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Played by a verified adult
The Realm of Dreams |
Somjit Vipavakit and Chaniporn (played by Samiakki) | |
"Somjit is not always easy to get along with, but no friendship is perfect. Except her friendship with her familiar, Chaniporn. Those two are like soul sisters, except one of them is a cat." |
Zhou Yanfeng (played by Samiakki) | |
"I cherish Yanfeng. I'll do anything to see him safe and happy." |
Roy Boyle (played by Samiakki) | |
"Roy's a bit. . . out there, but I like him as a friend all the same." |
Connor King (played by Samiakki) | |
"I trust him. He's a great source of guidance and will be a great Guildmaster. Wherever he leads us, I will follow." |
Batman (played by Jabberwookie) | |
"Despite being my mentor, I would not say I am close to Batman in any capacity. Perhaps I do not even understand him. . . but I will someday. He is Chief of Security and therefor my boss, after all. I must put in the effort to do so." |
Gyeon Taeyong (played by Samiakki) | |
"Gyeon is a senior Exorcist that I've come to respect. Maybe even fear, in a way. . . He's too keen. Especially during mahjong matches." |
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