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❇Age 22 ❇Eye color Nordic Blue ❇ Hair color/Body Color Holographic Black ❇Skin Color Blue |
❇Gender Female ❇Sexuality Straight ❇Height 5'8" ❇Alignment Neutral good |
❇Occupation Hireable: Bookkeep, Sleep counselor. ❇Relationship status Forbidden ❇Species Unicorn (Friesian) ❇Horn Blue Opal |
"How may I serve?" | "I might do that" | *Hard Slap Across face* | Seeking |
"How may I serve?"
"I might do that"
*Hard Slap Across face*
❇Phobias Autophobia ❇Presentation Clean Graceful Sweet-smelling ❇Likes A good book Quiet evenings Polite People |
❇Conditions None to date ❇Attitude "I know things" ❇Dislikes Arrogance Politics in bed Loud noises |
❇Afflictions None to date ❇Knowledge Reading Writing Massage/Grooming ❇Diet Herbivore |