may not be great long-term planners, preferring to let their partners take the lead when it comes to logic and strategy, but they almost never run out of things to do in the present. Also caring and loyal, Adventurers love finding ways to surprise their partners in fun little ways. It is important for their partners to make it clear that this love and attention is valued. Adventurers would never ask for such thanks, but it can really hurt their feelings if they do not hear it. Such expressions do not have to be verbal – Adventurers believe in actions, not words – but it is crucial that they know their feelings are shared. On the other side of the spectrum, there are few types more vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and it is necessary to provide a certain level of emotional support. If they do feel appreciated, Adventurers are more than happy to reciprocate in any way they know how. People with the Adventurer personality type are very sensual, and in no aspect of their lives is this clearer than in their sex lives. Intimacy is an opportunity for Adventurers to satisfy their partners, and they involve every sense available in enjoying these moments. Adventurers may be shy in public, but alone with a partner they trust, the masks come off – few people get to see this side, and it’s always a pleasant surprise. Feelings and emotions underpin every aspect of Adventurers' relationships, alongside not just a tendency towards, but a need for, fresh possibilities. Adventurer personalities are not to be forced into anything, and rushing long-term commitments is a sure way to scare them off. If Adventurers cannot feel excited in wondering "what is next?" every morning, they may find themselves wondering "what is the point?" Still, developing some skill with planning can be a healthy area of growth for Adventurers. Learning to be a little more comfortable with voicing their feelings and communicating more clearly is something their partners can also help with. In any case, sharing the observant trait usually smooths out the more challenging aspects of mutual understanding, and relationships with people who have the extroverted and judging traits helps Adventurers to learn and grow in real, attainable ways. |
W H I C Hx O N E . . . Does something reckless and gets told off by the other person? ⟡ X. Sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? ⟡ X. Sneaks up behind the other person to give him/her a scare? ⟡ X. Falls asleep on the couch and who has to carry that person to bed? ⟡ X. Kisses whom first? ⟡ X. Has to restrain the other person in order to prevent them from getting into a fight? ⟡ X. Says "I love you" first? And who ends their arguments in a fight with "Because I love you"? ⟡ X. Watches the other person in his/her sleep? ⟡ X. Offers their jacket when the other one is cold? ⟡ X. Keeps getting threatened by the other's overprotective older sibling? ⟡ X. |
P H Y S I C A L xT O U C H
Sub headline. For those, whose love language is that of the physical touch, they yearn for the intimacy that comes along with having a parnter close by at all times. They find comfort in the physical connection, shared body heat and skin meeting skin, whether that be sexual or something more platonic. Holding hands, rubbing each other's backs, falling asleep with arms and legs intertwined or caressing each other lightly is just as beneficial to the relationship as a sexual act, although they are likely at their happiest when they melt together and become one with their significant other. To this person, a kiss on the forehead means a thousand times more than any declaration of love, and they themselves usually communicate their affection in the same, physical manner. They connect most deeply with their partner, when they are physically entangled, and they find both joy, excitement and beauty in knowing each other's erogenous zones and vulnerabilities without ever having to utter a word. So leave your expensive gifts and grand gestures at home when it comes to charming this person, because a physical entanglement is all it takes. As long as it is given and received at the right time and place with good, honest intentions behind it.
"My heart knows your song, as yours knows mine. And I will always come back to you."
― Samantha Shannon
K I S Sx M E
Sub headline. How to Communicate ⪧ Non-verbal, use of physical closeness and touch to emphasise love; be it either intimate or non-intimate. Actions to take ⪧ Eye contact, hugs, kisses, hand-holding, cuddling, skin-to-skin touching, show physical love regularly, make intimacy a thoughtful priority. Things to avoid ⪧ Physical neglect, long stints without intimacy, receiving affection coldly. |
W H I C Hx O N E . . . Is more afraid of loosing the other? ⟡ X. Makes fun of the other person for having a crush on them? ⟡ X. Is more protective of the other person? ⟡ X. Thinks they don't deserve the other person's love and affection? ⟡ X. Caves first in a fight? ⟡ X. Constantly wears the other's clothes? ⟡ X. Pays more attention to the other person? ⟡ X. Puts his/her head on the other person's shoulder for comfort? ⟡ X. Initiates the touching when the other person is near? ⟡ X. Has vivid dreams about the other person? ⟡ X. |
T H Ex L E O
&x T H Ex A Q U A R I U S When a Leo and an Aquarius join together in a love match, their radiating energies light up the room and demand attention. This partnership is energetic and unstoppable and potentially dangerous. Although occasional competitions may occur between the passionate Leo and the stubborn Aquarius, there is never a dull moment with these two. Their signs are congenial and they see eye to eye on most matters, even if takes them both a while to realize it. Both signs tend to be idealistic and highly motivated, living their life to the fullest in every aspect or way. Both are attracted to all things novel as they are naturally curious people, constantly seeking new thrills and experiences; they may even occasionally turn life into a giant game of Truth or Dare.
"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."
– Plato Many Leo-Aquarius relationships thrive on unending mutual admiration. The Leo admires the individualism, vision and creative characteristics of the Aquarius. In turn, the Aquarius admires the Lion's zeal, charm and dignity. The attraction is always great in relationships of opposing signs, and it is probably the greatest in a relationship of a Leo and an Aquarius. The Leo is the king of the entire zodiac, and the Aquarius seems to be there to bring down the king and fight for independence. Imagine the attraction and the passion between two such strong individuals, lying on the axis of Sun's rule and detriment. Sexually, their union can be a struggle, a fight and an incredible experience for both signs. Liberating and yet warm and passionate, sensual but still interesting. When they find true emotion, the Aquarius might actually end up respecting the king. The beauty of their sex life is in things they can learn about their bodies, their confidence and the way they look at the act of sex. Through the struggle of insecurities and forced liberation, these are two partners to form a strong connection by a simple act of gravitation that the Sun has over Uranus. |
"She expected annoyance, tolerance, perhaps even a distant amusement. She hadn't expected his reaction. His arms closed around her like a vice, pulling her tightly up against him. And she didn't have time to kiss him - the touch of her mouth against his seemed to ignite a firestorm. She could feel him through every inch of her body, the lean, deceptively strong body beneath the suit, the heat and lure of muscle and sinew, the sheer intensity of him. She felt as if she were being absorbed into a maelstrom, and all she could do was hold onto him as he kissed her, he kissed her, using his tongue, kissing her with a thoroughness she’d never experienced." – Anne Stuart |