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![]() NATHANAEL Masculine | God has given | Greek |
![]() INIGO Masculine | mine | Spanish |
![]() CALIXTO Masculine | most beautiful | Spanish |
◖BIRTH NAME◗ Nathanael Inigo Calixto, though he is only known as Inigo Calixto. ◖NICKNAME◗ Unless he permits you to use Inigo, which is a very rare occasion, everyone refers to him as Captain Calixto or simply Calixto. ◖BIRTH DATE◗ 30th July. ◖AGE◗ 30 years old. ◖ZODIAC◗ Leo. ◖NATIONALITY◗ He is of no kingdom, only the seas. ◖OCCUPATION◗ He's the captain of the pirate ship, Alea. ◖RESIDENCE◗ He has a very cozy great cabin on Alea, the ship being his home. ◖RACE◗ Human. |
◖HEIGHT◗ 1,83 m. ◖BODY TYPE◗ Broad-shouldered, muscular, well-built ― nothing to be shy about. ◖EYES◗ A deep, intense brown. ◖HAIR◗ A dark brown colour that often appears black, curly and long. ◖COMPLEXION◗ A warm, olive-brown tone. ◖TATTOOS◗ He has a P branded on his wrist. ◖SCARS◗ Oh, aplenty. ◖HANDEDNESS◗ He's right-handed when he writes but more than capable with both hands in many other disciplines. ◖SEXUALITY◗ He's heterosexual. ◖RELATIONSHIP STATUS◗ He enjoys women and has no interest in settling down. |
◖STRENGTHS◗ Anything to do with the sea and ships, navigation, sailing, swimming, maintenance, fighting, both with swords, firearms, and fists, women, courting, flirting, fucking, using his fingers, tongue, all of it, in every aspect. ◖WEAKNESSES◗ He would argue that he has none, but a lot of his traits are very much weaknesses such as his drive for treasure and spoils, how he puts no one before himself, and how everything is all or nothing, no in between. ◖LIKES◗ The sea, Alea, and women are his favourite things in this world. There are aspects of all of these, small details that make the whole, just like he enjoys a good meal, plenty of alcohol, a good bed, a warm bath, a great party, dancing and singing, but the sea, Alea, and women all make all those things so much better. Of course, Tortuga is also a big like of his. Oh, he also likes to toy with people and string them along, there's something enjoyable in people not being able to figure him out. ◖DISLIKES◗ Rules and laws, generally all the four kingdoms, royal navies are a pain in his ass, people who enjoy following the rules, who actively try to be a pain in his ass. He hates to be wrong (luckily happens rarely), he hates to be toyed with himself (people rarely succeed in his opinion, but he hates when they try), he hates obstacles of any kind, even if they don't succeed in hindering him, he just hates anyone who tries to oppose him. He highly dislikes prying; and he hates being called anything but Calixto. ◖FACECLAIM◗ Santiago Cabrera. |
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The pirate captain
Who traded a life for a ship ________________ Nathanael Inigo Calixto, better known as captain Calixto, is the captain of the pirate ship Alea, known by most of the navies of the four kingdoms to be a tyrant of the sea, surely someone you would not want to cross paths with, unless you desire nothing but chaos and charisma; because he might be a pirate, but he is a damn charming one. Little is known about his past because he keeps it like that. Only his men know of his middle name, Inigo, and no one calls him by it, while Nathanael is a secret he intends to take to his grave, just like any details about his life prior to when he first set his foot on a ship. He has sailed most of his life and got into the world of piracy in his early teens, working his way up the ranks, until he acquired Alea. He did this before he reached the age of 20, when exactly is only for him to know as well as the people he knew back then, most of who are still on the ship today. How does such a young man acquire a ship of such unique status? You make a deal with the gods, of course. Calixto has always been quick to make decisions, preferably those that benefit himself and only himself, and that decision was one that was easy to make. He got the ship of his dreams and very little repercussions, so why hesitate? And he got what he wanted. From that point on, he only grew, mainly as a captain, staying himself throughout ― way too much, but loved by the men who stepped onto Alea and stayed. He keeps the details vague and moves nothing but forward, creating all history as he goes with these men. He takes what he wants, enjoys what he wants, indulges in anything he wants in the moment. There is no plan but wealth, being able to enjoy his days fully on the sea and he will gladly plunder and cheat his way to that. He has made enough enemies on the way as well, which of course is the downside to his profession, but he would rather be free instead of being under someone's rule, being it a kingdom or another captain. It's all about pleasure, all about passion, all about the moment ― all for Alea. |
○ S H A R P - W I T T E D
adj. | sharp-wit·ted Having or showing a practical cleverness or judgment. Calixto has an extremely sharp mind. He is a skilled learner and a brilliant people reader, but he is just as good at hiding the fact that he's rather smart. He likes to see people find him stupid and simple-minded, he enjoys the game of it, as he leans back and simply figure them out. He likes figuring out the secrets of others, not just to use it against people, but to his own advantage. He can easily sit on the information for eternity until the moment that it's actually useful for him to reveal. He uses it while fighting as well, not only using his own skill, but using the other's disadvantages against them. He's for sure not someone you should underestimate. |
○ C O N F I D E N T
adj. | con·fi·dent Having or showing great faith in oneself or one's abilities. Calixto is extremely confident in himself. He moves with an attitude that screams of it, because there is no need to hide the fact that he's simply great, the greatest man of all. Every decision he makes is based very much on the fact that he can do no wrong. He is skilled, he is handsome, he has a great ship, men who trust him, women love him. What's not to love? He has escaped nearly all things that has been slightly against him, scars being the only thing to prove that anything was in fact ever against him. He looks forward, never backwards, trusting in himself and what he has to offer ― because why shouldn't he? |
○ D E T E R M I N E D
adj. | de·ter·mined Fully committed to achieving a goal. When Calixto puts his mind to something, he does it. It's all of nothing. When a thought appears, he goes for it, fully and whole-heartedly, however wild it might be. He doesn't stop, he doesn't do anything half way, and he never backs down on the choices that he has made because of it. He has always been like this and while some might see it as a weakness, to him, it is a big part of what has put him where he is, and in his opinion that is greatness. He will go as far as he has to just to achieve what he has set his mind to. |
○ P A S S I O N A T E
adj. | pas·sion·ate Having, showing, or expressing strong emotions or beliefs; having a strong sexual desire. Calixto decides, moves, and acts with passion. One thing is that he has a strong sense of desire, both for goods in life and for what he wants, but especially for women. When he is passionate about something, there is no doubt and he is not afraid to show everyone, whether it be the sea or the lady of that night. He speaks with passion, his body is full of it, and it is seen in all actions he takes, all words that leave his mouth. Passion drives him and he loves it. |
|N A V I G A T I O N|
Navigation was one of the first things in life that Calixto was taught; learning how to read the sky, follow the patterns of the stars, listen to the winds, all to move his ship in the right direction. It's ingrained in him, he grew into it and it simply comes naturally to him to look up into the sky and down into the waters. He of course knows how to read maps as well, he knows the more scholarly routes as well, even if he does not seem like someone who would know. Where the stars, wind, and sky was taught to him as a child, the latter came as soon as he stepped onto the ship for the first time and was allowed to learn directly.
|S E A F A R I N G|
Besides being able to navigate, Calixto knows how to move about a ship and make it sail in the right direction, in its mechanical aspects. He knows how to take care of his ship, how to work the sails, the cannons, finding his primary job by the helm. He enjoys taking care of his proudest possession, making sure that it sails smoothly and without issues. It's a unique ship and it's not easy to control because of it, so he takes great pride in it ― and only people he trusts can be put at the helm in his stead.
|F I G H T I N G|
Calixto is, as one should when your profession is seen as illegal universally, great at fighting. He picked a sword up at a young age and has never let it go, it being his preferred weapon. There's something old school and classic by it, it never fails, even if he knows how to fire a gun and gladly carries them. He might enjoy the feel and movement of the sword, but he knows that they won't work in certain situations. Gunpowder does not scare him, which is also necessary with cannons and larger weapons and firearms. He is also a strong man, able to put up a fight even without weapons. His greatest strength in his fighting style is his cunning nature; he seizes his opponent up, often long before if it's possible, but even in the moment he's a fast thinker. He would not call it cheating, but he's not someone who fights by the rules, as they to him are made up by people he doesn't care about. He creates his own rules, also when fighting, and just like he's one step ahead in life, he's one step ahead in the fight. |
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