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The Golden Tether |
༺NAME༻ Vale ༺ALIGNMENT༻ Chaotic Neutral |
Corrupted Ethereal ༺TIME༻ 864 years |
Alias: Dystopian Full Name: Vale Ethera Luneiska Pronunciation: Va-ale E-theer-a Lune-ish-kaa Nickname(s): Vale, Dys Gender ♂ Male Sexuality: Greyromantic Pansexual Non-Monogamous, but attached. Age 864 years appears 40 Scent Peppermint and Cardamom. InDepth Dimensions Body Type: Mesomorph Unkempt, though not mangy looking. Suave. Height: 6'4" (193 cm) Weight: 197 lbs (89 kg) Colors » Left Eye: ( ██ ) » Right Eye: ( ██ ) » Hair: ( █ ) » Skin: ( █ ) » Blood: ( ██ ) Scars Flesh appears flawless until enraged. Left eye covered with jagged vertical slash. Back covered with large, 'X' shaped scar tissue. Wardrobe Ruby, loose fitting shirt. Black pants. Black Shirt. Black Pants. White Overcoat. Red Sash (not pictured) (X) Black Shirt. Black Pants. (X) Presentation Charismatic, suave and laid back until he becomes enraged or something triggers his more emotionally fueled side. Machiavellian almost, with no regard for life except for those he can use for his own advantage. Extremely proud, he refuses to show his true caring side easily. Family Sister(s) » Snow (Twin) Brother(s) » Avalon (Younger), Nectere (Younger) Interests » Chocolate Milk » Thunderstorms. » Dusk and dawn, when the sky pinkens. » Delights in all forms of art, music and reading. » Sundering those who fall under his judgement as such. » The chase. Dislikes » Loud and obnoxious people. » Crowds, unless he is the center of attention. » Being pissed off. » Those that ruin his fun. Drawbacks » Defaults to anger at times, especially when other methods are available. » Obsesses. » Could not care less about humanity at times. » Emotional baggage. Quirks » Alcohol seems to affect him only at his own leisure. Diet Carnivore Skills Domestic Read »Yes Write » Yes Survival Hand to hand combat. Basic weaponmanship. Magical see abilities Items » ![]() » Silver Blade » Tiny pouches filled with jewels and various herbs. » Near endless supply of heavily soaked peppermint cigarettes. » Small supply of lightly spiced cigarettes. They seem to be special to him. Language spoken Trilingual Common | Feral | Ethereal Residence Suite within the Tether. "Room 345" Occupation Sentinel of the Winter Pack |
H A R A C T E R D E T A I L S |
Personality ⮞ Suave. Debonair. Controlled. Mutt reflects one who believes they are of higher intelligence than others around them. This inaccuracy will continue onward until he has been proven otherwise, be it through action or word. Moments of silence for this dog are few and far between, always having something to say even in the stressful of situations. Always presenting others with a mask, he hides his true self behind a wall of mystery and bravado. This means he can be cruel. He can be ruthless. However, this is all an echo to the trauma his life has presented for him. Once he may have been even caring, but that is few and far between in Vale's life now. Yet, if one is able to see behind that mask, to get into his true souls, they will be beholden to a completely different being. One of ruthless loyalty that will do everything within their power to do what needs to be done. To protect. To even love. | Negatives ⮞ Whoo, a bit of them. But who doesn't have their drawbacks? Vale once was a completely different being, one filled with hope and laughter. Though one day that all changed, one day something tragic befell the beastie and his life was turned upside down. Now he harbors a resentment for all of humanity, at least to some degree. However, he cannot help but attempt to piece back his shattered life. Even if the pieces cut him, he will glue them back into place. One. At. A. Time. It doesn't help than he can be extremely obsessive when he takes a liking to something. Let it not be said that he will not go out of his way to get what he wants. He has a tendency to not know when to shut up as well, but that is just part of his mask. Part of who he is now. |
Mental State (79%) ⮞ Filled to the brim with emotions that he has not yet been able to sort through, this beastie has a lot on his mind at one given time. Though one of his quirks is the ability to not show this side of him. Mentally, he is completely off. Not insane, but nor is he completely sane either. There is something about him that presents itself in a manifestation of cool, suave behavior. But it's all a front. While at times he can move between one extreme to another, he is rather put together for the trauma that he has been through. Demented, perhaps. But there is always a smile on those features. In the end, he keeps his truest thoughts to himself, as it should be. | Physical State (92%) ⮞ Hm, it's a state - and its physical at times. While having a tendency to seem as though he is unbreakable, that is certainly not the case. Those close to him have the ability to actually get through to who he truly is, deep inside. His form, actually chosen by himself, fits who and what he does as he does it. While strength reigns over his speed, he does have a tendency to let his words be his actions more than not. While his physical prowess is nothing to scoff at, his true ability is in his magic. Corrupted as it is, it truly speaks out louder than any punch he could ever do. All in all, Vale is fine when it comes to physical ability, but its nothing to get overly excited over either. |
⮞ Ethereal Essence ⮜ Vale, despite his appearance, is a conglomeration of thousands of souls put together to form one being. He does not bleed, but instead oozes an essence that appears bright cyan to the natural eye. This liquid, aptly named, stems from the Ethereal plane of existence. It has many properties, such as extreme healing as well as a strange uniqueness not yet explored. However, Vale's essence has been corrupted. It is unknown what impact this has on his essence as a whole. |
⮞ Healing ⮜ The raw energy that courses through this mutt's body is what maintains his form through wound after wound. He is in a constant state of repair due to the damage inflicted on his very souls, causing him to nearly always be in some kind of pain. However, his healing ability trumps this discomfort. Near mortal wounds can be healed to some extent, though there is no instant, painless, process for this being. |
⮞ Longevity ⮜ Vale's lifespan is nearly endless with who and what he truly is. However, this does not mean he cannot be killed, persay. While a true end number cannot be placed upon him, his life is greatly increased beyond what most would consider natural. As his souls are constantly being recycled in a normal state of repair, death for him is quite far off. Unless it is prematurely ended, of course. |
⮞ Ethereal Aura ⮜ Those who are sensitive to it may feel the uniqueness that this creature puts off. Vale is by no means one of the rarest beings in existence, though he certainly isn't common either. His aura, which surrounds him at all times, has a tendency to pick up on the emotions of others. While normally this would be reflected and amplified through his own personality, the corruption he has went through has undermined this substantially. Those who know of the Ethereal Plane and the beings that exist there may immediately know what Vale is just by this aura. But otherwise, most go unawares. It is unknown what true abilities this presents as of current writing. |
⮞ Soul Scent ⮜ This mutt has an extremely sensitive nose, even if he is of the canid variety. But his abilities go beyond simple smells in the air, no this beastie can actually scent one's soul. A remnant of his ethereal powers before corruption, this ability is not selectively controlled. In fact, Vale has no control over it at all. Hence why he carries with him mint cigarettes that overwhelm the senses. It enables him to focus even in the most difficult of situations. There are many different smells when it comes to scenting a soul, though the most common is the strong stench of copper when one has been through enough trauma. A pure soul smells of nothing, nearly undetectable to the mutt. It is between these two extremes that Vale must always sort through, even if the air around him is not befouled. |
⮞ Teleportation ⮜ Be it an innate ability, or a side effect of his corruption, Vale can warp the aether within his body to displace his existence. Of course this has its limitations, taxing his body as well as overwhelming his senses. There are also contingencies to such an extreme ability. For one cannot traverse where they have not been, nor can the distance be too great. |