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Irish | "she who intoxicates" |
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Latin | "Pearl" |
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English | " watchman" . . . |
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◖Birthname◗ She was born under the name Maeve Marjorie Howard ◖Nicknames◗ She goes under the names of Mae, M, Maeday or Howard ◖Age◗ She is 30 years old, born on the 29th of May which makes her a Gemini ◖Birthplace◗ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA ◖Nationality◗ American ◖Residence◗ Brooklyn, New York City, New Jersey |
◖Occupation◗ She is an artist and curator at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City ◖Build◗ She has a slim figure which frames her body pretty well ◖Height◗ By the imperial units standards she is 5 ft 10 in but by the metric system she is 178 cm ◖Eyes◗ She has some stunning blue eyes ◖Hair◗ She was born with blonde hair, which she is currently enjoying ◖Complexion◗ She has quite pale skin, which fits her pretty well |
◖Features◗ She has plump lips, a small face and a hawk like nose, which frames her face nicely ◖Clothes◗ Her style has gotten far more sophisticated, she often wears nice shirts, dresses, blazers and so on. ◖Zodiac◗ She was born under the astrology sign of the Gemini ◖Sexuality◗ Bisexual ◖Relationship Status◗ She is curently dating Harrison Barker ◖Faceclaim◗ She shares the same face as Hunter Schafer |
❀ SARCASTIC▪ adjective | /sɑːˈkastɪk/ marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt. "making sarcastic comments" |
❀ INTROVERT▪ adj | /ˈɪntrəvəːt/ a shy, reticent person. another term for introverted. |
❀ CARING ▪ adj | /ˈkɛːrɪŋ/ displaying kindness and concern for others. "a caring and invaluable friend" |
❀ EMPATHETIC ▪ adj | /ɛmpəˈθɛtɪk/ showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another. "she's compassionate and empathetic towards her daughter" |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque a convallis mauris. Sed ultrices enim sit amet blandit pellentesque. Mauris ut metus vel mi elementum finibus eu a tellus. Quisque vel orci rhoncus, placerat diam tempor, elementum enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer mollis nunc ornare, ultrices ipsum ut, faucibus lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean et bibendum nisl. Sed laoreet vel nisi sit amet lacinia. Aenean ornare nulla tellus. Duis sit amet lectus odio. Donec pellentesque, tortor eget congue vehicula, tortor dui rhoncus arcu, sed egestas odio est non massa. Phasellus eu aliquam ligula, ac rutrum nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean lacus est, interdum id quam sed, bibendum tristique sapien. Etiam convallis lobortis ante et eleifend. Donec scelerisque felis in odio volutpat cursus. Sed ac velit eros. Aenean tempor posuere mauris. Donec ut ligula egestas, porta purus sit amet, dictum magna. Aliquam aliquet eros vel odio lacinia, et sollicitudin orci ultrices. Cras nec nisl tellus. Phasellus congue consequat mi a ornare. Praesent id odio a sem placerat venenatis eget in lectus. Phasellus ac finibus ligula. Quisque eget ex nec erat lacinia mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus tempor neque et ipsum facilisis, vel efficitur elit porttitor. Aliquam finibus ipsum dolor, id ornare magna efficitur quis. In sit amet urna lectus. Nulla varius dignissim velit, aliquet scelerisque ante bibendum nec. Pellentesque in interdum nulla. Curabitur tincidunt lorem a urna mattis dictum. Aliquam volutpat laoreet gravida. Phasellus facilisis nisl ut ante commodo, at malesuada eros malesuada. Nunc porttitor, sem et bibendum sodales, nulla nulla tincidunt ligula, dictum laoreet nisl ex eget ipsum. Duis dui purus, tincidunt eu mattis sit amet, iaculis sit amet erat. Praesent faucibus orci vel consequat tincidunt. Nulla laoreet nec elit vitae pulvinar. Integer bibendum elit ac blandit lacinia. Mauris ultricies viverra enim id placerat. Nunc ac elit sapien. Vestibulum vel laoreet orci. Nulla sed mi id nunc pretium mollis et sit amet urna. |
![]() ![]() "I know I used to be crazy Messed up, but, God, was it fun I know I used to be wild That's 'cause I used to be young" ![]() ![]() |